In popular depictions of bodies, particularly women's bodies, we are accustomed to seeing a streamlined, semicircular silhouette that curves outward at the hip and backward at the thigh. Even if we view this image as “normal” or desirable, many people’s bodies simply don’t look that way. You can fill hip dips with surgery to make your hips look perfect. But first of all:
What are hip dips?
“Hip dimples” or “violin hips” are indentations around the curve from the hips to the thighs. The distribution of theAmount of faton your body can make these dents more noticeable. Anatomically speaking, there is nothing wrong with a hip dent. They also pose no medical risk. But some people feel unsettled by hip dips.
What causes hip dimples
Hip dips are generally caused by skin adhering to a deep part of the thigh bone, and how visible they are depends on the width of the hip and the shape of the pelvis. For some people this dent is barely noticeable. In others it is more pronounced. Despite leading a healthy and active lifestyle, many people find that these dents do not go away due to the anatomy of the dents. No matter how often you perform exercises that supposedly target the hip dimples, those who are genetically predisposed to it are unlikely to see any change because the lack of volume cannot be compensated for.
Are hip dents bad?
Our answer won't surprise you: hip dips aren't inherently bad. We can confidently say that hip dips are neither good nor bad. As with everything that contributes to our appearance, we are all unique and there is no such thing as a “normal” look. While there may be images of what we believe we should look like, that doesn't mean we all have the same body types that can achieve that goal.
So if there's nothing wrong with hip bends, you might be wondering why people try to correct them. This is primarily a self-confidence issue. People want to feel good about the way they look. Whether it's daily life or activities like swimming or going to the beach, we all need to stay infeel comfortable in our own skin.
As we all strive for perfection in our lives, we may also have become more demanding about our appearance. This operation is possible for both men and women, but women are more likely to choose it. The reason for this lies in the expectations of body shape. The “usual” form looks like thisthe curves around the hipsaround and then return to the thighs. When the shape is off in this area, it is common for people to want to correct it.
Hip dips fill with surgery – is it safe?
Fat grafting and liposuction are considered relatively low-risk and simple procedures. However, as with any surgical procedure, there is always some risk of complications - some of which are serious. Common side effects after such surgery include:
- Bruising and pain at the site of the incision or injection
- Fat displacement or dimpling at the injection site
- Swelling and bleeding at the site where the fat was removed or injected
- Scarring
- In rare cases, fever and discharge at the surgical site may occur after surgery. This could be an indication of an infection.
Who is a good candidate?
Non-smokers whose skin is very elastic and who have no history of bleeding may be good candidates for liposuction and hip dip filling with surgery. If you have recently lost a lot of weight (50 kg or more), have an autoimmune disease or a bleeding tendency, or are taking blood-thinning medications, your doctor may advise against such surgery.
People who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder or other conditions that cause body dysmorphia should use extreme caution when undergoing hip dip surgery. It is also worth noting that 30 to 70 percent of the fat injected into the hip area during surgery can be absorbed by the body in the year following surgery.
How does the procedure work?
Hip dips can usually be done on an outpatient basis with surgery. Depending on your doctor's recommendation, you will most likely have surgery under general anesthesia.
- First, liposuction is performedRemoves fat from your body.The fat can be taken from the buttocks, stomach or inner thighs.
- Small incisions are made to remove the fat, which are then sewn closed and bandaged.
- The fat is then prepared for reinjection into your body. A machine spins it so that blood and other fluids are removed from the fat.
- The fat is then injected into your hip area. Usually no sutures are required at the injection site.
Hip dips fill with surgery: fat transfer
This method, also known as fat grafting, is one of the most popular and effective options, according to experts. While this type of hip augmentation is often combined with other procedures such as full-body liposuction and Brazilian butt lifts, it is often performed as a stand-alone procedure for patients who want to soften the side contour of their glutes. The fat is first removed through liposuction (it can come from any part of the body where it is undesirable, such as the stomach or outer thighs) and then injected into the hip cavity. If the concave area is very deep, that is, if theHip dent very pronouncedIt is best to combine fat grafting with liposuction to slim the area both above and below the dent.
Expect approximately four to five days of downtime and a two-week recovery period before you can resume normal activities. Possible side effects include swelling, bruising, discomfort, and the appearance of bumps and bumps. Also keep in mind that liposuction is a surgical procedure that can cause complications such as infection and bleeding. Technically, the results are permanent – but not all of the transferred fat is retained. About 70% remains throughout life, but the other 30% of transferred fat melts away. Most doctors usually compensate for this by introducing more fat than is necessary to achieve the goal.
Injectable fillers
For patients who do not want to undergo plastic surgery or are too slim and simply do not have the fat reserves required for fat grafting, Sculptra is a popular alternative. It's made from poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic material that stimulates collagen production and ultimately provides more volume. The injections are quick and easy, with no anesthesia or downtime. The downside? Results only last about two years, and costs can add up quickly. For a complete correction of the hips, 5 to 10 ampoules and several rounds of treatment are required, depending on the desired result. You can say that this is a good option for smaller augmentations, but someone with very deep hip dimples will definitely end up spending more on Sculptra than on surgery.
Hip dips fill with surgery: hip implants
Another option is cosmetic implants, which are made of a semi-solid silicone, similar to breast implants. Unlike fat transfer, volume consistency is guaranteed, and silicone implants are a permanent solution - both factors that drive people toward this option. They are also suitable for those who are not worried about the appearance of hip dimples, but stillbigger hipswish. Because this is a surgical procedure, you will be placed under general anesthesia and will be downtime for about a week. Risks include infection, bleeding, implant displacement, and eventual need for implant removal. The treatment is also costly and the cost varies from place to place. Check the prices at the clinic in your area. Also worth noting: silicone implants are not the same as silicone injections, which are illegal and very dangerous.
Aftercare and recovery
Even if you don't have to stay in the hospital overnight, you will need someone to drive you home after a fat transplant. Pain may occur at the injection and incision sites for a few weeks after the fat transfer. Bruising and pain may last 2 weeks or longer. You may not notice the results of your surgery right away. It can take up to 6 months for the fat transfer to fully take effect.
Hip dips fill with surgery: risk minimization
To minimize the risk of complications after hip dip surgery, you should carefully follow your healthcare provider's instructions. Here are some additional tips:
- Keep the area where the incisions were made clean and dry.
- Do not immerse yourself in water, pools, or hot tubs until your doctor tells you to.
- Don't rush back to strenuous physical activity until your doctor gives you the go-ahead.
- Find a licensed, experienced doctor to perform the procedure (this will greatly reduce the risk of infection or other complications).
When will you be able to see the result
During recovery, it will take time for the swelling to subside. You must wait at least 3 months before you can see the results of the procedure. But it can also take longer. Therefore, do not expect to see immediate results during the recovery period. In the meantime, keep in mind that your body may absorb some of the fat transferred to the hip dips. Of course, your surgeon will take this into account and transfer the fat accordingly.
How long do the results of the surgery last
Such an operation produces permanent results. However, you need to eat a balanced diet and exercise to maintain the result. Even after the body loses some fat, you will see the results of the surgery.