For some a matter of course, unthinkable for others: sleeping with bra not only splits the opinions when it comes to comfort, there are claims that it would beDiseases like breast cancercause. On the other hand, wearing a bra during the night should prevent the breasts from starting. But is your sleep unhealthy with bra or can you really draw an advantage in the fight against gravity?
Is it harmful to sleep with bra?
Many women can hardly wait to finally get rid of this annoying piece of clothing after the long working day. The assertion that this would make the breasts start to hang over time in this way ensures a guilty conscience. Others, in turn, feel so comfortable in the fact that they wear it in bed themselves. In turn, these women make the claim that this is not good for health. So, can you sleep with bra or not?
Is there an increased risk of breast cancer?
Probably the greatest fear when it comes to whether you should sleep with or without a bra is that this could cause breast cancer. This rumor that bra sleeping with bra and breast cancer was already created in 1995 when a book called “Dressed to Kill” came out by claiming that wearing a iron-bra interfere with the flow of lymphatic fluids and, in this way, toxins cannot be removed. This in turn leads to the long termDevelopment of breast cancer.
According to various studies, however, there is no evidence that could confirm this. The “John Hopkins All Children's Hospital” even explains on its website that it is not only harmless, but also that it is only a question of comfort, whether sleeping with bra or without the better variant. A study carried out in 2014, in which former breast cancer-suffering women were asked about their habits regarding the wearing of BH's, confirmed that there is no indication of a connection. This study was carried out by the National Center for Health Research. The type of bra should also not be related to breast cancer. This confirms the oncologist Dr. Laura Hutchins.
BH's at night in the fight against gravity?
Should you sleep with bra to avoid hanging breasts? If you have tortured yourself with uncomfortable bust owners so far, for fear that your breasts would otherwise give in to gravity, we unfortunately have to tell you that this was free. Doctors, including the Australian general practitioner Dr. Ginni Mansberg explains that this effect depends on other things. The connective tissue plays a major role and more precisely thin ligaments that consist of collages and elastin.
The ligaments are exposed to more or less weight all day. That is why it is normal for big breasts to begin to hang at some point than small ones. You have no influence on that, so you can't do anything about it if you sleep with bra. With a healthy lifestyle you can only delay the whole thing. In addition, the breasts are in a horizontal location anyway and are not exposed to gravity - whether with or without bra.
Why is it unhealthy to sleep with bra that doesn't fit?
Hanging breasts cannot be avoided with bras and breast cancer as a result of wearing the bra is not risked. But what about other health complaints as a result of sleeping with BH?
The biggest problem when it comes to bra is that a surprisingly large number of women (loudWoman’s DayA total of 80%) actually wear the wrong size bra. If he is too big, he cannot support the breasts as he should. If it is too small, it is uncomfortable and, according to Dr. Seth Rankin, founder of the London Doctors Clinic, have a few side effects.
So why shouldn't you sleep with bra that is actually too tight? On the one hand, a bra that is too tight causes impressions on the skin that could remain permanent if the skin is not given the opportunity to recover from it. On the other hand, this could actually interfere with the drainage system of the lymphatic vessels. Therefore, the right size is very important.
Conclusion - is it better to sleep with or without a bra?
Whether you sleep with bra or not, therefore does not bring any advantages or disadvantages as long as you wear the right size. To guarantee this, you should get advice in a boutique, for example. There their dimensions are taken and thecorrect bra size, as well as the most appropriate bra art for your body. This procedure should also be repeated once a year.
Especially women with a large bust size with bra with bra because everything is kept in shape. If you also find it more comfortable, it is not only advisable to wear other bras, especially at night than during the day (you will be worn out faster during the night), but also to choose those without a bracket. For example, if youSport BHSleeping, not only are the breasts in shape, but they also protect the skin and avoid unpleasant pressure. The same applies to the Bralette.
You can find out more about the topicuamhealthandPerfectongerie;
Article fromJohn Hopkins All Children’s Hospital;
Study fromNational Center for Health Research