Nail care with home remedies: 8 natural remedies + simple recipes for healthy and shiny nails!

If you suffer from weak, brittle, or peeling nails, you'll be happy to know that there are several natural remedies you can use at home. Harness the power of nutrients found in natural foods and oils! Also avoid the unnecessary chemicals and preservatives that are often added to nail treatments. If you want to try nail care with home remedies, here are some quick and affordable remedies.

1. Lemon juice promotes nail growth

Lemon juice acts as a great cleanser and is also known to remove discoloration. The vitamin C it containspromotes stronger growth. Dab the lemon juice onto each nail using a cotton pad and allow to dry. You can also place a slice of lemon directly on the nail. Do this treatment twice a week and follow with a rich moisturizer.

Other uses: Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with water in a small bowl and add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Soak your nails for about 10 minutes. Then gently scrub them with a brush and wash them clean. You can also mix two teaspoons of sea salt in a bowl of lukewarm water, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and soak your fingers for 10-15 minutes.

You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to 2 tablespoons of olive oil and microwave in a cup for 15 seconds. This gives you a nail mask that you can massage into your nails and leave on for 30 minutes - or overnight if you can for maximum effect.

2. Coconut oil for nail infections

If you want to care for your nails using home remedies, coconut oil is well suited. It is very moisturizing and can help strengthen nails and soften cuticles. It also has antifungal properties - good news if you're prone to nail infections.

For onenurturing treatmentWarm coconut oil in the microwave for 20 seconds and massage into cuticles before bed. To seal the treatment, wear a pair of thin cotton gloves overnight.

3. Garlic oil to strengthen nails

Garlic is rich in selenium, which promotes nail growth. You can either rub your fingernails with a sliced ​​piece of garlic or, if that's too harsh for you, make your own garlic oil for a nail mask.

To do this, fry minced or minced garlic in a pan with a little olive oil for 10 minutes, making sure the oil does not bubble or smoke. Allow the oil to cool and strain into a glass jar, discarding the garlic pieces. You can massage this oil into your nails and cuticles every evening before rinsing it off in the morning. Remember that massage stimulates blood circulation, which helps nutrients from the bloodstream reach the nails.

4. Honey for supple nails

Honey helps fight bacterial and fungal growth and can help keep your nails and cuticles nourished and supple. Combine the moisturizing properties of honey withthose of lemon juiceto make a honey lemon nail mask. To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of honey with a few drops of lemon juice and massage the nails before leaving it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse the mask off thoroughly and you should have brighter nails, softer cuticles, and with regular use, stronger nails over time.

5. Nail care with home remedies: olive oil

The use of nourishing oils such as: E.g. olive oil can help your nails shine by nourishing the cuticles from the inside out. Olive oil has excellent moisturizing properties and is therefore often used in various beauty products.

How to apply: Clean your nails thoroughly. Then warm a small bowl of olive oil and massage your fingers deeply for 15 minutes. Wipe them with a towel and repeat the process daily for best results.

6. Nail care with home remedies: rose water

Rose water works wonders to keep nails healthy. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties and acts as anatural moisturizer. How to use: Use rose water regularly after thoroughly cleaning your fingers.

7. Tea tree oil for clean and healthy nails

Tea tree oil can also be used as a home remedy for nail care. Known for its antifungal properties, this carrier oil is perfect for keeping nails clean and healthy. Dab some tea tree oil on a cotton swab and apply to your nails once a day for a week for best results.

8. Is toothpaste good for your nails?

Anecdotally, toothpaste can help improve the overall appearance of nails. It is believed that whitening toothpaste can help whiten nails and remove surface stains. If a toothpaste with baking sodaon the nailsWhen applied, it can help whiten nails just as it can whiten teeth.