If you still have a few paper plates left over from your last picnic or barbecue, you can now use them for something creative. Just like with egg cartons, they can also be used for wonderful crafts, including for the coming fall season. What could you make with paper plates in the fall? From decorations to simple crafts to give as gifts, there's a lot!
So that you don't have to think for long, we offer you a selection of ideas for crafting with paper plates in the fall, which you can easily recreate with just a few materials - regardless of whether at home or in daycare.
You don't need much to make paper plate crafts in the fall!
As a craft enthusiast, you probably already have most of the materials at home. Others can be found either in nature or in a craft shop. What can you make out of paper plates?
Want some fall ideas with egg cartons?Take a look here!
Simple but beautiful autumn decoration for the door or window
Would you like oneMake fall decorations, the classic door wreath is probably one of the best ideas for beginners. Using a paper plate as a base, the project is so easy that even the smallest crafters can get involved. Also perfect for 2, 3 or 4 year olds. All you need is:
- paper plate
- Acrylic paints in autumn colors and brushes
- Glue and scissors
- Materials for decorating: tissue paper, leaves made of paper or fabric, beads, pom-poms, natural materials, glitter or whatever else you can think of or have on hand
- Hanging ribbon
Once you have everything together, you can make an autumn wreath with paper plates in the fall:
- All you have to do is cut out the inner part of the plate, leaving the outer ring.
- Paint the wreath any fall colors you like and let dry.
- Glue the selected decorations in place. For example, you can easily crumple up tissue paper and attach it or design the ring with leaves (also real, dried leaves.
- If you want the wreath to hang freely (e.g. on a lamp or as a window decoration), design it on both sides.
- Tie a ribbon for hanging. Complete!
Make your own scarecrow at the beginning of autumn 2023
In autumn, when some of the plants in the fields are ripe and ready for harvest, many birds take advantage of this to steal something to eat. In such cases, farmers use scarecrows to scare them away. They are the perfect motif for the autumn theme and can even be made from paper plates.
- Paper plates in matching coloror
- white paper plate and acrylic paints for painting
- Elements for the face: cut out of paper or buttons or googly eyes for the eyes
- Additional decorations such as straw, leaves, flowers as desired
- Template for a hat
Find out hereHow to make a unicorn out of paper plates.
How to make a scarecrow with paper plates in the fall:
- If you want to paint the plate, start with this step to allow the paint to dry while you prepare the rest.
- Print and cut out any hat you like. Some of the templates are intended for self-employed people to color. You can also make your own hat out of craft paper.
- Glue the hat to the plate. If you want, you can also attach a little straw beforehand, pointing in all directions.
- Now design the face in the free area. For this purpose, you can really simply make the individual elements out of paper (e.g. orange triangle for the nose, a white circle and a smaller black circle for the eyes). Or you can make it even easier and use buttons or googly eyes. The mouth can be drawn with a black felt-tip pen, painted with acrylic paint or glued on with string. Pink cheeks are also suitable.
- Decorate as you wish with other elements such as flowers or straw. If you would like to make something with children in autumn from natural materials, you can also use chestnuts, acorns, twigs and the like for decoration.
Tipp:The variant in which the lower edge of the plate is cut off and then “sewn on” again at a small distance is also very cool. Simply punch holes in the elements and thread string through the holes.
Colored template or coloring page to print out
Free scarecrow hat templates
Make hanging decorations with paper plates in autumn
It's not just the wreath above that's a great decoration idea. This one tooHanging decoration as a variantwill definitely be well received and is no less fun to make. How can you make them with paper plates in the fall?
- Paper plate painted in autumn color or white with acrylic paint
- a second paper plate of a different color
- Maple leaf template (or any other leaf)
- Wool in autumn colors
- Glue, scissors
This is how it's done:
- Print and cut out the leaf template and trace the outline onto one of the plates.
- Cut out the design to create a leaf-shaped hole in the plate.
- Cut several pieces of wool. They should be long enough to be placed over the leaf motif.
- Take a piece, glue one of the two ends to the edge of the plate and pull it taut to the opposite side, where you also glue the other end.
- Repeat with additional yarn until you are happy with the pattern.
- Glue the plate with the threads to the other plate by applying glue to the edge.
Would you like to make animal masks out of paper plates? Take a lookover here!