30 motivational sayings for sports: How to give your workout full throttle

We start the new year highly motivated and promise ourselves that we will be fit for the summer. ThePath to the dream figureBut after just a few weeks it turns out to be harder than expected. The urge for action is gone, and more and more often we find excuses to postpone the workout until another day. “It's raining outside”, “I don't feel like training today”, “I'll train harder tomorrow”. It's actually a shame, because fitness is part of your daily routine, especially after the first few weeks. This is where motivational sayings for sport come to the rescue against laziness. In this way, the training goals can be put into practice and we can get into the summer fit.

Motivational sayings for sports: With iron discipline to success!

If discipline is difficult in the first few weeks, a few simple tricks can help you get used to the new routine and get a real boost of motivation. Here are some useful tips to help you have funam Workoutcan increase significantly.

1. Set an achievable goal and plan rewards. It is important to sit down at the beginning and set a very specific goal that is also achievable in the near future. “Improving health” or “losing weight” are not concrete goals. “I want to be able to wear my dream dress in June,” on the other hand, can encourage you to do some physical activity. Of course, the reward also plays a crucial role, namely that you can wear your dream dress. Another reward is organizing a party and wearing the dress for the festive occasion.

2. Arrange training partners or get a coach. Like many other leisure activities, exercise is more fun when you exercise with friends. It's best to train in pairs so that if one is missing, the other notices straight away. This is the so-called mutual control, because no one wants to abandon their friend. The deadlines are metWorkouts – successfully completed. Coaches also have a motivating effect. They are experts in the field of motivational psychology and can help you get through the first few weeks.

3. With sportsReduce stress. Yes, you can successfully reduce everyday stress with a good workout. It's really fun to go jogging in nature after a long day at the office. It's also fun to switch off by swimming. But you can also relax in the gym.

4. Music can also have a motivating effect. There are certain rhythms that can improve performance and help with training. Of course, you can also create a mix of your favorite songs yourself and bring it with you to your workout.

5. Look for new challenges and try out different sports. If you change your workout a little every 2-3 months, you will bring a welcome changeFitness-Routine. Do you prefer to jog alone and avoid going to the gym? Then you can try a new running route. Do you like swimming? Search for a new swimming pool near you.

6. If you are still a complete beginner, you can also write motivational sayings on pieces of paper and put them in your backpack or handbag. In the next few weeks you canthen the motivational sayingsread one by one. This means you are always full of energy and start every workout highly motivated and enthusiastic. You can also find many inspirational quotes from professional athletes online.

Find motivation for sport in Corona times

Especially now in the Corona period, when there are exit restrictions, we spend a lot of time at home. It goes without saying that sport should play an important role in our everyday lives. If you start your morning with yoga exercises, you start your day in a good mood and train. In the evening you can do another workout, this time for specific muscle groups.Also joggingdoesn't have to be out of the program, because there are now very compact treadmills for the home. You can even put the device on the balcony or in the garden to run outdoors.

Where there is a will there is a way and necessity is what makes most athletes inventive. So if you want to train at home, you can definitely do so. There are many exercises for which you don't need gym equipment. Nevertheless, only a few of the amateur athletes train when they are in quarantine at home. This is because the temptations are much greater within your own four walls. A few motivation tricks can help here: Distribute your sports equipment, such as sports shoes or small equipment such as hand muscle trainers and exercise balls, around the apartment. Place them next to the TV or refrigerator. Hopefully this will help you exercise more often.

You can also meet up with friends and organize a video chat. So you can train together even in Corona times. You can also find out more about new sports and new exercises in your free timeFitness equipment at hometry. Now is also the right time to do breathing exercises after every workout and to meditate.

It's not always easy to find motivation for an exhausting workout. Especially after a stressful day at work, but also when the children have to be looked after at home, it is difficult to find the necessary free time. Anyone looking for excuses will always find them. But it's worth staying active and keeping your body fit even in Corona times. If you lack motivation, then more motivational sayings for sports will come to your aid in the photo gallery below. Get inspired and keep going with your training program!

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Motivational sayings for sports: Football coach Paul Brown and his training motto

Motivation for sports – beginners: keep going and don’t give up!

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Motivation for sports: You should stay focused when training

Michael Jordan has inspired many athletes

Motivational sayings for sports: Discipline plays a crucial role in success

Each of us keeps our body fit because we love it

Keep going and don't give up!

Motivational sayings for sports: Running

Motivational sayings for sports: Don't give up, no excuses!

Motivation for the workout: set goals and plan rewards

Find motivation for sport: When running, the soul recovers and we relax from everyday stress

The beginning is always the hardest: finding motivation for fitness is not an easy task

Working out isn't easy, but it's definitely worth it

Motivational sayings for sports in English

Motivational sayings for sports: Funny

We have to work hard to get the body of our dreams

If you do exercises several times a week, you can soon look forward to a toned body

Never give up, keep training!

For a healthy, strong and beautiful body you have to train

Motivational sayings for sports: Always get better