Make your own Christmas presents for grandma and grandpa: loving and simple DIY gift ideas

Finding the right gift almost always seems to be a difficult task. It's just not the case with grandma and grandpa - probably because they're simply at an age where material things are no longer so important, but gestures play the biggest role (unlike many children, for example). Nevertheless, a few suggestions and ideas are certainly welcome and that's why we have some DIY Christmas gifts for grandma and grandpa that you can make.

Christmas gifts for grandma and grandpa - gift ideas for grandmother

Of course, the right Christmas present for grandma depends primarily on your preferences. You may find something suitable among the following ideas.

Make a beautiful necklace out of craft clay as a gift for grandma from her grandchildren

You can do these DIY ideas with the children because some of the steps are really suitable for children. You will need the following materialsfor beautiful jewelry:

  • Fimo modeling clay in any color/pattern for baking
  • Chain
  • Cutter
  • cutting mat
  • Toothpick or shish kebab skewer
  • Paper tape
  • Spray paint (here gold)

Preheat the oven to 110 degrees.

Take a piece of the playdough and soften it by kneading it between your hands. Then roll it out on your work surface into a long roll about half a centimeter in diameter. Children can also take these two steps. Then cut the roll into smaller pieces (3.5 to 4 cm long) with the cutter and carefully insert a toothpick lengthwise through the middle. While the pick is still in the playdough, gently wiggle and twist it to enlarge the hole just a little bit and pull it out again.

Make several such cylinders and then spread them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper to bake for 25 minutes. Let them cool completely.

Tape half of a roll and spray paint the free half. You can also put a toothpick in the hole to hold the future pendant better. Once the paint has dried, you can peel off the tape and thread the chain through it.

Make several of these necklaces for other women in your family or circle of friends, or use the other cylinders to make matching earrings and bracelets.

Homemade bowls for storing keys or jewelry

Your grandma has probably collected a few pieces of jewelry over the years. She can keep these, which she wears every day, within easy reach in a decorative bowl. Instead of a bowl, you can also make a flat plate. Bowls aren't just greatGifts for grandma. Grandpa could also store something in it - for example, the car keys or the watch.

  • air dryer Ton
  • any stamps and ink pads (to create colorful patterns)
  • Bowl or plate as a “stencil”
  • Acrylic clay rolling pin
  • Cutter and mat
  • sandpaper

Roll out the clay after softening it by kneading it. The clay should then be around 3 to 5 millimeters thick, no more, as it will then dry more slowly. Press the stamp into the desired color and then into the clay to transfer the pattern. Don't apply too much pressure.

Then place a bowl upside down on the clay and cut the outline around the outside with the cutter. Take the bowl back down and carefully peel away the outer clay so that only the circle remains. You can smooth out frayed edges with wet fingers. Place the circle in the bowl and press gently and evenly. Allow the craft clay to dry thoroughly before removing the bowl and wrapping the Christmas presents for grandma and grandpa.

In order to complete the Christmas presents for Grandma and Grandpa, we also need something for Grandpa. Here are two ideas that you can make yourself as Christmas presents for grandma and grandpa:

Grandma and grandpa are equally happy about photo gifts

It's really easy to make photo Christmas gifts for grandma and grandpa. Print out photos (or have them developed) and hang them on string with beads and other wooden ornaments. You then tie the string to a beautiful branch or twig. It is best to combine several such photo garlands. You can also leave out the beads and just use string or come up with other designs.

Loving gift ideas – make and paint hearts out of salt dough

Decorations are always well received and in the shape of a heart they could hardly be more loving. Cut out freehand by the children or with the help of cookie cutters doesn't matter. The salt dough hearts can then be labeled if you want to make personalized gifts for grandma and grandpa. They can also be easily painted with acrylic paints.

If you want, you can also make a small keychain out of it using a chain and key ring. Just add one hole in advance. Keychains are usually very well received by Grandpa!

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