Make grape juice yourself: fresh or cooked – get to know all the methods and enjoy the healthy fruits!

What could be tastier than homemade grape juice on hot days! You can easily make a refreshing and healthy drink and also store it for later use. We'll show you how to make grape juice yourself!

The easiest way to make grape juice is to squeeze the fresh grapes using a device or by hand and consume the juice fresh. So healthy and delicious! You can also cook the grapes and preserve them in mason jars. So you have the juice for a longer time! Follow our step-by-step guide!

Health Benefits of Grape Juice

Grapes are packed with healthy flavonoids, antioxidants and various vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and manganese. Fresh grape juice is also particularly known for its positive effects on the heart, namely maintaining healthy blood pressure, reducing the risk of blood clots, and keeping blood vessels healthy. Grape juice can also support immune function and digestion.

Make boiled grape juice yourself: step-by-step instructions

This is a quick way to process the healthy fruits and store them for later. To make homemade grape juice, you will need the following equipment:

  • Sterilized mason jars and lids
  • Measuring cup
  • Tea kettle (you can also boil the water on the stove or using any other method you prefer).
  • Never:
  • large pot for preserving the jars
  • Fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth


4 kg of freshly picked grapes

Instructions for preparation:

  • Wash and destem the grapes.
  • Place them in a bowl filled with water and mash them with a potato masher so that the juice begins to flow. Work in batches if you have a lot of grapes.
  • Cook the grapes by placing them in a large stock pot. Bring the grapes and juice to a slow simmer over medium heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. Puree a little more halfway through the cooking time.
  • Take another large pot and place a large, fine-mesh sieve over it. Make sure the pot is placed on a plate to catch any juice that may overflow.
  • Pour the grape mixture over the fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth and strain. Leave to rest in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight to allow the juice to drain completely.
  • Then remove your strainer and pour the juice into containers.Enjoy your juice!

How do you make fresh juice

There are some simple ways to make fresh grape juice yourself. Here we show the most common methods. From 0.5 kg of grapes you get about 1.5 cups of juice. Fresh juice is very healthy and is perfect for the summer and fall months. Young and old enjoy the refreshing drink!

Recommended equipment (for the different methods).You can use any of the following devices depending on your preferences, all methods are perfect for making grape juice:

  • Juicer
  • Blender/food processor
  • Nut milk bag
  • Potato masher

Instructions for preparation:

Prepare the grapes by washing and destemming them. Then you can work them with a juicer, a blender, a nut milk bag or a potato masher, like this:

Insert juicer:

You can easily juice the grapes using a juicer. The device naturally filters out the pulp and seeds so thatUse the juice immediatelycan.

Making fresh juice with a blender:

Place the grapes in your food processor or blender and puree until as smooth as possible. Then strain the juice through a sieve or a nut milk bag. You will make your work easier if you add a small amount of water to the jug.

Using a Potato Masher:

This is also a simple method. Place the washed grapes in a large bowl. Using the potato masher, mash the grapes as much as possible into a fine paste. Pour the juice through a sieve or nut milk bag to separate it from the pulp.

The nut milk bag method:

Add the grapes to the nut milk bag in batches and squeeze them with your hands by crushing them with your fingers. Making your juice is so easy.

Note: You can adjust the sweetness to your liking: depending on the type of grape you use, you may want to add some sweetener. With green grape juice, e.g. B. a small amount of sugar may be required.

How to store the juice

You should store the grape juice in the refrigerator. If you make fresh juice, you must use it within 4-5 days. Unsealed jars of cooked juice should be stored in the refrigerator and used within 3 weeks. Can you freeze grape juice? While this is technically possible, the thawed juice loses quite a bit of flavor.

How can you preserve grape juice? Properly sealed and processed jars of homemade grape juice should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place for up to a year.