Wellness in the garden: This is how you build your own garden sauna

If you like going to the sauna, you will be thrilled to have your own garden sauna! You don't always have to visit a swimming pool or a thermal spa to enjoy yourself. Saunas are now available to buy in different sizes and variations. The advantages are clear.

That's why the garden sauna is so popular

Nobody has to pay entrance fee. The sauna is also open around the clock. WheneverThere is a need, the garden sauna can be used and enjoyed. Would you like a little more infusion? No problem, because everyone can do whatever they think is right in their own sauna.

But before you can relax, you obviously have to buy a garden sauna. Various products are available from specialist retailers. This means everyone can get the right sauna for their needs.

What should you consider when building a garden sauna?

A garden sauna can be hidden behind a hedge or act as a focal point in the garden. First, think carefully about where the sauna should be located. The different models can then be viewed.

In addition to a fancy oneDesign SaunaClassic and traditional versions are also available. Whether it's a ready-made kit or a home-made sauna: the sauna can be set up quickly and is available after just a short time. However, there are a few important things to note in this regard.

  • Before buying, carefully consider how big the sauna should be. Allow approximately 1.5 m² per person.
  • Check whether a foundation is necessary. Depending on the size of the sauna and the nature of the surface, a foundation may be essential.
  • Which sauna heater is the right one? There are different oven sets and systems. It is important to clarify in advance which model will be shortlisted.

Tipp:In fact, German building law equates a garden sauna with a garden house. The building should therefore be viewed like a lounge. Whether the sauna requires a permit depends on the size and location of the sauna. It is therefore best to obtain information about the building regulations locally from the responsible building authority.

Which materials are recommended for a garden sauna?

Many sauna lovers choose wood as a building basis. This material can be used to create a natural and pleasant atmosphere. However, not every type of wood is suitable for a sauna. For outdoor use, it is better to use wood without resin content. Spruce, aspen or hemlock are best suited for this.

For the interior, you should use soft and, above all, splinter-free material. Here too, aspen is a good choice for the garden sauna.

A notice:In order for a sauna to fully fulfill its function, it must be well sealed. Otherwise, too much valuable heat will be lost. Therefore, choose a wall thickness of at least 28 mm. Windows should also be well insulated and doors should be ideally lockable.

Small details with big benefits

The heart of every sauna is the oven. Choose a suitable oven size that provides sufficient heat. A professional sauna heater also requires a high-voltage connection. It is essential to consult a professional for this.

Alternatively, an electric sauna heater is also an advantage. This can be used especially when there are no electrical connections in the immediate vicinity.

Consider:The larger the garden sauna is, the more powerful the heater should be. Appropriate seating should also be provided. This means the whole family can sit down and relax. Lower seats are ideal for sauna beginners, upper seats are suitable for sauna professionals. Because thatThe sensation of heat is different for every personIf the sauna is canceled, everyone can enjoy the sauna session in peace as needed.