A bedroom is an island of peace and relaxation - a private realm where residents can relax after a long day. But unfortunately the situation doesn't always look as idyllic as imagined - because there is also space for other furniture next to the bed in the sleeping area - a wardrobe and chest of drawers offer storage space for clothes, the bedside tables accommodate books and much more. At the latest when choosing furniture, the question arises - what to do with the bed? It is not always possible or even desirable to place it with the headboard against an interior wall. Placing a bed in front of a window sometimes proves to be a space-saving and practical alternative. You can find out what advantages and disadvantages this decision brings with it in the article.
Distance from the outside wall for a restful sleep
When it comes to distributing furniture in the bedroom, it is always advised not to place the bed directly against an outside wall. The interior walls are much better suited for thisyou feel safeand don't have to worry about any draft. But actually the distance to the outside walls does not guarantee a restful sleep. If the bedroom is adjacent to the bathroom, it often runsto this border wallthe water pipes. It is also unpleasant if, for example, the neighbors' living room is on the other side of the wall.
If the bed is between the wardrobe and the wall, you also feel uncomfortable. Atof the facilityCare should also be taken to ensure that the remaining furniture does not darken or crowd the sleeping area. A room distribution proves to be optimal in which the wardrobe is in a corner formed by two inner walls, the head of the bed also borders an inner wall and the foot part faces the window. The door is on another wall. A minimum distance of 80 cm between the bed and the other furniture allows free movement in the room. If this is not possible, there are two alternatives: the wardrobe always remains on an inside wall and the bed is placed under the window or along an outside wall.
Sleeping in a bed in front of a window has several significant advantages: on the one hand, pleasant light always falls on the bed, so that it can be turned into a reading corner on the weekends, and on the other hand, you don't feel crowded out of the room. Even more important is the fact that most people always want to have a clear view of the door. It is therefore perceived as more comfortable to sleep directly under the window than with the headboard hiding the door from view. Bedrooms with sloping ceilings often pose a big challenge - in these cases there is nothing left but thatBed in a niche- Skylights create depth and are preferable to dark areas. Here are the advantages at a glance:
- Allows space-saving distribution of furniture in small bedrooms.
- The bed lies in the sun during the day and can be used as a reading corner.
What are the disadvantages of the space in front of the window?
A bed directly under the window also has several significant disadvantages:
- Moisture condenses next to the outer wall and cold zones form - which can lead to the formation of mold. That's why heaters are usually installed under the windows - they're supposed to balance the temperatures.
- But if the bed is right next to the heater, it cannot work properly, the warm air cannot spread throughout the room and warms up the bed and not the room. That's why experts advise against sleeping near a heat source. Most people find this unpleasant.
- If you like to sleep with the window open, you risk getting sick in the cold draft. People lose body heat through their heads, so at least the headboard should not be directly in front of the window.
- Even when the door and window are closed, there is always a slight draft - a distance of at least 40 cm is recommended in this case.
Design your bedroom according to Feng Shui teachings
The teaching of Feng Shui attempts to create a harmonious relationship between people and their surroundings through appropriate room and garden design. This is done through certain rules that the residents must adhere to and distribute the furniture in the rooms accordingly. An important prerequisite for success is to ensure the free flow of energy through the building. All objects that are on the path of the energies and disturb people in this way should be cleared away. Asthe most important room in the houseThis applies to the bedroom. According to Feng Shui, the bed should be placed optimally against an interior wall. The space directly under the window is considered unfavorable, as is the position between the window and the door. If the headboard is against the wall, you feel safe and secure.
Place the bed in front of the window - these tips will help if you don't have enough space
If you have already decided that the optimal place for a bed in your own bedroom is directly under the window, then these tips can help:
- A distance of at least 40 cm between the bed and the heater/window protects against drafts and heat. Shelves can also shield the bed.
- TheSeal windows welland darken it with curtains.
- Do not sleep with the window open, but ventilate several times in the evening and in the morning for 5-10 minutes.
- Do not mount the headboard on the outside wall so that mold cannot form behind it.
- Optionally, place the foot section of the bed under the window, so at least your head is well protected from the cold and there are no tensions in the morning.
Renovating a bedroom: What should you consider when renovating?
The wallpaper on the wall is torn off, the bed is giving you back pain and the rest of the furniture already looks worn out? Then everything is clear: your bedroom needs renovation. If you want to renovate your own bedroom and give it a new look, then you will find a few practical tips from us.