Crafting for Father's Day is always fun, especially if you let the kids take part. Check out our suggestions and get to work! In the article we have collected a variety of ideas that will surely put a smile on dad's face. Get inspired and make a wonderful Father's Day gift together with the children!
Father's Day takes place on “Ascension Day”, May 29th, 2014. It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter. Sometimes he will tooCalled Men's Day or Gentlemen's Day. Because this is a special day, a day of honor for all fathers, you should prepare well and give your favorite man a nice surprise. What could be better than making something for Father's Day? These creative ideas will help you do just that.
Decide on decoration, such asgarlandand paper cups, or a self-painted card. Or you can try everything. Stock up on some colored paper, card stock, scissors, glue, fun templates and get started! Have the children cut out interesting characters. Only give hints now and then when necessary. You can fill old glass jars with stones and other decorative elements to create an effective gift.
Let your imagination run wild!
It is quite common to celebrate Father's Day as a day for the whole family. Then we remember what fathers and husbands have done for us and how they helped us become good and lovable people. On that day you should thank them very much. Try to spend as much time with your father as possible. That's what happens more often than the cheapest optionGiftof the world.
To make the celebration even more fun and enjoyable, why not make something for Father's Day too? Children can be surprisingly creative and imaginative. Collect interesting ideas and give the whole family lots of fun and joy!
A handmade card from the kids is one of the best Father's Day gift ideas. The little ones can make a beautiful design themselves and give dad a lot of joy. The card should be as personal as possible and express the love of the family. You can therefore draw a recognition barometer with the child on it, which indicates a very high level of recognition.
Make photos with letters as frames
Photos of the children also make great gifts for Father's Day. This allows you to create homemade picture frames and photo walls with valuable memories. Instead of making an ordinary picture frame, the children can write the word “Dad” in large letters made of cardboard and fill in the gaps with photos.
Celebrate Father's Day with snacks
If you want to celebrate Father's Day properly this year, you can organize a surprise party with the children. For this you need suitable decorations, food, drinks and why not a cake. The children can make original table and wall decorations from various materials especially for Father's Day.
Make garlands
A garland or chain goes well with the wall decoration. The craft ideas for this are simply endless. The letters can be designed as original motifs for men, such as ties, mustaches or craftsman's tools. Use colored paper with beautiful patterns to create a playful decoration for your father's special day.
Make sweet cards yourself
Regardless of age, your child can have a beautifulFather's Day cardcraft. Even toddlers can create beautiful designs with your help that always look cute and lovely. Prepare some suitable templates that the little one can then simply stick onto the card. Discuss the ideas with the child and they will surely be amazed by their creative suggestions.
Children surprise us with creative ideas
Coloring pages are very popular with children and can be used to make a beautiful greeting card or picture frame for Father's Day. You can find and print out many suitable ideas on the Internet. Choose a motif that would bring dad the greatest joy. For example, if he likes to go fishing, then fish and fishing rods are perfect motifs.
Make a shirt card
The Father's Day card can also be designed with a 3D design. A popular idea for this is to design it as a shirt with a tie. It is best suited for fathers who wear a suit with a shirt and tie to work every day.
Design with paper and scissors
A shirt card is super easy to make and requires no special skills or tools. All you need is some craft paper in any color, scissors and other decorations of your choice. First you should design a simple card with the paper you chose. Then measure a few centimeters from the top edge and cut the left and right sides with scissors. Now simply fold both corners together to form the collar of the shirt. Cut a tie out of a second sheet of paper and glue it to the center of the card. Decorate with buttons and other decorations as desired and the Father's Day card is ready.
Interesting idea – make a toolbox
Many children see their father as an experienced craftsman, so they can make a card with a toolbox for Father's Day. The individual elements can be cut out of paper, foam rubber or cardboard and glued to a self-made tool box.
Use old glass jars
To make a beautiful Father's Day gift, you don't need expensive materials and tools. Rather, you can only use things that you already have at home. A nice example is a glass jar that can be filled with funny vouchers and wishes for dad. The children can write activities such as “walk in the park”, “video game”, or “going to the cinema with the family” on small pieces of paper and put them in the glass jar. You can then decorate the container with existing materials and create a nice surprise for Father's Day.
Show your love!
Funny gifts brighten up the atmosphere even more