What can you do with cherry stones? Here you will find cool tips and ideas for using the kernels!

It's cherry season and that means a bountiful harvest of gorgeous, plump, juicy balls of sweetness. Cherries are delicious summer and stone fruits that belong to the Prunus genus. You shouldn't throw away the cherry pits because you can use them. What can you do with cherry stones? We’ll tell you this below!

Are cherry stones poisonous?

Although you should spit out the pits when eating cherries, it is possible to accidentally swallow a few. Because the seeds of these fruits are said to have poisonous properties, some people are concerned about their safety. Cherry pits contain a toxin called amygdalin, which produces cyanide. If you accidentally swallow a kernel, you probably won't feel any effects, but if you eat enough of it or consume even a crushed kernel, it can be harmful to your health.

Cherries and their pits aren't the only fruits that contain this chemical - other stone fruits, like plums and peaches, as well as the pits of apples also contain amygdalin. It is not the cherry stone that is harmful, but the nut inside the kernel. Therefore, you don't have to worry much about getting sick.

How do you clean and dry cherry pits?

Place the cherry stones in a sieve and rinse thoroughly with water. Use your fingers to remove as much pulp as possible. Then put them in a pot of water and cook for about 30 minutes.

Let the cherries cool. The remaining pulp will then float on top and you can remove it. You may need to work the seeds a little more with your hands to remove any remaining stubborn pulp and to get them clean. Rinse the seeds and drain them in a colander.

Spread the kernels on the racks of a dehydrator or on a baking sheet in the oven (if using an oven, stir occasionally for air flow) and dry for a few hours. Then store them until ready to use.

What can you do with cherry stones? Cherry stone pillow DIY

Cherry stones are better conductors of heat than beans or rice and have been used for therapeutic pillows for years. Save the pits and make your own cherry pit pillows. About 13 – 18 kg of cherries produce enough pitsfor a pillow. If you can't collect enough kernels this year, just save them until next season and add more.

Obtain a sturdy cotton fabric from a fabric store, cut two rectangles, sew three sides closed, fill the pillow with the cherry stones and sew the last side closed. Then you're done. Cherry pit pillows can be used warm or cold: warm them in the microwave or place them in the freezer. Use cherry stone pillows for sore muscles or as a heating pad for your bed.

Dried cherry stones as fuel for pellet stoves or BBQs

Cherry pits make a great alternative fuel for heating your home - you can use them in a pellet stove, but they need to be cleaned, scrubbed and dried first.

You can use the kernels toofor your barbecueuse as fuel and it works great: you even get a nice, smoked flavor. First, dry the cherry pits in a dehydrator. Since dried kernels get very hot and burn slowly, you only need a small amount of charcoal. Place the kernels on the charcoal or wrapped in aluminum foil.

If all else fails, planting your cherry pits is a great way toYour own cherry treesto breed. Simply place two or three seeds in a small container and add your planting medium. Keep the soil moist and once the seedlings are a few inches tall, you can remove the weakest seedlings and leave the strongest seedlings.

Make your own cherry stone liqueur – delicious recipe

If you like to drink a cocktail every now and then, consider making a cherry stone liqueur. This liqueur can also be used in desserts, so don't worry if you're not a big drinker.


  • Kirsch cores
  • vodka
  • additional, whole cherries
  • Kirschsirup


Place the cherry pits and whole cherries in a jar and add enough alcohol to cover the pits. Let it sit in a dark place for about a month. Pour off the liqueur and syrup and mix them. Store the cherry stone liqueur in clean, sterilized bottles.

What can you prepare with cherry stones? Cherry stone syrup

So that youthe delicious recipeTo prepare, you need:


  • 30 – 40 g Kirsch kernel
  • 500 ml water
  • 200g sugar
  • 1/2 TL Vanilleextrakt


Put the cherry stones, water and sugar in a saucepan and melt the sugar. Allow the mixture to simmer gently for 30-40 minutes. You don't need to stir as long as the sugar is melted. When it reaches a syrupy consistency, add the vanilla. Remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool in the refrigerator overnight. Store the seeds and syrup together and simply strain the syrup before using. You can store the syrup for up to three weeks.