DIY coffee table for computer geeks – 4 creative ideas

Although most of us prefer to hide our geek sides at home, we still appreciate the ingenuity it takes to create a piece of furniture that somehow reminds us of a nerd. A DIY coffee table seems to be the easiest way to prove your loyalty, be it to computer games, processors or LED. Below we show you the most impressive examples that reflect the interests of the owners.

When his Intergraf 6880 stopped working, the proud owner of this interesting variant decided to reuse its parts as design elements, including the motherboard, as well as a whole host of other parts that would otherwise be destined for the landfill. The whole thing is made of computer parts and two tables. The inner table supports all the computer parts, circuit board and drives from an old Intergraf 6000 series from the late 80's and early 90's, while the other on the outside serves as the outer frame for the table. There was glass on all sides, as wellAdded LED lights. “I learned computer simulation, graphics and animation on the Intergraf 6880 and consider it my mentor,” says the owner and builder of the table.

The look of a Playstation controller

This oversized controller consists of asuitable plywood board, MDF and veneer and has a glass top. The project took a total of 20 weeks and was presented as the final project for the school. Just looking at the controller makes your thumbs cramp.

The back of the table

The Super Nintendo

Thiscool tablenot only offers the opportunity to store various things in it. The oversized D-pad and A and B buttons can actually be used to control Mario on the big screen.

An LED pong table

The tabletop was constructed from 4,096 LED lights depicting a game of Pong controlled by four Atari controllers built into the corners of the table.