Like any other season, autumn encourages crafting and creating. And with the selection of beautiful, suitable colors and materials, it's no wonder that you immediately want to spend a pleasant afternoon crafting with the children. The weather also gets worse at this time of year, forcing you to keep busy indoors. Autumn offers various occasions for craft projects such as Halloween, the lantern parade or Thanksgiving and the selection of natural materials that make any decoration or other autumn crafts even more beautiful and interesting is also huge. If you still lack the imagination to come up with craft ideas for autumn, use our instructions for crafting with children in autumn and Halloween and create unique decorations and things that are simply fun.
What can you do with children in autumn?
The variations are endless! In addition to the classic characters andCraft ideas with chestnuts, acorns and other tree fruits, decorations made from pumpkins, apples or other fruits, sticks, paper, cardboard or wire are also suitable. Use typical autumn motifs such as those already mentioned or the dragon, leaves and others to spend a nice afternoon and make beautiful crafts for autumn. The following are some great ideas, some of which also use natural materials.
With pine cones
Although the owl may look complicated at first glance, it is not at all. Depending on the child's age, the elements can be cut out of felt by him or her or prepared by an adult. Then all you need are googly eyes and possibly string if you want to hang the owls later to put together an original autumn bouquet. The best way to do this is to use branches decorated with pendants and, why not, colorful leaves. Other autumnal decorations can also be used. If some of the branches have berries, even better!
Make a turkey as a fall decoration with children
Turkey should not be missing, especially at Thanksgiving. You can also quickly make this from a pine conecrafting with childrenin autumn. In addition, you will need a few pieces of fall-colored ribbon and felt. Form the ribbons into a loop and then glue them into the cones. In this way you create a lush and colorful tail. Then you need a beak, eyes and head made from a pompom and the children will have a cute oneHomemade fall decorations. Many other animals can also be moved in this way. The hedgehog, for example, goes very well with autumn. Just come up with something.
With sticks and other things from nature
Sticks and leaves are just as suitable for crafting with children in autumn. Different males can be made from this. Simply shape the sticks into any picture on a piece of paper. It doesn't necessarily have to be a stick figure. Other motifs are also suitable. You can then make some elements using leaves. This is where imagination is required and as we all know, children have a lot of it. Collect the necessary materials together on a walk and set them out to keep you busy on a rainy day. Children can do the samecraft with acorns and chestnuts or other natural materials.
Make your own kite
What is more fun for children and adults than flying a kite. The otherwise annoying wind is much more pleasant and useful. The dragon is a wonderful autumn motif that is also suitable for BTinkering can be used for decorations in the fall. Decorate walls with a small mini dragon in autumn or use the motifs asAutumn decorations for windows, using transparent paper. They are also suitable for making garlands.
You can make mini kites quickly and easily by cutting out a typical kite shape from colorful and cheerful craft paper. You then attach a cross made of wooden sticks or straws to these. Tie the yarn at the intersection of the sticks if the kite is to be used for play. Would you like wall orWindow pictures for autumn, the yarn is unnecessary. Finally, create a tail. Various materials such as cord or fabric are suitable.
Funny robots made of pumpkins
Playful motifs or figures are great ideas for crafts with children in autumn. So the little ones will definitely have fun with this craft project. They are funny robots that are made from random pumpkins. You will also need screws, nuts, wire and similar items from Dad's workshop to make the face and arms. Googly eyes are also suitable.
An adult's help is needed despite the simplicity of the project. You should paint the pumpkins and small objects. Since robots are usually made of metal, silver or gold is best suited for autumn fruits. The small accessories can be designed in a beautifully colorful way. Once the paints have dried, the children can get started and come up with whatever faces they want. There are no rules.
Making lanterns
An important day for the little ones is of course the lantern parade. And if your children have made the lanterns themselves, they will have even more fun with it and carry the lantern with great pride. A simple variant is to use empty plastic bottles. You can design these either with colors that are not too opaque or with crepe paper so that the light can shine through. Then form a handle out of wire. Make two holes in the lantern and tie the handle tightly. You can then tie the stick to it to hold the lantern. If you find candles too unsafe for lighting, simply use the electric “fishing rods” with light bulbs that are available.
Popsicle stick scarecrow
If you want to do crafts with children in autumn, you can also choose a scarecrow as a motif and use it to decorate walls, doors or other areas. Also asIt is suitable as a table decoration for autumn made from natural materials. This one is also a nice and simple idea where you just use paints, popsicle sticks and cardboard. Cut out a rectangular piece of cardboard and spread glue on it. Then fix the stems.
Paint the upper part of the stems and an extra stem brown. Glue the extra stem diagonally onto the rectangle. Now you can paint the face. Alternatively, you can make a scarecrow with children in the fall by using googly eyes for the face and Halloween candy for the nose. Of course, other materials such as acorns, leaves and the like can also be used.
Halloween craft ideas
You can't just wear masks or oneMake your own Halloween costume, but also many other things. How about you also have an interesting oneMake Halloween decorations. This is guaranteed to be fun for the children because there are a variety of options that the little ones can make themselves. Some interesting ones followHalloween ideas to imitate.
Simply with natural materials
Candy corn is simply part of Halloween. So if you want to do crafts for Halloween and create a decoration, this motif is wonderfully suitable. If you would also like a table decoration for autumn made from natural materials, combine the two together. Use pine cones that you paint with the respective colors. You can use not only normal colors for this, but also glitter. White, orange and yellow are required. Then put together a pretty arrangement for the table and decorate with natural fall materials.
Pumpkins made from edible play dough
Pumpkins are not only a suitable motif in autumn in general, but especially for Halloween. So you can't go wrong with it. And if the children are too young to carve real pumpkins, you just have to come up with ideas using other materials. How about just letting the little ones play and do crafts with modeling clay on their own? However, we don't mean ordinary dough, but even edible ones, so you don't have to worry about that either. Simply prepare the following recipe and you can make different onesImplement craft ideas for Halloween. Maybe the children would like to make other figures besides pumpkins themselves. Then also prepare dough in different colors.
- 1 cup homemade frosting in any flavor
- 2 3/4 cups powdered sugar
- Orange food coloring (or other colors)
- Wooden stick for the stem
- green string to imitate leaves (or other material)
- Possibly tools from the kitchen for mixing, shaping and crafting
Mix the powdered sugar with the frosting. Do this little by little and check the dough at regular intervals. While it is still sticky, add more powdered sugar. When the “dough” is no longer sticky, the food coloring is added. Then check the stickiness again and if necessary add more powdered sugar. Then you can make any Halloween decoration with children and even give it as a gift.
Images from legumes
Legumes come in a variety of colors and that's what makes them perfect for pretty pictures. Templates are particularly helpful here. So canColoring pagesbe designed with legumes instead of colors. Of course you can also use your own images. Combine lentils, beans, peas or spices and create particularly appealing motifs on a piece of paper or fabric. Finally, frame your children's pictures to give the walls an autumnal and rustic look.
With toilet rolls
You can make this funny pumpkin for Halloween from just 4 toilet rolls. If you would like to make this Halloween decoration yourself, cut three of the rolls into approx. 2 cm wide strips and then paint them orange. Paint the fourth roll again with green paint. It is intended to serve as a stem. Once the colors have dried, thread the rings loosely onto string and create a ring. You need about a third or half of the green roll. Cut strips out of the rest. And with that the decoration is finished. In this way you can also make other suitable fruit crafts with children in autumn.
Halloween Garland – Instructions
If you have decided to do crafts with children in autumn and Halloween, such a garland or bunting is not a bad idea because it is quick and easy to make. Several triangles are made that represent any Halloween motif. A Halloween ghost, spiders, Frankenstein, pumpkins, black cats, but also owls or a funny Halloween vampire are suitable. You can also make a witch. The triangles are then punched with a hole punch and threaded with yarn through the holes. You can also glue the triangles directly onto the string. You can then use this to decorate any area. The fireplace mantel is particularly suitable, but it also makes windows or walls look much more festive.
Halloween lantern
For this lantern you first need to make a Halloween pumpkin out of paper. You can make this quickly and easily using crepe paper, a balloon and glue. Tear the orange crepe paper into small pieces. Then inflate the balloon to any size and dip it in glue or coat it with glue. Now spread the pieces of paper over half of the balloon. These should overlap here and there so that there are no holes. Then let the glue dry thoroughly, puncture the balloon, remove it and draw a face with a black felt-tip pen or Sharpie. You can easily create a lantern or a lanterncrafts for Halloween.
Spider webs as window decorations
Children will have a lot of fun on a craft afternoon when the projects are not only interesting but also easy to make. These cute spider webs are wonderful for...crafting with childrenin fall and Halloween. You will need popsicle sticks again, as well as white wool and toy spiders. Three popsicle sticks are glued together in a star shape. The wool thread is then threaded around the stems to create a net look. You can also apply a drop of glue here and there to fix the thread so that it doesn't slip. Do not cut the end of the wool thread too short! It should still be able to hang down a bit. Glue a spider and decorate the house.