Surely everyone has been affected by them at some point: muscle twitches in the arm, leg, eye or other areas of the body. In many cases these are stress-related muscle twitches that can occur in various parts of the body and are more annoying than worrying. But sometimes muscle twitching can also be a sign of something more serious and a doctor should be consulted.
Today we will try to explain to you the different types of muscle twitches and the causes for them. What helps against muscle twitching in the arm, leg or head and other parts of the body and how can you prevent them? Also learn when muscle twitching is concerning and should be examined more closely.
Muscle twitching – what is it?
Shoulder twitching, head twitching, stomach twitching, twitching in the eyes, arms and legs, stomach or somewhere else - in principle they can occur anywhere. Muscle twitching refers to sudden and uncontrolled movements or contractions of the muscle. which can affect the entire muscle, but also just individual fibers or muscle bundles. Even entire muscle groups can be affected and, depending on the situation, the twitches have different names:
- Fibrillations
- Fasciculations
- Myoclonus
- Tremor
- Myocymias
Fibrillationsare twitches of the muscle fibers that do not cause any movement of the body part. They are not noticeable by the person affected and can only be recognized using special examination methods.
DieFasciculationsare a fairly common, uncontrolled twitching of individual muscle bundles that is harmless and is referred to as benign muscle twitching. It's these muscle twitches that we all know and that sometimes bother us in everyday life. Although fasciculation is noticeable, it usually causes little to no body movement (e.g. muscle twitching in the eye/eyelid or eyebrow twitching).
AtMyoclonus However, the entire muscle twitches. However, this does not necessarily mean that myoclonic twitches can cause movement of an entire body part. But it is definitely possible.
IfTremoris called twitchingseveral muscle groups and not a single muscle as in myoclonus. The resulting movement is actually a trembling and not a twitching.
Myocymiasare not twitches in the true sense, but rather waves of contraction that go through the muscle. Movements are not triggered for them. Epilepsies or a tic are characterized by such involuntary contractions.
Muscle twitching causes
Depending on what type of twitching it is, the cause of the muscle twitching can be different. While some twitches are caused by various diseases (e.g. epilepsy) and more specifically as a result of a disturbed nervous system, the more harmless variants, such as fasciculations, are often simply the result of increased stress.
It is not uncommon for people to experience muscle twitches that move almost their entire body when they fall asleep. These are also harmless and have no cause for concern. Strong twitching when falling asleep (also muscle fasciculations) occurs during the phase of falling asleep as the tension in the muscles gradually decreases.
Possible non-disease-related triggers for muscle twitches could include:
- Stress
- Lack of sleep
- stimulating substances such as alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, drugs
- mental imbalance
- Magnesium or other nutrient deficiency
- Nutrient excess
- hypoglycaemia
- Lack of fluids
- as a side effect of medication
- pinched nerves
- Lack of exercise
How does muscle twitching occur?
While the causes mentioned above can trigger muscle twitches, more specifically, it is the nerves leading to the muscle that cause the muscle fibers or bundles to move and become particularly excited. Nerve impulses discharge uncontrollably, causing the muscles to suddenly contract.
Illness-related muscle twitching
Unlike benign muscle twitching, pathological muscle twitching is the result of various diseases. We would like to explain some of them to you in more detail below:
Everyone probably has an idea of what a tick looks like. Uncontrolled muscle twitching in a variety of forms can occur in those affected. Some suffer from simply blinking their eyes, while others experience several sequences of movements or even vocalizations. Such tics are due to a disorder of the nervous system
Muscle twitches all over the body occur in epilepsy. Includedthe muscles tense upmore precisely. And although the exact causes are not entirely clear to this day, it is believed that it could be, among other things, congenital brain damage or malformations of the brain tissue. But triggers that can trigger epilepsy later in life, such as brain tumors or traumatic brain injury as a result of an accident, are also possible.
Changes in the bloodstream or viral and bacterial infections are also possible causes of epileptic seizures with muscle twitching. During a seizure, large amounts of neurons are released in the brain and this is exactly what disrupts the communication between the brain and muscles - incorrect signals are sent. The high concentration of neurotransmitters also brings with it the risk of brain damage.
Nervous system disorder – Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson's disease is characterized more by tremors than by muscle twitching. But constant muscle twitching and trembling are not the only complaints patients suffer from. In addition, there is also muscle rigidity, a slowing of movement and a changed posture, as well as later, not infrequently, joint and muscle pain, numbness in the arms and legs, and others.
Vegetative Dystonie
This disease is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. Muscle twitching is just one symptom of many others, including heart problems, shortness of breath, headaches and dizziness, as well as stomach problems with abdominal pain. There are also nervousness and fatigue, including panic attacks and anxiety. All of these symptoms are caused, among other things, by a disorder in information processing in the diencephalon.
Other possible diseases that are associated with muscle twitching:
- Febrile cramps
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- Diabetes
- Brain inflammation and bleeding
- Circulatory disorders
- viral and bacterial infections
- Essential tremor
- Restless-Legs-Syndrom
- Orthopedic diseases with nerve irritation
What to do against muscle twitching?
What can you do against muscle twitching? Of course, this depends primarily on the cause, which should first be examined by a doctor. If the cause is pathological, a cure cannot be hoped for. In these cases, only relief of the symptoms is achieved. If it is twitching as a result of deficiency symptoms, it is only logical that the problem is best solved through an adequate diet and, if necessary, preparations.
If your muscle twitching is caused by stress, you can try simple remedies for muscle twitchingrelaxcan. A warm bath, yoga or a walk in the fresh air can do wonders and help you relax.
Drink a lotWater, because a lack of fluids also disrupts the supply of nutrients to the muscles. So ask yourselfwhat to do about nerve twitches, this will give you a possible answer. In addition, not only is hydration an advantage, but also that you supply the body with important minerals with mineral water.
MoveAlso, make sure you get enough exercise, because lack of exercise lowers blood pressure and this also disrupts the nutrient supply to the muscles, which can lead to muscle twitching, cramps and tremors.
Lack of nutrients
An unbalanced diet can quickly lead to...Lack of nutrientscome, which can disrupt muscle activity. The same thing can also cause excessive exercise or a combination of both. So if you suffer from muscle twitching after exercise, it is probably an indication of a lack of certain nutrients. Then muscle twitching is not only typical in the thigh, but also in any other part of the body. Also atVegans are nutritionally deficientnot uncommon.
Deficiency of the following minerals can cause muscle twitching:
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- calcium
- Sodium
- Vitamins
How does magnesium help with muscle twitching? If the body does not receive enough magnesium through food, the communication between nerves and muscles is disrupted, which leads, among other things, to twitching and is particularly noticeable in the arms and legs. Magnesium is responsible for relaxing muscles. Remember that in some situations the average daily requirement is not enough and you may then have to use additional supplements (e.g. for athletes or pregnant women and when there is a lot of stress).
potassium, calcium and sodium
Calcium and potassium deficiency can also cause muscle twitching. With negative onesEffects of sodium deficiencyFor example, Schüssler salts are a good source, but you can also find out about other options from your doctor. Sodium deficiency is often characterized by tremors and myoclonus and, in severe cases, can even lead to epileptic seizures.
Twitches in the face and especially the eyes are sometimes a sign of vitamin deficiency. But which vitamins are deficient in muscle twitching in the eyes? It is usually the B vitamins that you should supply your body with if you are bothered by eye twitching.
Groceries, which are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium and help against muscle twitching:
- Beans, peas, spinach and broccoli
- Whole grains, oat flakes, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran, millet, linseed
- Eggs, Emmental cheese
- Reis
- Nuts
- Bananas, raspberries
- Cocoa and dark chocolate
Pregnancy and cesarean section
Although muscle twitching and abdominal twitching can occur during pregnancy, they should not necessarily be considered normal. The twitching in the stomach or another area of the body may be a sign of magnesium deficiency, which can occur quite quickly. The need is now higher and is also becoming more difficult to meetnormal dietcovered. Doctors therefore usually prescribe nutritional supplements to their pregnant patients that cover the increased need for nutrients.
Twitching in the abdomen can also surprise pregnant women who are pregnant for the first time. It is not uncommon for women to feel a chuckling in their stomach as early as the 18th week of pregnancy and this is probably normal fetal movements, which are initially perceived as trembling and become a kind of throbbing and twitching as the fetus grows.Also the hiccupsof the baby is felt like a kind of tremor.
Muscle twitching after a cesarean section
It's no secret that this type of surgery involves cutting through many layers, including skin, abdominal wall and fatty tissue. But the tiny blood vessels and nerve pathways are also severed and after the operation there is usually a feeling of numbness for a while, but this does not last permanently. And it is precisely in the regeneration phase, i.e. while the nerves are being repaired, that twitches in the abdomen can occur.
Muscle twitching – when to see a doctor?
Muscle and nerve twitches are not necessarily something to worry about and can occur at any time for various reasons. However, you should still see a doctor if the twitches occur frequently over a longer period of 2 to 3 weeks. And it doesn't matter whether the muscle twitching is felt in the chest, the muscle twitching occurs in the back, a twitching in the head bothers you or just your thumb twitches.