Helpful ideas for apps to break bad habits

It's time to break all your bad habits. With the help of apps for your phone or tablet, you can find a variety of motivating ways to quit smoking, nail biting, and develop an exercise program. Here we have 14Ideas for apps, which are intended to help break bad habits.

1. Ideas for apps to help you quit smoking

Smoking is a habit that is difficult to break. If you're not into pills, patches, and gum to satisfy your nicotine needs, there are plenty of helpful apps that can help you fight cigarettes.

  • Ideas for apps– Quit It: The free iOS app helps you quit by regularly showing you surprising statistics. It tells you how much money you save by not buying cigarettes, how much tar you don't consume and how many cigarettes you have managed not to smoke.
    Brian Koerber wrote about his personal experience of quitting smoking while using this app.
  • Kwit: This app is also offered free of charge for both iOS and Android. It turns quitting smoking into a game where you advance to a new level with each success until you become the “Ultimate Kwitter”. The app also includes a series of motivational cards that you can pull whenever you need some extra inspiration.

2. Ideas for apps to stop biting your fingernails

If you can't stop biting your fingernails, there are helpful ones for that tooIdeas for apps. You could try hypnosis. The Stop Nail Biting app for iOS has an audio hypnosis file that you can listen to while you sleep to help you get rid of this bad habit. It costs $5.99. There is also a photo diary where everyone can publish their progress. The app provides users with visual reminders throughout the entire process.

3. Ideas for apps for a healthier diet

Stay away from fries! Constantly eating fast food is an addiction in its own way. It's a good thing that there are a lot of helpful apps that are supposed to contribute to a healthier diet.

  • Fooducate: This app is available for free on iOS and Android and informs users about all the bad qualities that the food they are about to eat has. Next time you buy a candy, simply scan the product's barcode using the app and you'll learn more than just its nutritional values.
  • Ideas for apps– Eat This, Not That: The app will distract you from eating fast food every time. If you have a craving for cheesecake, the app will introduce you to a healthier option. It also provides information about specific restaurants. So when you eat out at one of the existing restaurants, you can find out which dish in the menu is the healthiest. In this way, you will learn to make better choices and get into the habit of choosing healthy food over unhealthy ones. It costs $4.99 and is available for iOS and Android.

4. Ideas for messy apps

Clearing out your room and putting it in order becomes easier if you have the right, helpful oneIdeas for appshas to do so.

  • Unf*ck Your Habitat: Available for $1.99 for both Android and iOS, this app is designed to kick users' asses. You can create to-do lists with reminders and challenges that require you to complete specific tasks in a specific time.
  • House Clean: This free app for Android provides a to-do list to help you stay organized and remind you of what tasks you still have to do.

5. Ideas for apps to combat procrastination

Who hasn't put something unpleasant off until the last moment because they were anxious, busy, tired or poorly organized? Here twoIdeas for appswho put an end to it:

  • Yelling Mom: Who is better at getting you to get something done than your own mother? The $0.99 iOS app lets you create a huge, categorized to-do list, allowing you to set reminders and a deadline for each individual task.
  • Procraster: This app costs $2.99 ​​and is for iOS. She should understand the task and find a suitable way to solve it. To set priorities, there are settings like “My task is too big”, “I have to be perfect” or “I don't know what to start with”. This allows the app to organize your tasks and uses statistics, graphs and logarithms to show you your progress.

6. Ideas for apps for more exercise

Even though you know you should exercise every day, it's so much easier to crash on the couch than to go to the gym. Help is on the way, as there are some helpful apps for this too.

  • Nexercise: This app turns training into a game and a social challenge that you can share. Once you save a workout program in the app, you can win real rewards like gift cards and coupons related to fitness (e.g. energy bars). The app is available free of charge for iOS and Android.
  • Ideas for apps– Endomondo: This free app, available for multiple operating systems, works like a social network. The aim is to create a community of people who motivate each other and share their sports exercises with others. The app saves each exercise so it can display stats like your heart rate and calories burned. In case you like to put off exercise, save goals in your app and it will motivate and remind you with a built-in trainer. You can also receive encouraging audio messages from your friends (assuming they also use the app), so you always have enough motivation.

7. Ideas for apps for adequate dental care

People often forget to change their toothbrush or the brush head of their electric toothbrush every three months. And here are some helpful ones for youIdeas for apps, like Brush DJ to help. This is a free app for iOS and Android and is your new dental assistant. It shows how long it takes to brush your teeth, reminds you of your dental appointments and to buy a new toothbrush when it's time, and more.

8. Ideas for high-spending apps

Budgeting well seems impossible for those who are loose with their money. But it is necessary for a responsible life. And helpful apps can be beneficial here too.

  • Level Money: Available for both iOS and Android and free, this app works like a virtual wallet that connects to your bank account and tracks your spending. You decide how much you want to save, set aside and spend and the app does the rest. It shows you your saving progress with a pie chart. This chart also shows how much money you spent that day and how much of the set amount remains for the rest of the week and month.
  • Ideas for apps– Mint: This app has been a top seller among spending control apps since it came out. It is available free of charge for iOS and Android. Users connect their banking information to the app and set spending plans. It automatically records your purchases and spending habits. You can also set financial goals and the app monitors the whole thing. The idea is that you have all your money information in one place, giving you easy access and overview of your finances.