There are some expert tricks you can use to achieve the results of a professional treatment when washing your hair at home. Not only does this make your hair cleaner and look better, but you can also save significant money on shampoo costs. There are so many things we can do wrong when washing our hair, but there's one thing we definitely don't pay enough attention to: the exposure time of our shampoo. We will briefly introduce the 60/180 rule and explain to you why you should massage the shampoo into your hair and then leave it on for longer.
What is the pros' 60/180 rule?
For a long time it was thought that it was enough to briefly massage the shampoo into the hair, rinse it out again and then let the conditioner work for a fairly long time. In reality, the shampoo needs a while for the ingredients to develop their optimal effect. This is especially true for moisturizing and repairing shampoos that are designed forvery dry hairare suitable.
Depending on the condition of your hair, you should leave the shampoo on for between one and three minutes, i.e. between 60 and 180 seconds, reveals hairdresser Gabriel Llano. The expert explains: the longer and more damaged the hair is, the longer you should leave the shampoo on.
And that's exactly how this 60/180 rule works: If you have dyed, very long hair that you continue to burden with styling products every day, you should definitely let the shampoo work for three minutes. This really cleanses the hair and allows the nourishing ingredients to absorb. However, if you have shorter hair and don't want to expose it to a lot of stress in the form of hairspray, heat, etc., it's enough to leave the shampoo on for about 60 seconds.
Hair massage is of great importance
While you're waiting for the shampoo, you shouldn't sit idle, but rather, as Llano emphasizes, massage your scalp for at least a minute before rinsing it off. If you stimulate the scalp by massaging, the skin and hair can absorb the care product better. This ultimately improves the result after washing your hair. The hair is optimally cleansed, stays fresh longer and is healthy and strong. Although there is no scientifically proven evidence that a scalp massagecan accelerate hair growth, but it stimulates blood circulation and is therefore a plus for more beautiful hair.
Types of shampoos and waiting time
The hairdresser points out a notable fact related to the type of shampoo used: when it comes to a moisturizing or repairing shampoo, you have to wait carefully for the ingredients to take effect. Therefore, in such cases, these 3 minutes are necessary and appropriate.
The 60/180 rule: pull shampoo to the ends
We know that shampoo should always be everywhereon the scalpbe applied. It is also important that the shampoo can also reach the ends of the hair. The idea is not to massage the shampoo into that part of the hair, but rather to pull it through the rest of the hair to reach and remove any residue. Expert Llano advises that you should cleanse your hair by moisturizing the entire length of the hair. That's why you should always start at the scalp and then slowly and carefully pull the shampoo through the rest of the hair to the ends, because well-moisturized hair looks smoother.