Despite the anticipation of the upcoming vacation, packing your suitcase itself is not a popular task for most people. There are so many things you would like to take with you, but unfortunately the size of the suitcase doesn't allow that. Or maybe it is? Are there any tricks you can use to pack a suitcase to save space? However. However, you should always keep an eye on the weight so that you don't accidentally exceed the limit and have to pay a fee. Space-saving suitcase packing proves to be particularly practical for hand luggage, because the size of the suitcase is important, not its weight. Here are some ways you can save space when packing your suitcase.
Pack small suitcases to save space by rolling them instead of folding them
We usually take the folded oneClothes out of the closetand transfer them directly to the suitcase. Logical, because why shouldn't what is common in the wardrobe also be suitable for suitcases? And it saves time too!
But there’s no room for that…
Instead, we recommend the hack in which travelers use theirRoll up clothes, instead of folding them. And some people don't just do this piece by piece, but also put an entire outfit on top of each other and then roll it up completely. This gives you an overview of the number of outfits for the entire duration of the trip and they remain wrinkle-free - perfect for anyone who wants to pack a suitcase in a space-saving and wrinkle-free manner.
Then plan an extra outfit, or if the space you have gained allows it, even a few more. It's also best to stuff the rolled up socks into your shoes to keep them in shape and make use of the hollow space at the same time, and you can also roll up your underwear.
Pack your suitcase to save space – ideas with additional pockets
The so-called packing cubes are a super practical idea for anyone who likes to travel often and wants to pack their suitcase to save space. You can store your rolls and other things thematically in it and then arrange them neatly in the travel suitcase. Such so-called packing cubes are among othersavailable at Ikea.
Vacuum reduces the volume in the suitcase
You could also pack suitcases to save spacewith vacuum. In this way you remove the many air pockets that naturally form between the layers. And you don't even need a special device for this, just special vacuum bags with a valve. After putting the clothes in it, close the bag and insert the tube of your vacuum cleaner into the valve, which will then suck the air out of the bag.
However, this method also has certain disadvantages: On the one hand, you will of course need a vacuum cleaner before you go home. This shouldn't be a problem if you're visiting someone, but it should be if you're staying in a hotel, for example (a hand pump is suitable). Furthermore, you have to put the clothes in the bag really neatly, otherwise they will quickly wrinkle as the bag contracts.
Save space for cosmetic products
Men may have less of this problem, but women in particular know that all the creams, shampoos and styling products and tools take up a huge amount of space. But what other choice do you have? After all, you want to look great and well-groomed even on vacation. Believe it or not, there is a way to pack your suitcase to save space.
Drugstores conveniently offer sample size products, i.e. mini shampoo bottles and creams. How practical! Even if you have planned a longer vacation and will need 2-3 such bottles, it will still take up less trunk space than the standard size.
It is also possible to simply get the necessary products on site - ideally in small format so that you can use them up during your vacation. So you have saved this unnecessary weight and volume in both directions of flight.
Pack your suitcase to save space by avoiding unnecessary items
Yes, we know that this is impossible for many, but still try to only pack clothes that you actually need and will wear, as well as perhaps a few spare items. Just because your suitcase has a lot of space doesn't mean you have to make full use of it. Instead, you could use the space saved later to pack souvenirs you bought on vacation or even new clothes.
The easiest way to do this is to first distribute everything (apparently) necessary on the bed or floor. This will give you a better overview and allow you to once again assess whether you really need all of it. Consider the weather and the trips you have planned - for example, on a safari you will need fewer blouses than t-shirts/tank tops.
Use hand luggage
Also consider what part of iteverything in hand luggagecould, should and also might. What if the suitcase gets lost? You should therefore also stow some things in your hand luggage, which will automatically help you pack your suitcase to save space. However, remember that liquids are only allowed in hand luggage in special plastic bags of a certain size. Make sure you ask in advance so that you don't suddenly have to throw away some things at the airport.