Recipe for “nun’s farts”: This is how the fluffy pastry works

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First in the video: Baking powder can be replaced with these foods

Nun's farts not only taste heavenly, but they also get a few laughs!

Come on, you had to smile a little when you read the title, right? We haven't had a pastry with such a funny name for a long time. “Nun’s farts” not only ensure laughter, but above all, enjoyable snorting.

The delicious dessert consists of a choux pastry that is fried in hot fat and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. Truly heavenly delicious and just the thing for the crazy season. So how about nun farts instead of classic farts?this year? With this fluffy shortbread you can provide a heavenly, delicious variety!

By the way: The name can be translated according to theBavarian Radiomay be traced back to the medieval term “nunnenkenfurt”. This means something like “best prepared by the nuns”. So the pastry actually has nothing to do with farting.

Recipe for heavenly delicious nuns' farts

Airy choux pastry, sweet powdered sugar and a wonderfully brown crust – what more could you want? Nun's farts are a real treat that family and friends are sure to love.

This is what you need for approx. 6 servings:

  • 500 ml water
  • 100 g Butter
  • 300 g Flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • Some lemon zest
  • Some salt
  • 6 Owner
  • Powdered sugar for dusting

For baking:

  • 1 liter of oil
  • Paper towels

Optional filling:

  • Vanillepudding
  • Scene
  • Marmalade

This is how the recipe works:

1. Put water and butter in a pot and bring the mixture to the boil. Then add a pinch of salt and remove the pot from the heat. Stir in baking powder, flour and lemon zest with a whisk.

Little by little the dough becomes more and more viscous, so switch to a mixing spoon if the mixture gets stuck in the whisk.

2. As soon as the dough comes away from the bottom of the pot, gradually mix in the eggs. Always mix well between each egg!

3. Heat the oil in a large pot. Then use a wet tablespoon to separate bite-sized portions of the dough and add them to the hot oil. Let them fry until they turn nice and golden brown.

4. Fish the dough balls with a sieve ladle (you can get it here on Amazon*) out of the oil and place them on some kitchen paper to drain. Sprinkle the still hot “nun’s farts” with powdered sugar and serve them quickly.

5. Optionally, you can also fill the pastry before serving. Let the baked dough cool on the kitchen paper and pipe the filling of your choice with a piping bag (buy here on Amazon*) inside. Do this very carefully so that the sweet treats do not break.

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We hope you like our recipe and wish you a lot of fun cooking, baking and trying it! Feel free to write to us tooInstagramor onFacebook: We are always happy to receive suggestions and recipe requests!