If you want to declutter and improve the functionality of your home, you need the KonMari method of decluttering in your life! Today we want to share with you eight tips that will help you declutter your kitchen the Marie Kondo way.
In our opinion, the best thing about the KonMari method is that it focuses on what to keep and what to throw away. Instead of focusing on throwing things away, the KonMari Method is about consciously choosing things that bring joy.
Furthermore, isthis methodfor those of us who live with the daily challenges that small apartments bring, ideal for reducing clutter and improving functionality.
1. Have boxes ready to sort your mess
You can streamline the entire KonMari process by having boxes ready to collect the junk as you discard it. Depending on what you have available, you can choose between cardboard boxes or plastic containers.
Label your boxes:
Throw away/recycle
Items that are in good condition can be sold - even if the condition is not perfect!
2. Empty everything and place it on the floor
Remove all items from your cabinets and place them on the floor or counter to sort. Depending on how large the space you are working with, items may be scattered here and there, and that's okay! Everything should be taken out at once!
3. Don't forget to sort groceries
The items in the pantry and refrigerator should also be sorted. All dry foods, spices and seasonings must be removed and placed on the floor or counter.
4. Recognize attachment versus joy
This is where things start to get really exciting! You have to pick up each item and ask yourself, “Does this bring joy?” If the answer is no, then goodbye, it should work! Place the item in the designated disposal box.
Not sure what your joy might feel like?Marie Kondo advises, to start with an item that is very close to your heart - an item that you know will be a definite yes!
One study showed that people who held a coffee cup in their hand for a long period of time were later willing to pay 60% more for that cup! The more you handle an object, the more attached you are to it. But that doesn't mean it brings you joy!
5. Clean your cupboards as soon as they are empty
Take a moment to vacuum your cabinets with a handheld vacuum and wipe them down with a solution of vinegar and water. Allow them to dry completely. Enjoy the cleanliness.
6. Clean up and organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo
Especially in small kitchens, kitchen organization can feel like a game of Tetris – everything has to have its place and fit just right to maintain an organized space. If you are the first fewKonMari stepsDone correctly, you should have fewer items to return to your closets.
After getting rid of so many items, you need to completely rethink how you arrange the items in your closets! The best way is to start with the things you know only have a place in your kitchen. Once you've replaced these things, you should re-evaluate everything else. Don’t be afraid to switch things up and experiment!
7. Use vertical storage if necessary
Marie Kondo mentions this tip in her book and we totally agree: vertical storage is a MUST for an efficient kitchen. She lifts a cake plate and some utensils, giving a little more floor space. Don't you feel happier when you see this?
8. Use what you already have to eliminate clutter
One thing we love about Marie Kondo is that she makes decluttering accessible to everyone. She emphasizes that you don't need fancy containers to keep your closets clean and organized. She even encourages you to use boxes and things you just have lying around!
A problem that we are inour cupboardsoften bump into each other is the so-called “floating bags” phenomenon. Bags of sugar, of snacks, of flour, so many bags just floating around and being pushed here and there. The solution? Shoeboxes! This is one of Kondo's favorite organizing tools. And your closets will immediately feel more organized!
We hope you enjoyed this guide to decluttering your kitchen the Marie Kondo way.