Feng Shui deals with the harmonization of man and the surrounding area and looks at the living space, be it a house or an office, as a lively organism with which we have to live in harmony. The eastern apprenticeship has many rules about what and where there are, in which angles and even at what distance. But the colors also influence our emotions and perceptions. The wall color not only decides on the general atmosphere in the room, but also ensures good well -being. Because at home a person spends about half of his life.
The living room is a place of diverse possibilities where you can relax from the daily hustle and bustle and talk to friends and family. The choice of the right color can lift the mood and invite you to a sociable get -together. Today we will tell you which wall paint is best suited for the living room according to the Feng Shui teaching. When choosing, one should take into account the flow of energy, the orientation of the room and the Bagua zones.
Apply the compass bagua when choosing the wall color
As always, everything begins with an analysis of the floor plan of the house. This means that primarily Feng Shui experts are interested in the direction in which the room is. Then that willFENG-SHUI-raster "BAGUA"laid over the floor plan. The Bagua uses the 8 directions and symbolically forms 9 zones that represent different areas of life. Bagua areas and directions are also assigned one of the five elements: water, earth, wood, fire and metal. As soon as you have found out which elements are allocated to your living room, you can also perfectly adjust the furnishings and select the correct wall colors according to Feng Shui.
If the kitchen of the stomach, the living room is the heart of the apartment. Because we are the most in this room. Therefore, you can use colors that actively act on our psyche and ensure a cozy, communicative atmosphere.Pastel colors, on the other hand, have a calming effectAnd are better suited for bedrooms and bathrooms, where peace is required. When choosing the wall color for the living room, you should not only choose one color, but also understand the many different shades of this color.
For the living room according to the five elements
With the help of the Bagua you can find out which colors are assigned to which direction and which element. For example, water and north, fire and south, wood and east/southeast, metal and west/northwest, earth and southwest/northeast belong together. The element of water is encouraged by blue, violet and black. Red, orange and pink activate the element fire in the south. The element wood is stimulated by green colors and the colors of the earth are yellow and brown. Where the metal element dominates, the colors are used silver, white and gold.
Element earth- Damped yellow, orange, ocher, beige, terracotta, brown
Element wood - green, turquoise, yellow green, brown
Element water - blue, turquoise, black, violet
Metal element - white, gray and metal colors such as gold, silver, bronze and brass
Element fire - red, pink, salmon, orange, peach, violet
Color red - passion, courage, romance (element fire)
The color red has an invigorating effect and brings a lot of energy into the room. Red is the Chinese color of happiness and prosperity, is considered a wedding color in India and symbolizes love and romance in Western culture, courage and passion. Use the positive force that is attributed to this color and spread a Rubinrot living room wall oriented to the south.
Color orange - social, open, optimistic (element fire or earth)
If red is too strong for your living room, it can also be an orange. The color orange is often referred to as “social color” and exudes cosiness and activity equally. This creates a cheerful atmosphere for lively conversations and sociable evenings. The orange color reminds us of the warm light from the fireplace and a cozy time.
Color yellow - sun, happiness (element fire or earth)
Yellow is the feng shui color of the sunlight. With this color you can give every room a happy touch. From pastel yellow to strong sunflower yellow to ocher - every yellow tone looks fresh in summer and is perfect for a living room wall in the southwest or northeast.
Color green - growth, health, liveliness (element wood)
The feng shui color of the east is green. The color green symbolizes spring, the renewal, tomorrow. Vegetable green has a positive effect on health, well -being and social interaction. It is important to combine at least two different green tones to promote the Feng-Shui energy.
Color blue - rest, peace (element water)
Blue is a wonderful feng shui color. From gentle sky blue to turquoise blue and deepCobaltblau- There is an infinite variety of blue shades that you can choose for your home. The color blue is used in the following Bagua areas: East (health), southeast (money) and north (career).
Color gray - neutral, noble (element metal)
The color gray belongs to the metal element and symbolizes autumn and evening. It isA noble colorthat fits every furnishing style. The Feng Shui Bagua zones, which benefit most from the energy of gray color, are vests (creativity), northwest (friends) and north (career).
Color brown - strength, grounding, stability (element wood)
Braun is one of the warm colors and is perfect for the living room. The color brown is also available in various nuances - from very light to almost black. Chocolate, coffee and mahogany, for example, look very deep and elegant and sophisticated. The Bagua areas that are most promoted by the energy of the brown color are east (health), southeast (money) and south (fame).