It's finally cherry seasonand we all can't wait to enjoy these delicious fruits. But especially when you use them for jam, compote, cakes and other delicacies where you need large quantities, removing the stones turns out to be a tiresome task. For one thing, you can use a corer, but what if you don't have one of those at home? The knife is also our good friend, but each cherry must first be halved with it, which is still the quickest and easiest method. But are there a few other tricks and tools that can help? How can you pit cherries? We have put together some hacks that will make the task easier. This is how you can pit cherries without a pitter:
Pitting cherries with a bottle and straw
How do you pit cherries with a bottle? All you need is a clean glass bottle as wella chopstick. Place the cherry on the bottle opening - with the hole where the stem was facing up. Then press the stick down through this hole. At the same time, you also press the core down, which then falls into the bottle.
In this way you can also pit cherries with a PET bottle. The only important thing is that you use a bottle whose opening is not too large so that you can place the cherries without them falling through the hole. Or don't you have a chopstick? Then you can instead pit the cherries with a straw that you use in the same way.
How about you make one from the collected coresMake your own cherry stone pillow?
Pit cherries with a hairpin
A great household tip for pitting cherries is the following, for which you need one in addition to a hairpinneed corks. The latter provides a better grip, but can also be omitted. Insert the two ends of the hairpin into the cork, while the loop on the other side helps pull the stone out of the cherry. Since the cherries are quite soft and can be crushed with this method, it helps to freeze them a little in advance.
Pitting cherries – Trick for pitting cherries with a paper clip
Another household tip for pitting cherries is the paper clip. Many people find this trick to be even better than using the hairpin, and some even prefer it to using the cherry pitter. Here's how you can easily pit cherries with a paper clip: As you know, the paper clip has two loops. Bend the inner one upwards and then use the other one as a handle. As with the hairpin, stick the loop into the cherry from above so that it runs to the side of the pit. Hook the core with the loop and pull it upwards out of the hole.
Find out what else you can use paper clips forin this article.
Pit cherries in the Thermomix
Yes, you actually canwith the ThermomixPit cherries. So if you want to save time or just don't feel like pitting the cherries by hand, this device is a great helper. However, keep in mind that the fruits will be severely damaged. If you want to decorate a cake or a cake with them, they are no longer suitable for this purpose. If, on the other hand, they are used for jams, jams, compotes or to be incorporated into desserts, you can pit cherries with this machine - in a matter of seconds. It is important that you do not set a level that is too high when pitting cherries in the Thermomix. Otherwise you risk that the seeds will also be crushed. Choose level 4 at most.
Pitting after processing
If youCook cherry jamIf you want to, you don't necessarily have to pit the cherries in advance. Since you don't need the pulp in this case, the cherries can be pitted by boiling. Most of the seeds come off during the cooking process. Loosen the remaining ones by straining them through a coarse salad sieve using a dough card. If there is still a lot of pulp stuck to some of them, you can boil them again and repeat the whole thing. In the end, you'll end up with fruit juice left over, which you can process into jam as usual using a gelling agent.
With a nozzle
If you love baking and decorating your desserts, you probably have a fewGrommets in the house. Perfect, because it's also a great way to remove the stones from the fruit. Place the nozzle in a bowl and simply press the cherry onto the tip. The core then comes out of the top and you can easily remove it. Just try and see whether the task is better with a sharper or wider nozzle. This could depend on the firmness of the fruit.
By the way, you can also pit sour cherries using the tricks mentioned.