Make your own mold remover home remedies – This is how you can fight bacteria in the bathroom without chemicals

There are a few simple options for using home remedies instead of store-bought products for a mold remover. Cleaning products containing chemicals are not recommended for your lungs or your wallet. Skip these toxic substances by making your own highly effective tub and tile cleaner. A simple ingredient like white distilled vinegar is perfect for this. This solution kills mold, but cannot remove the mold stains. But you can get rid of these quickly with a little hard work and a household cleaner. Here are some useful cleaning tips that can help you.

Why you should use home remedies for a mold remover

White distilled vinegar is the most common and cheapest household helper available. The product often contains 5 percent acetic acid. It is primarily the high acidity of vinegar that helps eliminate bacteria that cause mold and mildew. The acid also inhibits future bacterial development and can dissolve rust and limescale deposits on your bathroom fittings. At the same time, the vinegar cleaner aromatizes the bathroom, although it can stink at first. The smell of vinegar will disappear as soon as it dries. While such a home remedy works wonders for mold and mildew, it is also aexcellent all-purpose cleaner. Additionally, you can use it to clean many surfaces in your home.

However, the acid in vinegar can also cause someMaterials such as marble, limestone, granite and hardwood can attack, etch or appear dull. Therefore, always test on one spot before using it. Also, be careful not to let the vinegar touch the edges of your bathtub or nearby floors. These could possibly be made of one of the materials mentioned. Do not use pure vinegar without water to clean surfaces as it is acidic and can corrode porous grout lines. Also keep the stuff out of the reach of children and pets. As with any cleaning product, avoid all contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin.

Instructions and required ingredients

Don't use empty bottles from old cleaning products for your mixture. Instead, purchase a new spray bottle if you use home remedies for your homemade mold remover. When mixing or cleaning with vinegar (or another cleaner), make sure your bathroom is well ventilated. To do this, open the window whenever possible, unless it is windy outside, as it can blow in spores inside. Otherwise, you can also turn on the fan. For the recipe you will need spray bottle, hard bristle brush, rubber gloves (optional), safety glasses (optional), water, white distilled vinegar, essential oils (optional), and plastic bags.

So you can combine home remedies to make your own mold remover

First, combine 1 part water and 1 part vinegar in a spray bottle and shake to mix. Then addessential oilsadded. If the vinegar smell is too strong, add 10 to 30 drops of your favorite essential oil to the spray bottle. Some essential oils that mix well with vinegar include eucalyptus, citrus oils, and a blend of lavender and lemon. When mixing oils, use 10 to 15 drops of each fragrance and then shake the mixture thoroughly. Consider protecting your skin by wearing rubber gloves and eye protection while cleaning with vinegar to avoid splashing the cleaning solution. Spray the solution and soak the moldy surface. However, you can also use a sponge or paper towels and wipe the mold remover onto the surface.

For very moldy surfaces, allow the solution to sit for up to an hour to penetrate the mold. Then wipe the area with a sponge or paper towels. If the grout in your bathroom is of visible types, such aspink moldand mildew, allow the solution to sit for 30 minutes to an hour. Then scrub the solution in with a brush. However, be careful not to damage or chip the mortar. Repeat this step if necessary. Finally, dispose of the sponge, paper towels, and brush in a plastic bag. Seal the bag tightly and throw it away. This will prevent mold spores from contaminating the rest of the house and multiplying.

Further tips if you need a professional

Sometimes mold is not that easy to remove from your bathroom and the source of extreme moisture that is causing the problem, such as: B. a rotted subfloor or wall panel needs to be replaced. If you have mold on the grout surrounding your tub, sink, faucet, or toilet, you can remove the moldy grout. Then sterilize them with vinegar and add your own mold-resistant grout. In the worst case scenario, you can also hire a professional to do it for you. Moldy caulk or a strong musty mold smell could be a symptom of a larger problem in your bathroom. Therefore, it may be best to hire a cleaning professional who knows how to remove and eliminate mold and mildew.