Game of Thrones Tattoo Designs – The coolest ideas for tattoos from the cult series

If you are a true fan of the Game of Thrones series, you simply have to show your love for the characters you want with a great Game of Thrones tattoo. This comes in all sorts of cool tattoo designs, from house sigils to the Queen of Dragons Khaleesi herself. In this post we give you some suggestions for tattoos from the HBO series and book series “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George RR Martin before. These are expressed by the fan community with a corresponding tattoo. Few things are better than a dragon or direwolf tattoo. Some fans simply went with the lyrics “Valar Morghulis,” which means “all men must die.”

These tattoos are inspired by the cult TV series

In the wake of Narnia and Hogwarts mania, a much more complicated fantasy world was born. It is a world of violence, glory, war, passion, tyranny and of course dragons. The author's fascinating universe makes for epic television and incredible Game of Thrones tattoosDesigns and ideas.

Several ideas for men

DieSymbols are important for the many clansin the series, and each family has its own insignia and motto. For this reason, if you are an admirer of the film characters, you can also have your body tattooed with them.

The Stark family, for example, fights under the powerful symbol of the direwolf's head and shares their slogan "Winter is coming" in the television show. “Valar morgulis” – “All men must die,” is another legendary phrase that would be even more powerfully engraved on your skin.

So every fan of the show has a character they can identify with. For example, if you are a smart guy like Tyron Lannister, or a lone wolf like Jon Snow, you can get a Game of Thrones tattoo like this. A portrait of one of these characters proudly declares your allegiance and, most importantly, makes you look really cool.

A Game of Thrones tattoo is not only a reason for fan friendships, but it also looks majestic. Stamp yourself with impressive creatures, quotes in Gothic script or a depiction of the famous Iron Throne.

Tattoo ideas

Tattoo trends: These motifs and tattoo styles are very popular

We have the tattoo trends for you that will be particularly popular in 2018/2019. These include red ink, motifs from works of art by the most famous painters and hand-stitched tattoos. Of course, the choice of a tattoo should not depend on the prevailing trends. However, it is not difficult to see

You can also give these images an ironic twist by choosing a critical joke drawing as a version of your favorite character or place. Fans will immediately recognize the Game of Thrones tattoo, while everyone else will simply be amazed by the art.

Ideas for women

When it comes to tattoos spawned by TV shows, it would be hard to find a more popular choice than the mighty Game of Thrones. From the prancing lion of House of Lannister to full portraits of the stunning Daenerys Targaryen, GOT has inspired a wealth of unique and creative designs from fans around the world.

Sophie Turner, aka Sansa Stark, also recently caused a stir among the fans of the cult series. In fact, she debuted a new GOT-inspired tattoo that was initially considered a spoilsport. However, there's no reason to worry because she has insisted that her new body art has nothing to do with what's to come in the final season of the hit HBO show.

Emilia Clarke also honored her role as Daenerys Targaryen in a special and lasting way. The actress got her new tattoo done on her wrist with the trio of flying dragons.

There are already thousands of great GOT designs out there. There are many pieces to choose from that we liked while representing as many different creative styles as possible. The Lannisters might be the richest family in the 7 Kingdoms, but if the Starks sold the license to the design for their flag, a new family could be at the top. The wolf head logo is definitely the most popular Game of Thrones tattoo you can find.