Salt and sugar are two flavor carriers that are indispensable in the kitchen and are contained in almost all foods. Most people are aware of the negative effects of sugar on health and try toto live sugar-free. But what about the salt? Our bodies rely on sodium and potassium for nerve transmissions, muscle contractions and other functions. For this reason, we need salt to survive - but only in small amounts. Consuming too much salt has a negative impact on our health and can damage our arteries, kidneys, cardiovascular system and even our brain. How much is actually too much and what happens if we regularly eat too much salt?
Table salt, also called sodium chloride, consists of around 40% sodium and 60% chloride. In bread or salad – it is an indispensable part of our diet. The mineral is of great importance for water balance, digestion and bone structure. Unfortunately, many scientific studies have shown that we eat too much of it every day. Too much salt consumption is one of the main reasons for high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and increases the risk of stomach cancer and osteoporosis. Around 1.5 million people die every year due to a diet that is too salty.
How much salt is allowed per day?
Most people don't know exactly how much salt per day is actually allowed and healthy. The amount of salt per day recommended by the German Nutrition Society for adults is 6 grams, which is about 1 teaspoon. According to a study by the Federal Ministry of Food and Economics, men in Germany consume around 10 grams of salt and women 8.5 grams per day. This means that more than 70% of the population consumes too much of it. However, our body does not need more than 2 grams to function. And if you think that you can easily reduce your salt consumption by not reaching for the salt shaker so often, then you are very mistaken. About 80% of our salt intake comes from the foods we consume. These would be, for example, bread, cheese, cold cuts, ready meals, sauces and even tarts and cakes.
The consequences of too much salt for our health
- high blood pressure –Around 20 million Germans suffer from high blood pressure. While most of the risk factors for hypertension are known, such as obesity, chronic stress, a high-fat diet or too little exercise, high salt consumption is often underestimated. However, numerous studies worldwide have shown the connection betweenHigh blood pressure and too much saltconfirm. What is little known is that not all people react the same way to the mineral - some are “salt sensitive” and others are “salt resistant”. In salt-sensitive people, increased salt consumption leads to high blood pressure, but not in salt-resistant people. Unfortunately, there are still no tests for it and you can only find out if you are sensitive to it if you already have hypertension. In addition, too much salt worsens the blood lipid levels in the body, which puts additional strain on the heart and nerve cells.
- Cardiovascular diseases –Regularly exceeding the recommended amount of salt per day contributes to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in adults. As part of a study carried out in the USA, the salt content in the urine of around 3000 men and women between the ages of 40 and 60 was examined at 3 times. Those who consumed too much salt had a 23.2% chance of heart failure. The risk among those with the lowest consumption, however, was only 13.3%. For a stroke it was 6.4% compared to 2.8% and for a heart attack 10.9% compared to 7.8%.
- Too much salt impairs kidney function –The toxic metabolic products in our body are excreted via the kidneys. In addition, they play an important role in salt and water balance. Consuming too much salt can increase protein levels in the urine, which in turn is a major factor in kidney disease and kidney stones. Too much salt can lead to a stroke or heart attack, especially in older people who suffer from kidney failure.
- Water retention –When we eat too much salt, our body develops an excess of sodium. This binds with the water from the cells and disrupts the water balance. This in turn leads toswollen hands, feetor elbow. Water retention (edema) could also occur in other parts of the body, such as the face. Edema is one of the main symptoms of heart failure and should definitely not be underestimated. Depending on the severity, they can be treated with either healthy dietary changes or prescription medication.
- Too much salt increases the risk of stomach cancer –The increased salt intake attacks the stomach lining and this in turn is associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer. A 2011 study found that people who eat too much salt were 68% more susceptible to stomach cancer than those with a low intake.
- Fatigue and difficulty concentrating –Who knew that too much salt could even affect our brain functions? A 2018 study by the University of Colorado found that memory performance and concentration levels are much lower in people with increased salt intake. In addition, they have a 30% higher risk of dementia in old age.
What symptoms occur with high salt consumption?
- abdominal bloating –Too much salt consumption is one of the main reasons for unpleasant andpainful abdominal bloating. You don't even have to consume too much salt every day - just one high-sodium meal can negatively affect the body's water balance. Foods with a high sodium content mainly include ready meals, canned goods and junk food such as hamburgers, pizza and others.
- You are constantly thirsty –Eating foods rich in salt deprives the body of water and leads to thirst. A recent study concluded that while eating too much salt makes you thirsty, you still drink less water than usual. Instead, it increases your appetite for salty snacks, which can trigger food cravings.
- Severe headache –If you suffer from frequent headaches for no apparent reason, you may want to consider reducing your salt intake. Some researchers in the US have found that the more salt you eat, the more severe and frequent your headaches will be.
- More desire for fast food –Salt allows the flavors of the flavor enhancers in processed foods such as pizza, chips, burgers, etc. to develop better. The high salt content overstimulates our taste buds and the more salt we eat, the greater our craving for fast food becomes. To break out of this vicious circle, nutritionists recommend avoiding all spices for at least a week.
- The food tastes bland and boring –As already mentioned, high salt consumption makes you get used to salty food. This in turn causes food and dishes to taste less intense over time. In this case too, it is recommended to use fresh herbs and spices instead of salt.
- muscle cramps –If we eat too much salt, the ratio of potassium and salt in the body changes and the consequences are painfulCramps in the calvesor muscles.
Reduce salt consumption – helpful tips
Unlike the craving for sweets, the craving for salty dishes is not innate, but a simple habit that can change over time. Below we have a few tips that will help you reduce your salt consumption.
- Read food labels –If you want to try not to eat too much salt, you should learn to read food labels properly. The first thing you need to do is avoid processed foods and convenience foods from the refrigerated section as much as possible. Use the nutritional table to compare the salt content of the products, as sometimes the differences between different brands are quite large. However, some manufacturers list the sodium content per 100 grams and that can be a little confusing. Foods that contain between 120 and 300 mg of sodium per 100 grams are fine. You should leave everything about these values behind. Many German supermarkets have already recognized the dangers of excessive salt consumption and have committed to reducing the salt content in their own brands by up to 20%.
- More fresh food and less canned goods –Fresh fruits and vegetables are low in salt and full of nutrients and vitamins. All canned vegetables such as peas and corn contain salt and should be avoided. If that doesn't always work, rinse the vegetables thoroughly with water. It is also advisable to rinse pasta with water after cooking.
- Away with the salt shaker –Only after all the other spices and herbs can you find out whether the food really needs some salt. So try not to add salt to your dishes and use more fresh herbs such as basil or rosemary. After just 2-3 weeks you will notice that the meals taste much more intense and better.
Foods with a high salt content
About 80% of our daily salt consumption comes from processed foods and not from the salt shaker. It's actually no secret that fast food contains a lot of salt. With just one frozen pizza you have covered the recommended 5 grams for the day. Surprisingly, 2 pieces of canned herring fillet contain a whopping 8 grams - almost twice as much! However, many people don't know that in some cases cornflakes or cakes can actually have a higher salt content. For example, butter biscuits have the same amount of salt per 100 grams as chips. But which products contain too much salt?
- Light products –Light and semi-fat products such as yogurt or cream cheese not only have a higher sugar content, but also contain a lot of salt.
- Bread and rolls –Most Germans have a sandwich on their table in the morning. According to the Federal Office for Risk Assessment, such baked goods make up around 30% of our daily salt consumption.
- Sausage and meat productslike salami, ham, bratwurst, salt is added to make them last longer. They cover about 22% of our daily requirement and contain many other flavor enhancers - glutamate, phosphate and sodium nitrite, which are bad for our health. A healthier alternative, for example, is mortadela, which contains only 1.7 grams compared to low-fat salmon ham with around 6 grams per 100 grams.
- Cheese and dairy products –It is particularly worth checking the nutritional values of cheeses. With only 0.6 grams of salt per 100 grams, mozzarella and cream cheese are the healthiest options. Gouda cheese has around 2.6 grams and Gorgonzola has 3.8 grams. If you want to reduce your salt consumption, you should stay away from feta, cheddar and halloumi cheese.
- Ready-made sauces and dressings– Pasta tomato sauce from a jar can contain up to 4 grams of salt per 100 grams of product, depending on the manufacturer. And before you treat yourself to some BBQ sauce with your steak at the next barbecue party, remember that the salt content in just 1 tablespoon of it is already 1.2 grams.