Giving yourself a manicure may seem harmless, but there are some important techniques and if done incorrectly, you can not only ruin the entire paint job but also endanger your health. Find out here which are the most common manicure mistakes that you should never make again.
Which manicure mistakes should you definitely avoid?
Of all the beauty treatments we can confidently do ourselves, an at-home manicure is probably the easiest. But do your nails ever look as good as when a professional did them? Rather not.
Just because we're used to quickly filing and polishing our nails doesn't mean we're doing it right. Here are the most common manicure mistakes you're probably making and how to fix them.
Manicure Mistake: Not cleaning the utensils
Using tools without cleaning them first allows dirt and bacteria to penetrate deeper into the nail beds. Therefore, it is important that you start your manicure by washing the tools with a disinfectant. Be sure to store them in a breathable container and clean them before and after each use.
Manicure Mistake: Cutting the cuticles
This is the definition of “leave it to the professionals.” When treating yourself to a manicure at home, be sure not to overdo it with cutting the cuticles. This leaves your skin vulnerable to infection and results in a look that shows more irritation than flawless skin.
Instead, gently push back your cuticles. The easiest trick for this process is to push back the cuticles in the shower once the nail bed has been softened by the warm water. Push, don't cut!
File the nails back and forth
Because the nail tip is the oldest and most fragile part of the nail, filing back and forth can cause the nail to splinter, peel, or even break. Try it this way: File an outer corner of the nail and run the file across the tip in one direction, stopping in the middle. Repeat the process in this direction until the desired shape is achieved, then switch sides.
Do not moisturize
Nails and cuticles need moisture in order toto be properly cared for. Some nail products such as nail hardeners, quick-dry products, and nail polish removers can actually damage and dry out nails. If your nails are chipping, peeling, or breaking, it may be due to the drying ingredients in your products. Use cuticle oil to moisturize the nails and cuticles, extend the life of the polish, make the polish dry faster and strengthen the nails.
What are the typical manicure mistakes when painting?
- Forgot the primer:The base coat is to a manicure what the primer is to makeup. It prepares the nail surface to receive a smooth first coat of polish while preventing staining. Your natural nail contains oils that prevent the nail polish from adhering well. Therefore, you should always seal the oils with a base coat. And as a bonus, your favorite polish will last much longer.
- Apply thick layers of paint:Thin layers of polish are the key to a lasting manicure. Applying the paint too thick is a sure way to get spots and nicks in your work because it will take much longer for the paint to dry. Two coats of varnish are usually best!
- No sealing of the nail tip:Because nail tips are the easiest to chip, it is important to seal the tip of each nail by painting the edges of the tip. This will keep your manicure perfect for as long as possible!
- Use cotton swabs:Many websites recommend using a cotton swab to correct mistakes in manicure. This seems like the best idea, but the cotton threads, no matter how tiny, can easily stick to your nail polish and ruin your perfect manicure. Instead of a cotton swab, use a very thin makeup brush to clean the area.
- Shake the nail polish bottle:This old-fashioned practice does more harm than good. When you shake the nail polish bottle, small air bubbles are created, which are then transferred to the nail when painting. Bubbles can also form if you pump the brush into the neck of the bottle too quickly. Before you start painting, simply roll the bottle between your hands to ensure the paint is properly mixed.
- Do not paint the edges:When applying nail polish, most women forget to apply it to the edges. This way, water gets trapped between the nail polish and the nail, causing the nail polish to easily chip and break. So don't forget to add some color to the edges of your nail to extend the life of your manicure.
Shower or wash dishes immediately after painting
The first two hours afterPainting your nailsare the most important and you should make sure that your manicure is not destroyed by hot water or dish soap. When nails are exposed to hot water, the nail polish is softened and smeared immediately. The same goes for washing dishes in warm water, except you also expose your fresh nails to pots and pans. Also, avoid going to bed immediately after painting so that the bedding doesn't ruin your manicure.