10 Hair Care Mistakes to Avoid If You Want Healthy Hair + Tips for Proper Care!

Just like skin care, hair care is also very individual. What works for you may be completely different from what works for your friends. However, there are some very common mistakes that many people make regardless of their hair type or specific routine. These mistakes can lead to damaged strands that lack moisture and shine. In the name of healthy hair, we're introducing you to 10 hair care mistakes you shouldn't make today and giving you tips on how to keep your hair in top shape.

1. You wash your hair too often or not often enough

You've probably heard many times that washing your hair every day is a hair care sin. And if your hair rarely gets greasy, that's probably true too. If your strands go for days withoutWashing feels clean, there is probably no need to wash them daily. However, if you have an extremely oily hair type 一 we're talking visible oil after less than 24 hours 一 you may need to wash your hair daily, and that's okay. Ridding your scalp of excess oil and debris will make it healthier and more comfortable.

2. Hair Care Mistake: You're not using the right shampoo

Not all shampoos are created equal. When choosing, pay attention to the needs of your hair. If youcolored hairchoose a color-safe shampoo. If you want a deep cleanse, reach for a clarifying shampoo. If your strands are bleached or heat damaged, reach for a shampoo that strengthens weak hair bonds and hairstrengthens from within.

3. They are too rough on your hair when it is wet

According to celebrity hairstylists, hair is most sensitive when it's wet, especially color-treated hair. Avoid hair ties when hair is wet and don't go to bed with wet hair, experts advise. Putting too much strain on wet hair can cause hair breakage. It's also important to brush wet hair gently, as pulling too hard can cause damage.

4. Wear tight hairstyles regularly

Remember that certain hairstyles can affect the health of your hair. If you're tight day after dayHairstyles like an updoWearing a ponytail can cause hair breakage, mainly at the hairline. If you choose an updo, give your hair breaks by alternating it with loose hairstyles.

5. Hair Care Mistake: Not using heat protectant

If you use hot tools on your hair without first applying a heat protectant, you risk leaving damaged strands. Think of heat protectant like a shield for your hair: It creates a protective layer between your hair and the extreme heat that can come from even a blow dryer. Excessive heat can cause hair breakage and split ends.

6. You don't condition your hair thoroughly

If you suffer from dry or damaged hair, incorporating a deep conditioner into your routine can help. Deep conditioners offer more concentrated ingredients than regular conditioners, making them great when your hair needs additional nourishment and care.

7. You're neglecting your scalp

When it comes to hair care, many people focus on the hair itself, but neglect that a healthy scalp is the be-all and end-all. Just like aExfoliate your skinfreed from dead skin cells and deposits of oil and dirt, this also applies to the skin on your head. Treat your scalp to a thorough cleansing with a suitable scrub.

8. You put conditioner on your roots

Unlike shampoo, conditioner should be applied to the lengths of the hair and not to the roots. If you have an extremely dry scalp, you can make an exception. A scalp peeling that...Scalp of dry dandruffHowever, a scalp serum and a scalp serum may be more effective than a root conditioner. However, for most people, applying hair conditioner to the roots can cause excess oil and buildup and weigh down the hair.

9. Hair Care Mistake: Drying hair with a cloth

The texture of standard towels is often too rough and can damage the hair shaft and cause hair breakage and frizz. If you don't want to go without it, you can replace your towel with a cotton T-shirt or a microfiber towel. The soft texture is gentle on your curls and the natural fibers are absorbent. In addition, you should never rub your hair, but always squeeze out the water.

10. You wash your hair with hot water

Just like excessive heat from hot tools damages your hair, dries it out andYour hair colorcan cause fading, this can also be the case with steaming hot water. Turn down the dial and wash your hair with lukewarm water instead. This may not feel as relaxing, but it is better for your hair and scalp in the long run.