French dessert in the glass: How to prepare the divine Île flotant

French cuisine has developed into an art form and is considered one of the most renowned in the world. If there is one thing that you shouldn't miss, it is a divine French dessert in the glass under the name Île Flottante. Behind this poetic name is an even tempting taste of protein balls on crème anglaise, crowned by caramel sauce. You want to try it now, right? Here is the prescription!

French dessert in a glass - recipe for Île Flottante

Photo: Jerome.MOM / Shutterstock

After this classic French treats, not only you, but also your guests will lick your fingers. Here you can find out how to prepare it step by step!

Ingredients and preparation of crème anglaise

  • 500 ml milk
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 120 g of sugar

Bring the milk and vanilla to cook. Then remove the vanilla pod and put the milk to the side. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture has a light color and add the vanilla milk.

Put the mixture back in the pot and bring it to the boil with constant stirring until it thickens. As soon as the cream thickens, take it from the stove and move on for half a minute. Cover with cling film and let cool.

Tipp: If the crème Anglaise has lumps, put it in a blender and puree it.

French dessert in the glass - this is how you prepare the caramel sauce

  • 250 g of sugar
  • 150 ml of water

Place about 50 g of the sugar in a wide pot and melt it over medium heat. Move the pan from time to time (do not stir) so that the sugar is distributed well and melts evenly. As soon as the sugar melted and transparent, add another 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and let it melt it. Gradually add the remaining sugar. Let it take a bright color at the end, i.e. caramelize. Take the pan from the stove, delete it with water immediately and cover it. Let it simmer until it becomes syrupy and then cool down.

Île Flottante - you need that for the protein ball

  • 4 protein
  • 30 g of sugar
  • 500 ml of water
  • 250 ml milk
  • 1 - 2 tablespoons of chopped almonds to sprinkle

Beat the egg whites to stiff snow. Then add the sugar with constant stirring. Continue to stir until the mass is firm. Bring the water and milk to a boil in a wide pot. Pour a tablespoon of protein into the milk water and let it cook on both sides for 1 minute. Take them out with a foam spoon and put them on a plate. Cook the protein balls one after the other.

How do you serve the dessert

Spoon the crème Anglaise in the shells shortly before serving. Align the protein balls on it. Garnish with the caramel sauce and almond leaves.

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