Do you feel like getting a little creative? Then gather all your craft materials including muffin cups and get your kids because we're going to show you todaybeautiful craft ideas, which you can try out with these lovely molds. Whether Christmas cards, Christmas tree decorations, Christmas trees, garlands or wreaths as window, wall or lamp decorations - the following ideas are not only easy to copy, but will also make your home beautifully Christmassy. Be inspired by the ideas for crafting with muffin tins for Christmas and create your own Christmas decorations!
Make a greeting card with muffin cups for Christmas
Let's start with a really simple idea that you can modify as you like to get your own designs. These are Christmas tree baubles made from paper cases that are made for a Christmas picture as welldecorate a Christmas cardcan. The balls are additionally decorated and you can use any things you like: glitter or glitter glue, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, pipe cleaners and even spices. Come up with something nice when you create this idea with muffin tins for Christmas!
- white sheet of paper
- Muffin cases in any color and pattern
- yellow craft paper
- Glue
All you have to do is stick the muffin cups flat on the white paper. Then cut out the pendants from the yellow paper and glue them onto the ball. Then you can toostart decorating. The balls are particularly easy to design with felt-tip pens. But you can also choose one of the ideas mentioned above. For example, if you want to use glitter or spices, just draw a nice (e.g. wavy) line with glue and sprinkle the material over it. Once the glue has dried, you can tap off the excess.
Other motifs are also ideal. For example, you can make a snowman or a penguin using muffin tins for Christmas.
How about making your own Christmas decorations out of paper?the Christmas tableor can also decorate side tables? These pretty Christmas trees are a real eye-catcher and are easy to make. They look particularly pretty in groups of three, all of which are a different size. Have you fallen in love with the idea? Then go ahead and get the necessary materials, which are the following:
- thin cardboard that you can use to make cones (alternatively, ready-made Styrofoam cones are also suitable)
- Tape or pins if you are using a Styrofoam cone
To make crafts with muffin cases for Christmas, first form cones out of the cardboard and cut the bottom edge straight so that the cones can stand. In this way you can also determine the size of the trees - the more you cut off, the smaller the tree will be. Then prepare the muffin cases. Cut out the middle circles. All you need is the ridged edges cut open in one place.
Now you can design the cones. Glue the molds around the cone, starting from the bottom and working your way up. Each new row overlaps the previous one. For the tip, use one of the circles you cut out earlier. Then stick the last fluted strip of a muffin cup over it.
Tip: If you use a Styrofoam cone, the tape will not stick well. In this case, pins are better, which you can use to attach the paper cups to the cone.
Make your own Christmas tree decorations as a Christmas decoration
Is your child getting their own little one this year?Christmas tree in the children's room, it will surely decorate it with pride if the tree decoration is made by yourself. You can make these cute Christmas trees together with muffin tins for Christmas and then use them for decoration. But of course they can also decorate the large Christmas tree in the living room or the window and other areas. But let's just get started!
- The muffin tin
- Glue or tape
- Any decorations such as stickers, rhinestones, sequins or small buttons
- Ribbon or yarn
You need 5 paper cases per tree. Around theLook of a Christmas treeTo obtain them, they must first be folded. To make the treetop, fold 4 ramekins in half and then fold them again to form quarters. Then glue these four quarters together. The tips always point upwards. The fifth mold is for the trunk and you will fold this one or two more times, depending on how wide you would like the trunk to be. Glue the log between the layers of the bottom mold.
Now you can decorate the trees as you like and finally glue a loop of yarn or ribbon to the top of the tree. This makes it easy to hang.
Make a garland for Christmas
Garlands decorate houseand apartment for Christmas as well. These are usually made of fir green, but we would like to offer you a different variant this year and that is the homemade paper Christmas decoration that you can easily make with muffin cases for Christmas. To make the Christmas garland even more diverse and cute, you can alsoWork in the cake top. Children who can already use a needle are welcome to join in with the crafts, as the task is anything but difficult.
- Muffin cups in matching colors
- Cake Topper
- big needle
- Yarn
You can make the Christmas garland in just a few steps: Cut a piece of yarn to the desired length and thread it through the needle. Tie a knot at one end and push the needle through the first mold up to the knot. Now tie a knot at a certain distance so that the mold cannot slip and take the next mold. You can change the direction in which the molds are pointing at any time and add cake lace here and there to give the garland a lookTouch of romanceto add. Once you have finished threading, tie one last knot and cut off the excess yarn. Decorate walls, railings, windows or doors as you wish and why not the banquet table too?
Make decorations for gift wrapping with muffin tins for Christmas
Small decorations such as ribbons, bows or flowers make gift packaging really beautiful. And how about we tell you that you can make a real one out of simple paper cupsmake beautiful decorationscan and do it without much effort? Put the muffin cups and all the gifts together and get started!
- 10 The muffin tin
- Tacker
- Scissors
- Glue
That's all you need to make this decoration with muffin tins for Christmas. Place the muffin cups inside each other and secure them with the stapler. Then fold the molds in half once. Cut the rounded, grooved side several times and carefully pull the individual layers apart. You already have onepretty flower, which you can stick on the gift packaging.
Make snowflakes as Christmas decorations
Snowflakes are romanticand perfect for decorating during the winter and Christmas seasons. Use white muffin cases to make your own and hang them on the wall or window in a variety of variations. You probably remember this type of craft idea from your childhood. Paper is folded several times and then cut at the folds in different ways. When unfolded, the paper then has certain patterns. You make the snowflakes using the same principle.
Fold the ramekin in half three times. You can then cut the paper at the folds, as shown in the picture above. Once you have copied this first model, you can also try out your own designs. In principle there are no rules. Experiment with the children and experience a surprise every time you unfold the paper cases.
After you have made several snowflakes with muffin cups for Christmas, you can use them to decorate your home. Stick them on the window or make a garland that can hang horizontally or vertically. The curtain also looks very pretty. You make this out of a thin fabric to which you glue the snowflakes. By the way, you can tooUse coffee filters, if you want to make larger snowflakes.
Make a Christmas wreath with muffin tins for Christmas
TheChristmas wreath is part of Christmas decorationsimply added and usually adorns the entrance door. You can also use paper muffin cases to make a wreath that is suitable for indoor use. In the example you see a model that only consists of molds. But you can get really creative and add more decorations. How about, for example, if you also incorporated an LED light chain between the molds? This is how you can make a wreath with muffin tins for Christmas:
- Styroporring
- Muffin cases in the desired Christmas colors
- optional: linen ribbon, LED fairy lights and other decorations
- Band
- The stick part
You can use the ring as it is or wrap it with a linen ribbon first. This can have a natural color or match the colors of the muffin cups. Tie a ribbon to the ring that will later be used for hanging. Then start designing the ring with the molds. To do this, take a shape and attach it to the ring with one or two pins. Then attach the next paper mold closely to this first paper mold. Make sure there are no large gaps between the molds. Continue doing this until the entire front of the ring is covered.
Craft ideas for Christmas made of paper – make angels yourself
Last but not least we havea cute angel, which you can also make with muffin tins for Christmas and then set up or hang up. It is made almost entirely of paper and can be customized by not only varying the colors of the paper but also drawing different faces. In addition to construction paper and muffin cups, you will also need a gold pipe cleaner, glue and a ballpoint pen or other pen for drawing.
Make a cone using the white paper and tape or glue (leave the tip open a little so the pipe cleaner can fit through) and cut the wide side straight. Shapefrom the pipe cleanera halo and insert it into the opening of the cone. Fix it with glue. Cut out a circle and draw a face on it. If you prefer a minimalist Christmas angel, you can also leave the circle white. Glue it to the top of the cone.
Now you can make the wings with muffin tins for Christmas. To do this, fold it in half and glue it to the angel's back. If such wings are too big for you, you can fold them again or, alternatively, cut them in one place up to the middle point and overlap the two ends and glue them together. If you want, you can now record additional details such as hands, buttons, collars and the like.