When the working day is stressful and that life becomes hectic, we long for a quiet evening with a glass of wine to relax. If youWeinare lovers, you would 25Ideas for wine shelves to build yourselflove.
If you don't have an additional room for wine storage at home, wall mounting is the best option. You can build a beautiful, rustic wine shelf made of wooden pallets, which is well organized and marked! You can also create space for the wine glasses below.
Building wine shelves - rods in the wall
For the such wine shelves to build yourself, drill holes in the wall and put in these wooden or metal rods, whose distance should be a little smaller than the bottles are wide. The protruding rods can now be used as a shelf for the wine bottles.
Holes in wooden panels for a wine rack
For such wine shelves to build yourself, you need two wooden panels, which you screw together with a distance of approx. 20 cm. There are also a few holes that are larger than the wine bottles. You can already stow the bottles in it.
Wine shelf made of wooden strips and metal supports
From two wooden strips that can also be used from an old piece of furniture, you can design such attractive wine shelves to build yourself. In both boards, metal supports are attached. Present your favorite wines in a very special way!
Building wine shelves - installed in a niche
Integrating the wine racks in the kitchen or in a different room is obviously very comfortable and looks attractive. AHolzgitterFor the garden, the wine bottles can support when installed in a niche.
Wine shelves made of pipes and cans
This could seem strange to them, but you can make beautiful wine shelves from mail order, cans and pipes yourself. The shape and availability of these products make the perfect stand for wine storage at home!
Free -standing wine racks
Our last wine stand is really a work of art that will bring a rustic flair into your home. The idea is very easy to imitate and the project - very mobile.
Space -saving wine storage at home
Wall of wooden racks made of wood
Wine shelf with wine glasses
Assemble wooden slats
Pieces of wood on the wall
Wall wine shelf in triangle shape
Use shipping sleeves creatively
Terracotta pipes