The latest project from the Japanese studioTorafu Architectsappears to be a standard floating shelf, but it actually contains a simple secret drawer that opens with magnets. Previously, Torafu Architects designed a desk to hide away and a shelf that appears as a bowl. The 'Clopen'Wall shelf with secret compartmentis made by the Japanese companyTanseishamanufactured.
Wall shelf with secret compartment – compact and minimalist
The shelf is made of elaborate aluminum panels and, with its 34mm thickness, looks as if it was made from natural wood. The drawer hasno handles, but is opened with magnets so that it remains secret. The magnets are disguised as wood like a key chain. When pulled with the magnets, a 23mm thick drawer appears that contains yourvaluablessuch as passports, savings books etc.
Wall shelf with secret compartment, opened with magnets
34 mm aluminum panel and pleasant wood look
Storage space for valuable items such as jewelry and passports
floating shelf with secret drawer
easy wall mounting
simple minimalist look