Painting faces on chestnuts: A few creative ideas for animals, emojis and more Instagram

Whether you want to make figures with chestnuts or use the fruit as is, faces are always a fun idea. From simple motifs in the sense of “dots, dots, commas, lines…” to animal faces and emojis, there are a variety of ways to create colorful motifs. Would you like to try painting faces on chestnuts? We have some inspiration!

Which pens and colors are best?

Foto: Menna/ Shutterstock

You can probably already guess: acrylic paints are perfect. But if you find it difficult to use a brush, you can alternatively use the practical acrylic pens or itwith chalk markers, which are also available in different colors, try.

It doesn't necessarily have to be colorful, waterproof markers and fineliners are also suitable for finer lines.

Draw and paint emojis on chestnuts

Those:@Thrive Approach/ Facebook

With strong colors you can transfer your favorite emojis from Whatsapp etc. to the chestnut fruit. If you need a template, just open the app and choose one. Or maybe there is an emoji that you are missing and would like to have in the app's collection? Well, you can't change that, but you can at least get creative on the chestnut instead.

When painting with multiple colors in a motif, make sure that you always allow the previous layer to dry thoroughly before moving on to the next color. This prevents the different colors from mixing with each other and gives you more precise details.

For cute animals, paint faces on chestnuts Instagram

Don't be frightened straight away, because there are actually a lot of animalsimplement in just a few stepscan. Often it is only characteristic color features or certain details that an image should have in order to be recognized. For example, in a penguin it is the black triangle on the white face between the eyes, while an owl is recognized by its large eyes combined with a small beak. Instagram

And for the hedgehog, the spiked dress is often enough, as you will see in these instructions:

If youMake chestnut animals, you might also want to give them a face. For cats (and this also applies to large cats such as lions or tigers, for example) all you need is three points for the eyes and nose, two arches for the mouth and whiskers.

Foto: matunka/ Shutterstock

The sloth is also a really cute animal that can be made yourself with simple step-by-step instructions. In this video you will learn how:

@artyrachReplying to @grey.sparkling#slonkers #arttutorial #sloth #fyp #conkers ♬ Vlog BGM_03(953483) – Risk

Find more ideas for animalsin this post.

Funny faces for Halloween

Those:@childsplayabc/ Instagram

Create a cool decorative bowl by filling it with painted chestnuts.Suitable for Halloweenyou can draw grimaces, the same ones you choose for pumpkin carving. If you want to go one step further, first paint the chestnut completely orange. Once the paint has dried, it's the turn of the faces in black paint. In no time you will receive mini pumpkins from which you can also make garlands.

Simple faces for small children

Those:@dinky_in_norfolk/ Instagram

Small children can for theStimulating fine motor skillsYou can also paint simple faces by simply using two dots for the eyes, a small line for the nose and an arc for the mouth. You can also get funny eyes by simply sticking on googly eyes and drawing the rest.

Those:@mummycanwe/ Instagram

Draw with fineliner

Those:@blancheellisart/ Instagram

Animal faces to paint with children Instagram

Not enough inspiration for funny faces and animals yet? Take a lookover here.