Dyeing brown hair copper: How to transform your hair in no time + before and after pictures!

Would you also like to try this hair color and do you currently have dark hair? Below you will discover many before and after pictures and important information on this topic. Gather inspiration for your next visit to the hairdresser – you can also dye your brown hair copper yourself!

Photo:@hairbyslee/ Instagram

It's certainly possible, but far from easy, to dye your brown hair copper. It's better to look at the bigger picture than to jump into it headfirst without having all the information. Before you get started, you should consider these points.

Why is this hair color so fashionable and popular?



Photo:@styledbyjaniesa_/ Instagram

Copper hair color is a shade of red that is softer and has hints of gold and bronze. Since it has yellow, orange and gold as primary colors, it is considered a warmer shade of red.

What skin tones go best with copper hair?



Photo:@jadepeacockhair/ Instagram

Copper hair, when styled by an expert, can suit any skin tone as the stylist can tailor the final effect to your hair color and undertone.

Photo:@francescohair.leek/ Instagram

Copper brown hair color is a good example of a deeper tint that can highlight the undertones of an olive or dark complexion. If you have fair skin, you should choose redder, lighter shades. They match your skin tone well and accentuate your natural rosiness.

Several visits to the hairdresser are necessary

Photo:@hairbyaliceex/ Instagram

Like any other shade, copper requires a lot of work to dye. This coloring process can take quite a while to complete, from the first visit to any necessary touch-ups. When you go to the salon for the first time, you should plan at least several hours. A single hair appointment may not be enough to achieve the desired effect when dyeing your hair from brown to copper - this depends on your natural hair color and the style you want.



Photo:@almabeautybymichi/ Instagram

To avoid risking damage to your hair through austerity, you may need to go back to the salon a few days later to get the job done. The visit will also take a few hours. After that, you should come in for a touch-up every four to six weeks if you are happy with the color and want to keep it.

Also read:Dyeing from red to blonde: tips on how to dye your hair at the hairdresser or yourself + before and after pictures

From brown to copper: This is how it works!



Photo:@marleyrobyn/ Instagram

1. Before you color your hair, you should prepare it. Your hair must be in good condition before coloring it. To do this, you should take good care of your hair or use a hair mask to add moisture and nutrients. You should probably give your damaged or brittle hair a few weeks or months to heal before coloring it.



Photo:@harriethair_/ Instagram

2. It may be necessary to change your darkto bleach hair, before getting a bright copper tone. Since this treatment could damage your hair, you should consult a professional stylist for advice on how to protect your locks during this process.

3. After preparing your hair, the next step is to apply the color. Your hairdresser will apply the color to your locks precisely, ensuring no spots are missed.



Photo:@francescohair.leek/ Instagram

4. To remove excess color, rinse your hair carefully after applying color. Your hairdresser will then style your hair using tools and products that enhance and maintain the rich copper tone.

Care for your copper hair

Photo:@hairbylillyrose_/ Instagram

If you want your copper hair to retain its shine, proper care is essential. For example, use a shampoo and conditioner designed for color-treated hair, limit your use of heat tools, and touch up your hairline regularly to keep it looking new.

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Cover photo:@hair_by_abby_dolphin/ Instagram