How habits keep your household tidy: Useful tricks that make housework easier

How nice it would be if the household took care of itself! Because in contrast to the well-known hit, which says “The little bit of household”, caring for and maintaining what you already have is definitely a full-time job – especially if there are children or animals in the household. And despite all the emancipation, women still do the lion's share of this unpaid care work, often alongside their own professional work.

Routine helps keep your household tidier

Regardless of whether it is aboutThoroughly clean the terrace or balcony before the start of the seasonor about the daily, sustaining actions that prevent you from sinking into chaos - there are a lot of things you can do to make your work easier. Because one thing is certain: Maintaining and providing for a household requires a lot of time. Next to thefair distribution of housework between both partners, and, if there are older children, even for them, you can use methods that still don't allow the household to run "as if on the side", but do become routine. And as we know: everything that is routine gets done quicker because you no longer have to think about it. Like jogging every dayor its alternatives, which can become a habit thanks to routine, can also be used to outwit your weaker self when it comes to household chores.

The two-minute trick

How to keep things tidy by:Ballast-free minimalism à la Marie Kondosets, can be read everywhere. What gets less attention is changing everyday habits. An example: Some people have gotten into the habit of throwing their worn laundry next to the laundry basket in the evening. It wouldn't really take any more effort, and the extra time required would be a fraction of a second to put the laundry directly in the basket. This could prevent unsightly piles and give the bathroom - or wherever the laundry basket is - a neater look. That's why you should get used to the two-minute rule from now on: Any housework that takes less than an estimated two minutes is done as soon as it catches your eye. Hanging up coats lying around and putting away backpacks are no longer an issue.

Everything has its place and another minute trick

One of thebiggest problems in the householdare things lying around. Nothing makes an apartment or house look so untidy as quickly as things that are randomly placed and never put away. Whether the skis are still lying around in the hallway that you never put away after returning from your winter vacation or whether the living room is used to store discarded scratching posts even though you are upA modern cat playground has now been built for the cathas - all these things that have no place cloud your view and your well-being.

It has been proven that the more air you have to breathe, the more relaxing a home is. If you follow the two-minute rule, you can do a lot about the chaos - but in the end you will diea thorough cleaning outDon't get around it, because objects lying around magically attract each other. And the more there is lying around, the harder it is to find the motivation to clean up. That's why it should now apply: Every thing has a place. And after using it, it goes straight back to this place. But what if you simply don't have room for more things? Another rule helps here: For every new thing, an old one (better: two) must go.

In order to gain permanently free space and thus a free spirit, another minute rule can help, in this case the five-minute rule: at a clearly defined point in the day, which can be first thing in the morning, but also right before Dinner or after-work movie,Each family member devotes five minutes to a household task. In five minutes you can vacuum a room, make beds, empty the dishwasher, clean the toilet, etc. With this daily habit, you will no longer accumulate a mountain of work at the weekend and keeping your household tidy will be easier in the future.