Not all sleep is the same. Over the past few decades, a large branch of research has developed around the recovery of the body. It was clear early on that the body can be significantly weakened by a deficiency. Over time, new studies were published again and again, which often contradicted each other in the details, but always had the same core message. Too little sleep has a negative effect on the body and the psyche!
During the night the body goes through several stages. During the process of falling asleep, the pulse, blood pressure and breathing rate decrease. Brain activity also changes. While this is initially lowered, it “wakes up” again during dream sleep.
This phase is also called the REM stage and is particularly suitable for waking up. The reason: At this point in time, the brain is almost as active due to dreams as it is when awake. The previous phases, i.e. the easy falling asleep stage, the deeper sleep stage and deep sleep, are characterized by other characteristics. Overall, humans go through several cycles that occur in a periodically recurring order. The longer sleep lasts, the longer the body is in the REM phase and the less often it is in the deep sleep phase
Lack of sleep and fatigue – what are the benefits of getting enough sleep?
Basically, sleep has multiple purposes. Not all of the knowledge on this topic has been explored yet, but what is certain is that the brain processes the impressions of the day through sleep. So a psychological recovery takes place. Sleeping converts information from short-term to long-term memory. Healthy sleep is therefore of paramount importance, especially during the learning process, for example before exams. The body also regains its strength through sufficient periods of rest, so physical regeneration is also a priority when sleeping.In this articlethis recovery is described in more detail. Athletes are particularly affected here. However, the burden is basically insignificant. What is more important is the recreational value of sleep, which is determined on the one hand by the length and on the other hand by the quality of sleep. The longer the deep sleep phase lasts, the better the recovery. From a purely physical perspective, this not only benefits muscle mass, but also fatty tissue, skin and so onhair growth. The reason for this is the growth hormone, of which a particularly large amount is released during deep sleep. On the other hand, sleep also helps concentration increase during the day and the immune system remains intact. It's already becoming clear what can happen when the body doesn't get enough sleep. Anyone who frequently “stays through the night” in one go and doesn’t allow themselves any rest periods is exposing themselves to unnecessary risk. Because it's no secret that accidents occur, among other things, because the body suffers from a sleep deficit. In addition, this can also have health consequences.
Lack of sleep and fatigue – what is fatigue?
Fatigue is basically the protective mechanism that the body initiates when it recognizes that it needs to regenerate. It is a feeling of exhaustion that increasingly reduces a person's performance.In this encyclopedia articlefatigue is defined.
Symptoms of increased fatigue
There are various symptoms that the body sends to convey that it is suffering from a sleep deficit. These include the usual signs that occur every day. Examples include a lack of ability to concentrate, but also malaise, irritability or a persistent feeling of cold occur as a result of high levels of tiredness. In addition, lack of motivation can be mentioned as a symptom. It is important to mention, however, that these symptoms are by no means exclusive to increased fatigue, but can also occur in other contexts. In addition, there are some internal illnesses that can lead to permanent fatigue. So anyone who is constantly tired despite various measures and actually healthy sleep should be examined by a doctor. Because there is a possibility that he is affected by a disease that is not apparent at first glance.
Recognize persistent lack of sleep and fatigue
But how can we distinguish between conventional and persistent fatigue? How can one differentiate between fatigue due to lack of sleep and exhaustion due to certain illnesses? As a rule, the reason for overtiredness is clear. This is not surprising after a night of drinking or because of a crying baby. But there are also those situations in which people get tired even though this shouldn't actually be the case. The exception here is the exhaustion that occurs when you simply work without stopping. This feeling, which again manifests itself in a lack of concentration and slowed movements, is also familiar to most working people. However, it is necessary to react if some aspects apply to fatigue. For example, you should see a doctor if there is no active phase following the tiredness and subsequent sleep. If the body is constantly weak and unable to bear stress, an illness is certainly within the realm of possibility. If the fatigue goes beyond the usual range, caution is advised. The same applies to the acute onset of exhaustion, even though there is actually no reason for it. At the latest when everyday life is significantly affected, it is advisable to consult a specialist who can make a diagnosis based on a blood test. However, if there are sleep disorders, the situation should be viewed differently, because in this case the tiredness can be traced back to a valid reason.
Risks of lack of sleep and fatigue
On this websitereaders are informed about the dangers that a lack of sleep can cause. There are risks that occur after a short period of time and those that could lead to symptoms after a longer sleepless period. After just one sleepless night, your appetite increases significantly. This is often shown by cravings, which are characterized by eating high-calorie foods instead of healthy foods. It is therefore important to give your body the rest it deserves and to eat healthily.
Increase quality – these steps will help you get better sleep and eliminate sleep deprivation and fatigue
In principle, sleep can be improved with simple tricks. These are divided into different areas:
These tips will help you sleep healthier. First of all, it is important to switch off all disturbing influences that are in the bedroom. This includes, for example, the smartphone. A cell phone that rings at night can seriously disrupt sleep phases. Other devices, such as televisions or different light sources, are also among the items that can affect sleep. Instead of the television, we recommend some quiet music or perhaps a radio play. Although this is also disturbing at first, it does not cause any light influences that affect falling asleep or the individual cycles.
Nutrition also plays a major role. Although the body feels weak after a heavy meal, it is still busy digesting food, which in turn prevents it from shutting down at night. A light meal in the evening is better for a good night's sleep. This includes, for example, fish. Salmon or tuna are particularly suitable because they are not too heavy and contain vitamin B6. In addition to the substance, calcium is also beneficial. Nuts are also among the foods that promote sleep because they contain potassium, proteins and selenium. In principle, however, it is counterproductive to eat two hours before going to bed.
In addition, it is beneficial to find a certain amount of inner peace. At best, tasks should be completed so that they are not discussed mentally in bed. Aconsistent ritual, such as taking a bath or other relaxing activities, also help you sleep better.
You can effectively remedy lack of sleep and fatigue