You have noticed a number of strange signs in your home. Yellow stains appear on your clothing and you have discovered small black pellets around the house. Finally, grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast. And the worst thing: the box is crawling with small, creepy insects that run in all directions. That's right, you have a silverfish infestation. You're probably wondering if they're dangerous, why they infest your home, and how to get rid of silverfish. But first of all:
Silverfish are among the most widespread insect pests in the world. Its scientific name is Lepisma saccharinum. They are easy to spot as they have a very distinctive appearance. In the wild, they live in damp, remote places. This can be, for example, under tree bark, stones or leaves. There are several ways they can get into your home. For one thing, they can crawl into the house through the foundation or another opening. They can infest books, paper and other household items.
Are these insects harmful or dangerous?
Silverfish cannot bite humans. They do have jaws that they use to gather food, but they are far too weak to penetrate human skin. Other urban legends about silverfish laying eggs in people's ears or otherwise crawling into body cavities are also false.
How to fight silverfish?
There are some very simple methods to successfully combat silverfish. All you need is persistence until the problem is finally solved.
Fight silverfish with diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is a peculiar, non-toxic method of silverfish control. It is an all-natural powder made from the fossilized remains of diatoms.
Home remedies for insects: essential oils
There are many natural, organic, and non-toxic compounds that repel silverfish. They won't kill them, but they can help you keep the insects away from important food sources. The oils and aroma of bay leaves make them a useful tool for getting rid of these pests. Crush the leaves into small pieces or powder and place these pieces on the paths frequented by the insects.
Fight silverfish with DIY or purchased traps
While silverfish are quite difficult to catch, they are also very predictable. There are several ways to catch them, even without fatal consequences. For example, you can spray some water on a newspaper using a spray bottle. Then wrap the newspaper and place it in an area where the insects congregate. It will attract the insects as it serves as both shelter and a source of food.
Sticky traps are a popular way to hunt and kill all types of pests - from silverfish to giant rats. These traps have a pretty bad reputation when it comes to bugs, as they kill them in a gruesome way, but no one seems to mind when they dobe used against insects. If you want to make your own glue traps, you will need a strong adhesive that you simply spread on a piece of paper or cardboard.
DIY traps made from glass jars: Silverfish are good climbers, but even they cannot walk on vertical glass. A good and simple trap is to take an empty glass jar, tape the outside walls with tape for the insects to climb up, and place a piece of bread inside. The silverfish climb inside the jar to get to the bread, but cannot get out because the inner glass walls of the jar are not covered and remain smooth.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of silverfish is to use commercially available traps. Numerous manufacturers produce suitable traps that attract and poison the animals. Their active ingredient is usually boric acid. Children and animals can get the poison just as easily, so caution is still advised.
Carefully dehumidify the dwellings
If you can figure out where the silverfish come from, you may be able to deprive them of the moisture they need to live. Seal leaky pipes or faucets and cover cracks from which water seeps in.
Seal all cracks and holes
Silverfish often enter homes through tiny cracks, crevices, and other areas. If you find out where they are hiding, you can cover the entrance with plaster. If they enter your home through a hole from the outside, sealing that entrance will also protect you from others enteringPests in your home.
Tips for preventing silverfish infestation
- Store all dry foods in your cupboards in sealed containers.
- Dust your home regularly.
- Remove items with adhesive from your home such as stacks of paper, boxes, or other items that could attract silverfish.
- Store clothing that you won't wear for a while in containers that silverfish can't get into.
- Get rid of leftover food in your home. This is especially important right after eating.
- Get a dehumidifier if you live in a humid climate. Decrease theHumidity in your roomsto 60 percent or less.
- Ventilate all rooms that are warm and humid, especially your bathroom and kitchen.
- Remove piles of brushwood, dead plants, wood, leaves and damp waste from your garden.