Today you will see here with us a great combination of two things that always make us smile –Terrariumsand furniture in one! You can view our gallery of ideas for plantedTerrarium furnitureadmire and see for yourself how this is possible and realizable! Our chairs, tables and desks offer us a wonderful way to bring some greenery into your home without taking up extra space.
Terrarium furniture – coffee table with planted plants
This terrarium furniture fulfills a dual function and presents you with nature's jewels. These super trendy pieces of furniture allow you to escape from your stressful everyday life and immerse yourself in a world of flowering plants without ever leaving your own home. Read on to admire some of our favorite examples of terrariums and furniture in one! Below you will find a few such models that you can make yourself!
Terrarium furniture – A cheerful touch in the interior
Studies show that those who work locked in an office all day feel depressed. Working there is a detriment both to each person's health and to their productivity and creativity. To counteract some of these negative effects, Daniel Zeller built a terrariumDesk. That means he built the terrarium into the desk. So he created a green oasis for himself using terrarium furniture, where he can immerse himself whenever he wants to enjoy nature and take his eyes off the computer. Then all you have to do is look down!
Desk with built-in terrarium flower pot
Side table as a terrarium with pebbles and succulents in flower pots
Now follows a similar idea for terrarium furniture, but this is about a table, its lower part simply represents a large plant container filled with stones. The table top and sides are made of glass, so you can easily admire the succulents and other drought-resistant plants on the second level.
Terrarium furniture – terrarium and lamp in one
This terrarium lamp is the perfect way to bring a little nature into your home, even if you don't have much space to spare. The base is used as a terrarium and the light comes from it! In this way you can combine the terrarium furniture wonderfully.
Modern lanterns with light bulbs as a terrarium
The next idea for Terrarium furniture comes from the Milan furniture fair. This is a multifunctional lamp, it has an increased concentration of light in the blue spectrum, which is particularly beneficial for plant growth.
Coffee tables, chairs and other terrarium furniture
Although this terrarium furniture idea may not look like an inviting piece of furniture at first glance, there is at least no doubt that this cactus chair makes an interesting conversation piece. It just seems dangerous, but upon closer inspection you can see for yourself, the chair is completely safe, you can sit on it comfortably.
Outdoor furniture – round coffee table with glass top
Imagine how jealous your friends will be when they see this green terrarium coffee table in your living room! Precise instructions make it easy to create something like this yourself. For such terrarium furniture you need some wood and an old glass cabinet door.
Coffee table showcase
Succulent plants displayed in coffee table
Make your own terrarium table - box made of acrylic panels on a wooden frame
Terrarium furniture – glass chair with grass