The kitchen trends for 2017 – More openness and flowing transitions

If you believe trend researcher Frank A. Reinhardt, classic cuisine will suffer the same fate as the Walkman, the VW Beetle or the floppy disk in the next few years: they will hardly exist anymore. By classic kitchen, Reinhardt means the fitted kitchen that is spatially separated from the rest of the apartment and is installed in a rather small room to save as much space as possible. The current trend is to install an open kitchen that flows smoothly into the dining room - which in turn has no partition wall towards the living room. This creates a generously sized area in which communal life takes place in the house. Now the question arises: What will the kitchen of the future look like? Find out more about the kitchen trends of 2017!

Kitchen trends 2017 – Dare to be more open

One thing first: the kitchen will not lose its status as the center of social life. Rather, it is reinforced by the new interior design, as you no longer isolate yourself when cooking, but rather prepare meals in the middle of the living room.

However, the kitchen will lose its traditional look. Opaque cabinets with often rather cool fronts are a thing of the past, as is the absolute focus on functionality. Instead, as part of the living area, the kitchen is arranged so that the furniture matches that in the rest of the room. Showcases with glass fronts or open shelves are increasingly being used to store plates, pots, etc. Kitchen utensils are not previously hidden, but rather integrated into the overall design concept.

Smooth transitions in every respect

Not only are the transitions between the different areas fluid, but also those in terms of design. If you only looked at the furniture used, you wouldn't be able to tell which piece belongs to which area in various households. Providers likexxxlutz.dehave already started offering perfectly matching pieces of furniture with which the combined dining-living-cooking area can be completely furnished.

This trend – away from the functional and towards the cozy – will only increase in the next few years until, according to Reinhardt, “the typical terms living room or kitchen will eventually disappear”.

Kitchen trends 2017 – Cooking takes place in the middle

The fact that the cooking area is becoming increasingly spacious and spacious as a result of these developments also opens up completely new possibilities when it comes to the constellation of the individual components. The differences between then and now can be seen most clearly in the position of the stove or hobs.

They are no longer on the wall, but more and more oftenas an island in the middle of the cooking area. The advantages: the stove is accessible from all sides, and when cooking you no longer have your back to your family, but are fully integrated into the conversation.

Kitchen trends 2017 – The inventory is being spruced up

As a result of the new openness in the kitchen, another logical development can be seen: household appliances shine in new splendor. Since they are no longer stored behind opaque fronts, but rather openly visible behind glass, design now plays an important role in the purchase decision.

While until now the main thing with such devices was that they did their job, aesthetics now adds a new component. This trend has already been reflected in the ranges of most furniture stores. Instead of plastic, the look of kitchen utensils is now dominated by glass or stainless steel.

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