20 cool ABC sayings, poems and wishes for school enrollment for children

Your little darling is finally coming to school with great pride - exciting and a little scary at the same time for the ABC shooter! Make it easier for the first grader by congratulating him or her on the start of school with a few motivating and, above all, reassuring words.

Cool ABC sayings can make the protégé start their upcoming school years with even more joy. With rhymes and nice wishes, every ABC saying for starting school becomes even more beautiful and can decorate a card or be sent via WhatsApp to the parents, who will then pass on the message if no official celebration is planned.

Cool ABC sayings for greeting cards

Send the sayings for ABC shooters free of charge or download them and then print them out if necessary. Then they can easily be stuck into a prepared greeting card and given as a gift. The wishes that we have prepared for you canfrom grandma and grandpaor other relatives, but also come from acquaintances, the now former kindergarten teacher or family friends.

You can also use the designs as inspiration and use them to write your own texts. Feel free to be creative, the new school child is guaranteed to be happy.

Wishes and poems for starting school make the shooter proud

Take your time to look at all the designs we have prepared for you in the gallery and choose the one that suits you most. Have a nice oneTime together at the school enrollment party!

You will pass the time with arithmetic, reading and writing

The first school year now begins

Have fun and success!

You're already six and you're starting school

Rhymes as a school greeting - A little angel should go to school with you

We wish you an instructive time

ABC and 1, 2, 4 – fountain pen, pen and treat

Congratulations on starting school

Lots of friends and lots of fun at school

Quiet as a mouse, diligent as a bee, clever as a fox

Your big day is today

Always stay happy and cheerful

Quote from Goethe – The effort is small, the fun is great

Weiser quote from Wilhelm Busch

Kindergarten is behind you

You can find some great ones here tooSchool enrollment sayings and wishes.

Designs: Deavita via Canva