Cleaning carpets with washing powder: Is it possible and what other home remedies are suitable for it?

How to clean the carpet quickly and easily? How can unpleasant smells be removed from carpet? You can keep it fresh and clean with washing powder and a few other home remedies.

Carpets often require a deeper cleaning that a vacuum cleaner cannot provide. The device removes the loose dirt, but the carpet fibers should also be cleaned. With simple washing powder and a few other home remedies you canClean carpetand you get it fresh and free of residue.

Carpets are a wonderful addition to any home, but they are one of the most difficult floor coverings to clean. We all know that after cleaning with a chemical detergent, an unpleasant smell remains that we breathe. Since these cleaning products can cause allergies and are particularly harmful to children, it is much better to use products that are least harmful to our health. Below we explain to you,which home remedies are suitablededicated to keeping your carpet fresh and clean.

Dry treatment with washing powder

Dry treatment with washing powder is a good way to clean your carpet if it is made of delicate fabrics and should not be washed.

Simply sprinkle the powder generously over the carpet and let it sit for 30 minutes. If you can leave it overnight,there will be the stainssoften and absorb the smells much better.

Then vacuum up the powder.

Clean carpet with washing powder and water

Another effective method is to first sprinkle the carpet with washing powder and then scrub it with warm water and a brush. Just be careful not to scrub too hard to avoid damaging the fibers.

Then use a clean cloth to absorb the excess moisture from the carpet to help it dry faster too.

Homemade carpet cleaner

A homemade carpet cleaner is much cheaper and much less harmful than most commercial products because it does not contain any harmful chemicals. And best of all, it cleans your carpet really effectively. Just keep in mind what type of washing powder is best for your carpet.

For this you need:

  • 1 THE Backpulver
  • 80 ml white vinegar
  • Hot water (60°C)
  • 1 EL Waschpulver

This is how the cleaning agent is made:

  • Put the baking soda and vinegar in a spray bottle and fill it with hot water. Add the washing powder and shake the solution well until the washing powder dissolves.
  • Then spray the carpet with the cleaner, paying special attention to the stained areas. Let the solution sit for 5-10 minutes and scrub the carpet with a stiff brush.
  • Then spray the carpet with clean water and scrub it again.

What other home remedies are suitable for cleaning carpets?

To clean your carpet, you don't necessarily have to buy expensive commercial products. You will be surprised at what miracles you can achieve with the right home remedies.

Clean with baking soda

Similar to dry treatment with washing powder, you can also use baking soda for this. It is very important to test the color fastness and only use this method on dry carpets. It is perfect for removing unpleasant odors from the carpet.

Simply sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire carpet and let it sit for 15 minutes. Vacuum the carpet as usual.

Remove stubborn stains with baking soda

Stubborn stains such as red wine stains can be easily removed with baking soda. But remember that itfor greasy stainsis not as effective.

Sprinkle a generous amount over the stain. Dampen a rag with hot water, squeeze it, and cover the stain and baking soda.

Let the baking soda sit for at least three hours. Then remove the rag and vacuum the area. Repeat the process until the stain disappears.

Treat stains with shaving cream

Shaving cream is another inexpensive way to remove a variety of carpet stains that is also very effective on grease stains. But before you treat the stain, do a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet to make sure the shaving cream doesn't cause discoloration.

Spray the stainwith shaving foam andlet it sit for 30 minutes to give it enough time to absorb and dissolve the stain. You can also scrub the foam into the stain a little to work it between the fibers.

Then blot the stain with a clean, damp cloth and allow it to dry.

Also read:Removing candle wax from carpet: How to get your carpet clean again!