What helps remove beetroot stains? This will keep your hands, clothes and cutting board clean again

Beets not only taste great - their bright purple-red color makes any meal look appetizing and colorful. And thatBeetroot juicebrings many health benefits. Unfortunately, if you eat beetroot regularly, it is quite likely that sooner or later some of the red juice will accidentally end up on your clothes or tablecloth. And while it's interesting to know that beetroot can be used as a natural and permanent dye, that's probably not one of the qualities you're looking for in a stain - especially if all you really want is it get rid of it quickly. Read the best tips and methods on how to remove beetroot stains here.

Beetroot stains on your hands? These home remedies help

Because of its intense natural dyes, beetroot colors everything it touches - from hands to clothing to the surface on which it is worked. You can remove beetroot stains from your fingers using a few simple methods.

  • If your hands have not been in contact with the purple beet for too long, it is often enough to move them alongWater and soapto wash. Massage the soap well and let it take effect briefly.
  • Have several beets for onehealthy saladcut or grated, then the stains on the fingers are more stubborn. To remove them, simply rub your hands with somethinglemon juicea. This means the color fades faster and your fingers get clean quickly. Then apply a nourishing hand cream.
  • The enzymes and the starch inraw potatoesare great for removing food stains, including those from beetroot, from the skin. To do this, cut a raw potato in half, dip it in kosher salt and scrub the stains under running water. It should only take a minute or two to completely remove the discoloration.

Tip: The problem of food discoloration on your hands can be easily prevented if you wear kitchen gloves.

How beetroot removes stains from clothing and textiles

Beetroot stains are the most difficult to remove from clothing and other textiles. Difficult but not impossible. The first thing you need to do is remove any remaining beet residue so as not to make the discolored area larger. Use a dull knife or the edge of a spoon to do this.Don't rub, otherwise you can spread the stain and push the dye deeper into the fabric fibers. Blot the wet spot with a clean white paper towel or even a slice of white bread to absorb as much liquid as possible.

Then you must immediately remove the stain from the wrong side of the fabricRinse under cold running waterto squeeze out the dye. If you are on the go, mineral water is also suitable. Only then can youTreat stain.

With old or verystubborn stainsyou need the fabric firstsoaking. To do this, place the textiles in a water bath and let them soak for a few hours or overnight. You can also add half a packet of baking soda to the water bath.

How to treat the stains?

If the discoloration does not go away after rinsing, you will need to treat it further. You can do thatchemical cleanerssuch as oxygen bleach, chlorine bleach (only for white textiles) and stain removers or varioushome remediesuse. Among the best of themLemon juice, baking soda, shaving cream and gall soap. But be careful: In order not to damage the textiles, try the selected stain remover on a hidden area first. Do not try to remove stains from sensitive fabrics yourself, but take them to the dry cleaner.

First treat the stain by spraying or dousing it with the selected (home) remedy. Leave on for at least 15 minutes and then rinse under cold water. Then wash the garment as usual.

But: If you use gall soap, do not rinse with water, but rather put the garment directly in the washing machine.

Remove beetroot stains from carpet

Have you stained your favorite carpet with beetroot? If you act quickly, you can get the stains out. How to proceed:

  • First you need to squeeze as much of the red juice as possiblesuck up. To do this, use an absorbent cloth or a piece of kitchen paper.
  • Then pour somemineral wateron the stain and leave to act briefly if necessary.
  • Atfresh stainsthen blot with a cleanMicrofiber clothfrom the outside to the inside until the stain disappears.
  • Old stains, which do not disappear with mineral water, you should take them with youCarpet cleaner, an Oxi product or special stain remover. Use one toobrush, so that the discoloration can be solved more easily. Allow the cleaning agent to take effect.
  • Finally, blot with a cloth until the stain and cleaning agent completely disappear.

You can also use the same methods on various upholstered furniture such as sofas, chairs and armchairs.

Remove beetroot stains from wood or plastic

The beetroot also leavesTraces on the cutting board, which cannot always be removed with water and detergent. To get rid of stubborn discoloration, you can do the following:

  • Treat the wooden or plastic cutting board with somethinglemon juiceand leave it on for 30 minutes. Then wash the board or surface.
  • To remove dyes from various surfaces, you can use a pasteBaking powder or baking sodaand water and use it to treat the beetroot stains on the wooden or plastic cutting board. Let the home remedy work for 5-10 minutes and then clean the board with a brush.
  • Give somethingVinegaror even better, apply vinegar essence to the red spots and let the home remedy take effect for a quarter of an hour. Rinse the cutting board thoroughly and say goodbye to the red stains.

Tip: Instead of washing the cutting board every now and then or treating it later with various home remedies for stains, we have a better idea: spray the cutting board lightly before cuttingKochspray. Thanks to this thin coating, the stains disappear more easily and completely after cutting the beetroot.

General tips for beetroot stains

Follow the tips below if you want to completely remove stubborn beetroot stains.

  • Act as quickly as possible. The longer the stain remains on a fabric or surface, the more difficult it is to remove.
  • First, vacuum up as much of the stain as possible.
  • For textiles, always wash the stain under clean, cold water before treatment.
  • If you want to remove beetroot stains from clothing or other textiles, always read the label first before treating the stain. For sensitive fabrics, it is better to rely on professional cleaning.