Write a birthday card: This is how you formulate your congratulations!

Giving someone joy and punctuating their special day with a few nice words actually sounds pretty good. But in reality it is usually more difficult than expected. If you want to write a birthday card then you need a lot of creativity. We give you useful tips on how to send your congratulationsfor your birthdaybe able to formulate!

The birthday child is well known and yet the right words are missing. This can be easily changed and can usually be achieved with a few general considerations. Prefabricated ones are the easiestHappy birthday wishesthat apply to the birthday child.

Write a birthday card: The age of the birthday child is not always irrelevant!

Little Maxi just turned one year old. The words usually flow faster than with a 100-year-old grandfather. Why is that? Over the course of a lifetime we receive many gifts and many words are spoken.

It’s only natural that “writer’s block” occurs at some point. Small children have not been with us that long and are an almost immeasurable treasure trove of anecdotes and spontaneous ideas. Naturally, it is easier to find the right words.

Apart from age, different interests, personal character, profession, hobbies, etc. also play a decisive role. At the same time, these criteria are also the anchor point for the choice of topics and words.

The “unique selling point” exists not only in business life, but also in the private and, above all, “personal” area. This can be a personal trait, a weakness for something or a special ability, but also an extraordinary interest.

Choose the right birthday card

Choosing can also be challenging. Anyone who has the choice is spoiled for choice!

There are simple cards and tickets with an envelope. In addition, in the 21st century there is also the option of sending birthday cards online. These can also be personalized. The shape of the birthday card is a question of age, taste and preferences. It is best to choose these according to the birthday child's preferences or character.
Funny, sad, entertaining, colorful, monochrome, noble, sporty, friendly, for older or younger people, etc. - the motifs can be as different as the people themselves.

What do you write on a birthday card with script?

Of course, there are no limits to creativity. The personal taste of the birthday child should be in the foreground. However, the following applies here: less is often more! Such cards should only have a short impactBirthday sayingwear as additional lettering.

Write a birthday card: without or with an envelope?

Tickets are always presented or sent in an envelope. This includes a surprise effect for the birthday child. This form of birthday card is ideal for presenting gifts, especially gift baskets. This looks elegant and leaves a particularly good impression.

If the birthday card is sent, the envelope also protects the card from dirt, etc. In addition, it cannot be read in the mail. Original birth cards were actually intended to send a short birthday greeting with a pretty motif on the front.

The online birthday card

The variety of motifs is huge. Simply select the appropriate card with a click of the mouse and send it directly to the birthday child. There is also the option of additional text input.

Writing a birthday card: The power of words

In times of Corona, most people have changed a lot. Constant stress, an uncertain future and the associated difficult or even no life planning leave their mark.

What does this have to do with a birthday card? Everyone is happy about a successful and appealing birthday greeting. In times like these, however, it should be particularly encouraging, funny, cheerful to cheerful, entertaining and personal. Don't bring up Corona, but word it in such a way that the birthday child will definitely have something to laugh about or at least smile about. This is always well received, not just in these times.

The salutation

This of course depends on the relationship between the writer and the birthday child. However, the salutation should never be missing and shows respect, consideration and style. In the private sphere, this can also be friendly, cheerful and unconventional.

The length of the text

Since it is a birthday card and not a novel, the text should be kept short. The accuracy and impact of the words often depend on the length of the text. Small, concise texts often have more impact than long, babbling texts.

Can references be made to foreign things?

What does “foreign” mean? This can mean the birthday child's home country, but also their favorite vacation country or a country to which they have a special connection. The positive context is important! Then you'll score big points with it.

Can a child write a birthday card and if so, how?

Of course, simple, short sentences with small drawings are always well received. Children love being creative and being able to do something themselves. Combination tickets for families are also welcome. The parents write poetrySayingsand the children write something for grandma or grandpa. So it becomes a family project at the same time.

The writer's block

Can't think of anything? How to begin, how to end, etc.? Think about the birthday child. Recall funny events or special moments with the person celebrating their anniversary. The words usually come naturally. Imagine you are talking to the birthday child. If nothing works, get a photo and think about what the person is like as a person.

Finally, the most important thing!

Finding a good degree is not always easy. Keep doing it one way or another, it's always well received. Encouraging words are also well received at the end. Cheer up, things can only get better! Keep your ears straight, old buddy. Many more happy years Grandpa, stay healthy! The choice of words at the end also depends on the relationship between the writer and the birthday child. Always remember that here, too, the necessary sensitivity and style are important.

A joke with all honor!

Children love it,lots of giftsto get at once. Some children want to send not just one birthday card, but many at the same time to Grandma or Grandpa. Is that well received? In a child it is, but not in an adult. Adults would only very rarely do that.