It often happens that the television is on on Christmas Eve to shorten the waiting time until midnight and to get rid of boredom. But that doesn't have to be the case, as the harmonious family celebration can quickly be spoiled. Fun Christmas games provide variety and a good atmosphere, bringing the whole family together at such a moment and bringing entertainment and action into the family celebration.
Funny Christmas gamesprovide a lot of fun both within close family circles and among friends. Classic board games, but also action-packed party games, serve to pass the time while waiting until midnight. Some Christmas games require preparation and a certain knowledge of the Christmas story.
Fun Christmas games for gift giving
Although the gift giving itself is very exciting, the level of interest can still be increased a little. This prevents everyone from rushing into their presents at the same time and the whole thing being over quickly.
Secret Santa
The gift giving game is even more fun when as many people as possible take part. However, it is a pre-Christmas custom that is mainly practiced among work colleagues, schoolmates and cliques of friends. All participants have to make a small gift beforehand. Most of the time it is appreciated if you approach it with humor. The type of gifts is decided among the group, and a motto can also be determined.
Children make small gifts
All gifts are collected into a large sack at a specific time. The little things are picked out one by one. For example, you can pack cookies, cookies, candies or lighters, small toys, decorative figures and even collages with family pictures.Everyone now has to guesswho made his gift. Of course the others can give insider tips. At the end, the lovingly labeled greeting cards are also read out.
Make the gift giving exciting
In most families, the Christmas process is similar: gifts are traditionally unwrapped and tried out after dinner. In theory, handing out gifts should be the highlight of the holiday season because that's when the whole family sits together. Actually, it gets boring after several years. It is much more exciting if you organize a fun game and involve all family members. This means that every gift gets the attention it deserves and the gift-giving becomes a special experience for young and old. We give you several ideas on how you can creatively distribute the gifts.
This gift-giving option is ideal for a formal company party, for large families with big children or for singles who like to celebrate with their friends. In order for everyone to have fun, it is important that the guests know each other well. The game is fun for young and old and the cost of gifts is reasonable. The rules are very simple. At the beginning of December, several weeks before Christmas, all family members write their names on pieces of paper. Then the elves are drawn and each family member finds out who they have to buy a gift for. However, he keeps this information to himself and does not share it with the others. On Christmas Eve there are as many presents under the tree as the number of guests. Then, starting with the youngest guests, everyone is allowed to unwrap their present. Once all the presents have been unwrapped, everyone tries to guess who their present could come from.
The Christmas game has several advantages: everyone has fun and gets to know each other better. Every gift is carefully unwrapped and given attention. At the same time, the gifts are distributed quickly so that there is enough time formore gamesand the family doesn't have to be bored. The game is not suitable for families with small children because they often have no patience and can hardly wait until they get their gift.
Families with small children can opt for a card game. The rules are from the traditional treasure hunt,organized for children's birthdaysbecomes, inspired. The course of the game is also similar: the presents are not placed under the Christmas tree, but hidden in the house. Each family member receives a piece of paper with a clue. The possibilities are practically endless. Parents can also create a treasure map, stick it on cardboard and then cut it into many pieces. The children then have to put the puzzle together. The participants have to solve puzzles, find clues and complete tasks until they can finally find and unwrap their gift. Along the way they are rewarded with small toys or sweets.
This party game can also be modified for adults, but it is much more fun for toddlers of kindergarten age. The “organizers”, i.e. the parents, can decide how long the game lasts. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, adults should select and put together age-appropriate tasks.
Organize dice game
Families with school-age children can leave it to chance and distribute the gifts using a dice game. Perhaps the most famous Christmas dice game also has the simplest rules. All family members sit around the Christmas tree and take turns throwing a die. Anyone who rolls a one gets a gift. If it is his gift, he places it in front of him. If there are other names on it, the player hands it to the other family member. Anyone who throws a two has to sit out. Whoever rolls a three should recite a Christmas poem or sing a festive song. Anyone who rolls a four can personally present the gift they bought or made. If you roll a five, you have to put one of your presents back under the Christmas tree. If you roll a 6, he can unwrap his present.
The game is fun, but it can take a long time to unwrap all the presents. So patience is required, which small children often don't have. Basically, the smaller the family, the quicker the Christmas game comes to an end.
Fun game for friends or colleagues
In a close family circle where everyone knows each other well, it is very easy to plan and carry out a fun game. But what if you organize a company party or with friendscelebrate Christmas? Even couples who have recently married and the two families are spending Christmas together for the first time are often looking for games that will lighten the atmosphere. The next Christmas game is ideal for a celebration where the guests don't know each other well. The rules are very simple: Each guest brings a gift and places it under the Christmas tree. All gifts are labeled with letters from A to Z. Each guest draws a piece of paper with a letter on it. Then you choose the gift that has the same letter on it. This is how all the gifts are distributed one by one. If you want to make unpacking more complicated, then two additional rules apply. Every guest has the right to exchange their unwrapped gift for one that has already been unwrapped.
Christmas game: “Guess the gift”
Is it a book, a DVD or maybe something completely different? If the gifts are not in a “standard shape”, then you can organize a final, exciting game before unpacking. Everyone sits in a circle around the Christmas tree and a guest or family member stands up, takes their present and tries to guess what is inside. It's a lot of fun because the other family members can of course also give tips.
Christmas activity
The number of players for this Christmas game is not limited. However, it would be an advantage if at least four people took part. Preparation is also required here. Many craft cards need to be made. On three of them you write or mark with symbols: drawing, explaining and pantomime. These are the activity cards. The term cards can be labeled with a wide variety of terms relating to Christmas. The number of these playing cards can be freely selected.
Make your own playing cards for family games
The playing cards with the terms are placed face down in six piles. In a seventh pile you share these with the symbols. Now teams are formed and an activity card and a term card are pulled out in order. The participant has to explain the term in drawings, pantomime or verbally and his team has to guess it. Every correct term brings a plus point to the respective team. If you wish, you can also play for time, which earns you an additional point.
Christmas theater
You can prepare a scenario for a Christmas story using a template from the Internet. It can refer to the Bible or create a modern twist. One has to be the director and he will distribute the roles. The trick to this game is proper planning. Participants should limit the actual story that is being acted out to as little as possible so that everyone has a lot of fun. Improvisations off the cuff are that certain something that makes the game special
Cookie massage
This game is played in pairs. One of the two lies face down, as if for a massage, or sits on a chair so that their back is freely accessible. Now the other person starts baking cookies on his back and explains how he does it. The story is basically a baking instruction that is tangibly represented through movements of the hands and fingers.
Nicholas, your bell is gone
This game is known by several names - Santa Claus, your bell is gone, Lynx, your bone is gone or Bello, your bone is gone. However, it's about the same thing - everyone sits in a circle, one is Santa Claus, or St. Nicholas or Bello. He lies down sleeping in the middle of the circle. However, face down and across the night, he cannot see who stole his bell, which is otherwise above his head. All participants now put their hands behind their backs, but only one holds the bell. Everyone shouts in one voice: 'Santa Claus, your bell is gone' and he wakes up. Now he has to guess who has his bell. He then asks everyone the same question: "Do you have my bell?" and the child must show his hands. Santa Claus only has three tries. If he finds who his bell is in, he will become the new Santa Claus. Otherwise, the same child will play the role of Santa Claus again.
Christmas kimpsel
Christmas Kimpsel is a variation of St. Nicholas Kimpsel. All sorts of Christmas-themed items are placed in a box, basket or sack. The basket is then covered with an opaque cloth. Now everyone sits in a circle and one person can start. He puts his hand under the cloth and takes an object, but is allowed to take his hand out. He feels the thing under the cloth and tries to describe and guess it. Then he puts it in front of the others. So everyone gets a turn
Creative Christmas games to pass the time for children
At the second step of the game, the basket is empty and all objects are on the floor. Everyone has a few seconds to remember exactly what things are there at the moment. Now one player leaves the room and the others secretly put something in the basket. The other player should now guess what is missing. All players also take their turn.
Scent game
Christmas is the time of many scents. However, it is sometimes not so easy to recognize them straight away. Every thing has a characteristic aroma and children can also experience it, why not discover it anew. Small containers are filled with various things that have to do with Christmas. They don't necessarily have to be food. Anise, vanilla, pine needles, tangerine pieces, orange peel, chopped nuts, but also others, come into question here. Each thing should be placed in a different vessel. Now you bandage your eyes with a cloth and with your eyes closed you can touch it, but not touch it with your fingers. He now has to describe what he can smell and guess what is in the jar.
Christmas scent game
The scent game can be expanded into a scent memory. Several identical containers or small vessels are required. Two of these must be filled with the same scent. With your eyes also closed, you smell the different scent containers and have to guess which two scents are the same.