The tannin content of coffee makes it a light stain remedy, because Tannin is a color -intensive, naturally occurring dye that occurs in many plants, including tea, red wine and chocolate. This fabric is easily discolored by textiles, which is why it is important to know efficient techniques for stain removal. Would you also like to remove fresh or dried coffee stains?
If you start your day with a cup of coffee, you will almost certainly experience the inconveniences of drops and spots. Especially on light fabrics, coffee often leaves heavy, unsightly stains. But don't worry! These stains can usually be removed with some simple cleaning methods and means that you probably already have.
Remove coffee stains - helpful tips and effective home remedies
The good news is that coffee stains are not permanent when you know what to do and act quickly after a buried drink. Your chances of success are much higher if you treat the stain as quickly as possible, regardless of whether it is the padding of your car, your clothes, your furniture or carpet.
Elimination of old coffee stains on clothing
It happens again and again: On the day you put on your best, white shirt, t-shirt or your favorite sweater, you spill your coffee over yourself.
You should remove the stains immediately:
- Salt: sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the spot. The larger the amount of salt, the deeper it penetrates the material. Wipe the place with a dry cloth or a paper towel after a few minutes. Removing the excess liquid prevents the stain from spreading.
- Baby powder: You don't have salt at hand? You can also use baby powder.
Here you can find out how you can treat your clothes at home and get rid of the stubborn spot forever.
First wipe off the stain from the cotton clothing. As many coffee residues should be vacuumed as possible. To dab, moisturize a clean towel with cold water. Another option is the pretreatment of spots with a stain remover before washing. Then drive with yoursnormal wash routineFort. If your coffee contained milk, a milk alternative or sugar, you should use a detergent that contains stain -fighting enzymes.
Synthetic materials:
To remove stains made of synthetic materials, moisten a clean cloth with cold water and dab the area. First insert the object in a mixture of a liter of warm water, half a teaspoon of dishwasher (no detergent) and a tablespoon of white vinegar. The garment should then be rinsed out with warm water. You can dab the remaining stain with a sponge. Repeat the rinsing with warm water.
You can also try these natural means:
- toothpaste
Use only white toothpaste for the beginning. Due to their peeling properties, toothpaste can be used to remove stubborn stains by simply rubbing them over the affected area. If necessary, repeat the process.
- baking powder
Make a paste made of baking powder and water. Use them as a stain remover and scrub it until the stain has disappeared. Rinse the garment with cold water.
- egg yolk
An unusual method, but many certify a good effect when removing spots. First mix an egg yolk with a whisk. Work it in the spot for 1 or 2 minutes with a cloth. If you rinse it well, the stain should be gone. Please note that the clothes until washinga smellhas.
- Shaving foam
Shaving foam can be used to remove stains because it contains many of the same components as soap.
- Homemade paste
Mix detergent, vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Apply the paste to the dirty area and then clean it with an old toothbrush.
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Cleaning upholstered furniture and sofas after spilled coffee
First remove as much of the liquid spot as possible by dab the area with paper towels or a dry rag. Then try a combination of moist and dry: Mix a cleaning solution from a tablespoon of detergent, a tablespoon of vinegar and 250 ml of water. Apply the solution to the piece of furniture by dab it off with a rag. Then wipe the area until it is dry. The method must be repeated until the stain has disappeared.
How do you get coffee stains from carpets?
The earlier the stains are treated on the carpet, the better the results.
- Vinegar
Use a mixture of the same parts of white vinegar and water to remove the stain with a cloth. Since the smell of the vinegar may still continue, you shouldThe carpetClean a second time with the product that you usually use.
- Bier
A tiny amount of beer poured onto a carpet with coffee stains can help, as bizarre as it may sound. Carefully rub the beer into the stain, rinse it out and repeat the process if necessary.
Remove coffee stains from the wall
Dishwasher should be enough to remove most coffee stains. Applying the cleaning agent with a soft brush is the key to removing coffee spots. Work carefully, otherwise you can leave traces on the wall if you exert more pressure. Then take a damp towel to hand and clean the area before let it dry.
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