The Native Americans already knew the effects of the witch hazel plant: back then it was used as a remedy for stings and burns. Nowadays, the active ingredients found in its leaves and bark are used to make cosmetic products such as witch hazel facial toners, creams or ointments. As part of your beauty routine, witch hazel can do a lot: it relieves itching, has an anti-inflammatory effect, refreshes the skin, neutralizes redness and has an antibacterial effect. But organic cleaning products, room fragrances, stain removers and odor neutralizers also contain witch hazel water. We have collected 12 ideas on the topic for you, find out how to use witch hazel and how you can make natural cosmetics and all-purpose cleaners yourself.
The medicinal plant witch hazel at a glance
The witch hazel is aperennial shrubof the witch hazel family, native to North America and Asia. Today, a total of six species and several hybrid varieties are widespread throughout Europe as ornamental plants. However, they should not be confused with Hamamelis virginiana, i.e. the Virginian witch hazel. It is the only medicinal plant from the witch hazel family and, unlike the other varieties, blooms in autumn. The perennial can reach a height of several meters and has oval yellowish leaves that are arranged alternately. In summer it forms numerous woody capsules, which burst open shortly before flowering in autumn and release the black seeds. The active ingredients are found in the bark and leaves of the plant. Tannin tannins are obtained from the bark and catechin tannins and essential oils are obtained from the leaves.
Not only witch hazel facial toner can be prepared from witch hazel. Below we offer you some examples of how you can make tea, tincture or compress yourself. Of course, you should first consult your doctor and pharmacist about the effects of the medicinal plant before using it.
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Hamamelis-Teefor compresses and wound rinses: The tea is prepared from dried witch hazel leaves and chopped pieces of beef. Two teaspoons of the leaf and beef mix are placed in a cup and poured with 250 ml of hot water (optimally 90 degrees). Let the tea steep for 10 to 12 minutes, then strain and set aside to cool. You can use it to wash inflamed skin, bathe in it for 10 to 20 minutes or apply a compress. You can store the tea in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.
Compresses with Hamamelis-Tea:They are applied as a poultice to an affected part of the body or a wound. Leave the compress on for 2.5 – 3 hours. If you are making the compress for the first time, be sure to check after 20 minutes for any allergic reaction such as swelling or redness.
Bathing with witch hazel tea:Since witch hazel tea can reduce inflammation, it is often used diluted for a sitz bath. With such a sitz bath, hemorrhoid symptoms, for example, can be effectively relieved. The tea is simply poured into warm water and then you can bathe indoors for 15 minutes. It can also help with inflamed or heavy legs; this time you should add the tea to the water in the foot bath.
Make your own witch hazel tincture:Put approx. 120 g of chopped witch hazel bark into a pot and pour 300 ml of distilled water over it. Allow to warm up over low heat for approx. 1 hour. You can stir occasionally. Do not bring the mixture to a boil! Strain the warm mixture. Depending on how much liquid you have, you now need to add the same amount of distilled water. For example, if you have 200 ml of liquid, add another 200 ml of distilled water. Add more alcohol. You can calculate the exact amount of alcohol you need like this: 200 ml liquid + 200 ml distilled water = 400 ml witch hazel mixture. 400ml X 18% = 72 ml alcohol. Store the tincture closed, dry and dark. Usage: Dilute between 15 and 25 drops in 250ml of water and apply to the skin with a cotton pad.
Make your own witch hazel facial toner: basic recipe and examples of use
You can buy witch hazel facial toner or make it yourself. We will explain to you in detail how this works.
For the witch hazel water you need the following ingredients: 200g dry and finely chopped bark of Hamamelis virginiana and tap water. Since you need to distill the liquid, you also need a distillation device. The so-called Leonardo still is particularly suitable for this purpose.
Preparation: The Leonardo still consists of four parts: a kettle for the water, an aroma basket that is filled with herbs, flowers and in this case - the finely chopped bark, a cooler and a top. First you need to assemble the aroma basket in the cauldron, then fill the aroma basket with the bark. Press the plant material lightly with your fingertips. Then comes the cooler, now all you have to do is connect the hoses and you can start distilling. The whole process takes between 30 and 40 minutes.
You can still add this homemade witch hazel water to other skin care products or use it as a facial toner.
Witch hazel water and its anti-inflammatory properties
1. Use against puffy bags under the eyes
The thin skin under the eyes loses its elasticity with age and therefore needs regular care. If bags under the eyes or dark circles under the eyes develop over time, these can be easily alleviated with witch hazel facial toner. Simply dip cotton pads briefly into witch hazel water, fold them together, place them on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes and let the witch hazel ingredients absorb.
2. Witch hazel facial toner for varicose veins
Varicose veins, also known as varicose veins, is a condition that causes leg pain and swelling. The symptoms of those affected can be alleviated with both medication and herbs. According to studies, witch hazel water also has a positive effect. In any case, it must be applied to the affected areas of the body at least three times a day for three weeks before the first results are visible.
3. Witch hazel water for diaper rash
A new study published in European Journal of Pediatrics by M. Kieser and HH Wolf in 2007 points to the anti-inflammatory properties of witch hazel. The researchers concluded that certain skin inflammations in children can be effectively treated with witch hazel.
4. The facial toner helps with sunburn
Witch hazel can also help with sunburn and soothe sun-stressed skin. As soon as you notice or feel sunburn, the first thing you should do is take a cool shower. It provides relief and cools the skin. You can then carefully apply the facial toner using cotton pads.
5. Witch hazel water for sensitive scalps
dry,sensitive scalp, which tends to cause redness, can also be successfully treated with witch hazel water. In this case, the natural product can relieve the itching and help the skin heal quickly, but the right gentle hair care can make the difference in the long run. A mild shampoo and regular hair masks with 5-6 drops of witch hazel tincture will balance the scalp.
Yellow nails - causes and many tips for treatment!
Healthy nails are characterized by a smooth, shiny surface. Yellow nails, on the other hand, do not make a well-groomed impression. Depending on the cause, the discoloration may turn brown. You can find out what are the most common causes of this problem and how you can treat it or prevent it completely here!
6. First aid for mosquito bites
Mix baking soda with witch hazel water and apply the paste to the affected areas. We also give you a simple recipe for organic insect repellent spray. Mix distilled water and witch hazel facial toner in a 1:1 ratio and add 30 drops of one of the following essential oils: eucalyptus, lavender, mint, rosemary. Shake the bottle vigorously and spray the skin with it.
7. Against stretch marks
Witch hazel water can not only be applied to the skin as a preventative measure, but can also lighten stretch marks that have already formed.
Household applications
8. Cleaning products for marble and granite
Marble and granite are sensitive natural stones whose surface can change color. Gentle cleaning products are therefore an absolute must. Hamamelis facial toner can effectively clean particularly highly polished surfaces. Spray the surface and then wipe with a microfiber cloth. To be on the safe side, you can first test the effect of the facial toner on an inconspicuous area.
9. As a stain remover in households with animals
Anyone who has a pet knows the problem: the challenge is not only to remove the stains, but also to neutralize odors. This is where the witch hazel facial toner comes to the rescue again. First wipe off the liquid with a paper towel, then spray the stains with witch hazel water, and then clean the stains with enzyme cleaner.
10. As a carpet cleaner
The miracle cure also comes to the rescue when treating dirt in carpets, door mats, etc. Mix nitron with witch hazel facial toner, first test the finished paste in an inconspicuous area and then you can clean the carpet with it.
11. As a cleaning agent for jewelry
The longer you wear your favorite jewelry, the dirtier it becomes. Witch hazel water is a gentle cleaning agent that will effectively remove dirt from your earrings, necklaces and bracelets.
12. Make your own room scents with witch hazel water.
The basic recipe for a home fragrance consists of three ingredients: distilled water, witch hazel water and essential oil of your choice. For inspiration, we offer you four combinations that you can make yourself:
Ingredients for the basic recipe: 100 ml distilled water, 1 tbsp witch hazel facial toner, 50 drops of fragrance oil of your choice.
Freshness kick with the following essential oils: 20 drops lemon oil, 15 drops basil oil, 10 drops rosemary oil, 5 drops mint oil.
Summer mood with the following fragrance oils: 20 drops of lavender oil, 20 drops of lemon oil, 10 drops of rosemary oil.
For better concentration: 30 drops of mint oil, 20 drops of rosemary oil.