Some relationships fail to infidelize. Others on the question of whether the forks with their tines belong up or down in the cutlery basket. Yes, it sounds harmless, but this is exactly where the true relationship war begins.
And this is not an isolated case: in one corner a person who sorts the cutlery in the cutlery basket in the cutlery, in the other someone who thinks it is a good idea to put bowls up. Tragedies were written for less.
But the dishwasher is not only a powder barrel at home. Whole team dynamics on the dishwasher have already broken in office bins worldwide. Who just put the plate on top? Why is the coffee cup with half -dried cappuccino next to it, even though the dishwasher is open? Trust? Respect? Everything there.
But what if there is more behind this supposed kitchen drama? Your way of granting the dishwasher is no coincidence. She is a window to your soul. Welcome to kitchen psychology-where plates, cups and cutlery are not only rinsed, but also mercilessly analyzed. Ready to discover yourself? Good. We start.
Dishwasher-free type: perfectionist
You clear the dishwasher as if it were a scientific experiment. Plate perfectly aligned, cutlery sorted by category (forks, spoons, spoons to spoon, knife with the cutting edge inwards, otherwise inner outcry) and glasses in a exact rank - like small soldiers on parade.
If someone dares to give something "wrong", it will be discretely and without a word. Of course only for "practical reasons", not because it torn you inside.
Your character: you are the order in person. Structure gives you a comfortable feeling. Spontaneity is okay - but please prior arrangement. Your calendar is your sanctuary, and the word "approximately" does not exist in your vocabulary.
Dishwasher-free type: chaos artist
You open the dishwasher and throw everything in that is not on the table with three. Plate? Somewhere. Cups? Oh, there is still room between the pots. Cutlery? A subject for everything because, honestly, the water is already finding its way. For you, symmetry is just a concept from the geometry lesson.
Your character: you are the creative. Regulate? Only there to be broken. You live according to the motto: "It will somehow fit" - and mostly it does. Improvisation is your superpower, chaos your creative breeding ground.
Also read:
Dishwasher-free type: "Only I can do that right"
You don't let anyone except the dishwasher. If so, you secretly clear everything up while the other leaves the room. Because it wasn't "right".
Your motto: "I prefer to do it myself." You are convinced that your system is not only the most efficient, but also the only functioning.
Your character: you are the controlling one. Responsibility? Always come with it. Trust? Difficult. You love to have things in your hand, because then it works (mostly) perfectly. You are almost the CEO of your dishwasher.
Dishwasher-free type: Efficiency Manager
You have your own high score to give the dishwasher. Efficiency is your second first name. Plate? Pushed in. Cutlery? Thrown somewhere. You know: water finds its way. Perfectionism is too much free time for people.
Your character: you are the pragmatic. No time for unnecessary effort. You go straight to things and have no patience for endless discussions about "optimal loading". Multitasking is your thing and you always have a plan B ready - often also for Plan A.
Fits you:
Dishwasher-free type: Prokrastinator
You first put the dirty dishes on the dishwasher. Because ... later. Maybe tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe never. At some point when the motivation drops by. Until then, you live with the growing cup pyramid on the worktop with peaceful coexistence.
Your character: you are the calm. Stress? You don't know. Life is too short to get excited about dirty dishes. You have other priorities - and that's okay too. You are the Zen monk among the dishwasher users.
Also read:
Dishwasher-free type: Tetris master
You consider the dishwasher as your personal tetris arena. Everything fits in. EVERYTHING. You turn plates, stack cups, push pots on one another, until no centimeter remains unused. It is a work of art. A masterpiece of room optimization.
Your character: you are the strategist. Planning is your superpower. Problems? There are no challenges. You love to get the maximum out of everything - be it when packing the trunk, the weekly schedule or when the dishwasher was granted.
Also read:
How do you get the dishwasher correctly?
The ghosts differ, but dishwasher experts have a clear opinion on how the dishwasher is properly granted. You recommend:
Large down, small up:Plates, pots and large bowls down, glasses and cups.
Set diagonal:Plates and bowls slightly inclined so that water can run out.
Cutlery with the handle down:Forks and spoons with a handle down, so it becomes cleaner.
Nothing block:Spray arms must be able to turn freely.
Not overloaded:In contrast to the washing machine, the dishwasher can also run half empty. Especially when the dishes are heavily dirty.
Whether you are the perfectionist, the chaos artist or the "I-Mach's Später" type-at the end of the day the dishwasher shows us that we are all great in our own way. And honestly: As long as the dishes gets clean, everything is fine.