Making decorations with cake lace for Christmas – ideas for a nostalgic atmosphere

Christmas will be cozy and romantic.So lace is perfectMaterial to create a little nostalgia and a rustic atmosphere. However, instead of using the classic fabric lace, you can also use the pretty cup doilies and cake toppers, which are available in different sizes and with a wide variety of patterns. They are particularly easy to make crafts with, as they are easy to handle and very decorative in themselves. That's why today we're showing you some nice ideas for crafting with cake lace for Christmas. Make decorations yourself or decorate gifts with this pretty material!

Make angels with cake lace for Christmas

Angels are a Christmas classicand should not be missing from any Christmas decoration! That's why our first idea also explains how you can make angels out of cake lace. Get your children together or organize a craft afternoon in kindergarten with all the children, because this Christmas craft idea is really child-friendly. You will need the following things to make angels with cake toppers for Christmas.

  • Cake Topper
  • paper plate
  • Any colors, e.g. watercolors, acrylic paints, wax crayons, finger paints, felt-tip pens, etc.
  • Decorations such as glitter, rhinestones, beads, sequins, etc
  • Glue
  • Styrofoam ball or wooden ball for the head


Before you make the cake topper angels together, the children can get really creative because the paper plate has to be painted first. There are no rules for this. Anything you like is allowed and that applies to both the painting technique and the colors. Depending on what type of paints were used, then let them dry. In the meantime, the lace doilies can be decorated as desired. Then cut the plate in half and then one of the two halves so that you get a half circle and two quarters.

In the same way, cut the cake top and glue the semicircle onto the semicircle of the paper plate. Then take the two quarters and cut a smaller triangle from both as shown in the picture. But repeat thatnotwith the tip! Glue the lace quarters onto the large cardboard triangles as they are.

Now you can choose from the individual partsMake angelswith cake topper for Christmas. To do this, form a cone out of the semicircle. Simply glue the two ends together with glue. The small cardboard triangles become the arms, which you glue to the side of the cone. The tip points backwards and may need to be shortened a little. While the glue dries, you can paint faces on the balls (you can also make a head with Styrofoam balls for Christmas). But if you want, you can also use them without faces. Glue the ball to the cone and the large triangles for the wings to the back. Finally, you can cut a circle out of lace for the halo and glue it onto the head.

Silver or gold angel cake topper

You can of course use other colors besides white when crafting with cake lace for Christmas.Gold and silverFor example, they are great colors for the Christmas season and can also be used wonderfully for angels. If you are looking for a simpler and quicker craft idea for angels made from cake doilies, this one is also suitable.

  • Cake doilies in any color
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Wooden ball
  • Glue
  • optional: bow or ribbon to make the bow yourself

Cut one of the doilies to the center and form a cone by overlapping the open ends. Then make the wings from two other lace doilies by folding them in half twice (you get quarters) and gluing them to the cone. Use cake lace in gold, cake lace in silver or whatever you likein white. Glue a ball to the top of the cone. You can also cut this off to create a larger opening onto which you can easily stick the ball. Shapefrom the pipe cleanera halo with a “stem”. You then use the stem to glue the halo to the back of the angel. Make a bow and attach it under your head.

Make Christmas trees with cake doilies

Those tooChristmas trees or fir treesare a typical Christmas motif. And made from cake lace, they really look very romantic, wintry and impressive. There are several ways to make cake toppers for Christmas. We'll show you two ideas with which you can even put together Christmas landscapes and use them to decorate a side table, a chest of drawers or the windowsill. For the first one you will need the following things:

  • Paper lace doilies
  • Wooden beads with holes
  • Shish kebab skewers
  • Hot glue and glue stick
  • Tongs for cutting the skewers
  • Scissors
  • Styrofoam plate or other material for sticking the finished trees

For this beautiful oneChristmas craft ideaWith cake lace you first have to cut the doilies to the center and form cones. Then glue a shish kebab skewer into the top of a doily. Place a wooden ball on the skewer and then another cone. In this way, alternate the cake lace and beads until you reach the desired size. Push all the pieces together so that the beads are not visible and the doilies overlap a little.

If the beads are not tight enough and slip, you can fix them with hot glue. Cut off the excess part of the kebab skewer. Then you can put the finished tree in a suitable base and make one out of severalDesign a forest landscape.Styrofoam is greatsuitable for plugging.

Big Christmas tree

Another variant of crafting with cake lace for Christmas is this modern and at the same time romantic Christmas tree, for which you use a cone as the basis. You can make the cone yourself from thin cardboard or as desiredMake paperor you can use one made of Styrofoam. If you're making it yourself, simply take a piece of paper or cardboard, shape it into a cone, and glue the ends together. The lower, wide part becomes irregular and is not suitable for setting up. That's why you still have to cut the edge straight.

Then cut the doilies in half to create half circles. Now start from the bottom and glue the first semicircle to the cone with the round side down. Next to it and so that it slightly overlaps the first, then glue the second semicircle. Continue like this until the first row is finished. Then move on to the second row and glue another semicircle to the cone. Each new row should slightly overlap the previous one. Keep doing this until you get to the top.

Make glowing garlands with cake toppers for Christmas

What could be better than an extraordinary one?beautiful DIY Christmas decorations, which is also made super easy? A perfect example is this dreamy garland that can illuminate your home throughout the Christmas and winter seasons. Cake doilies in different sizes and with different patterns, a string of LED lights and possibly hot glue is all you need to create this cake lace idea for Christmas. Poke a small hole through the center of the doily and insert a light through each hole. If these don't stick well, you can fix them on the back of the doilies with a little hot glue.

Tipp:Instead of a garland, you can also use the ideafor a Christmas wreathuse. To do this, simply wrap the light chain around a Styrofoam, linen or metal ring and then place the cake doilies on the lights. Then you can use it to decorate a free wall or a door indoors.

Make snowflakes and decorate them for Christmas

Let's move on to another motif that shouldn't be missing in winter: snowflakes. No matter what shape and what material,Snowflakes always look totally romanticand fairytale-like. But when you make them with cake lace for Christmas, they look particularly charming, don't you think? You can use the finished snowflakes in different ways - string them on string to create garlands that you can hang both horizontally and vertically like curtains, or lay them individuallyon the banquet tableas a table decoration. Come up with something nice! You only need two things if you want to make snowflakes out of cake lace.

  • Small cake tip
  • Glue stick
  • possibly string for hanging

To make such snowflakes with cake toppers for Christmas, all you have to do is fold and glue them. The perfect idea if you work together with themchildren an afternoon of craftswant to spend. You need 7 doilies per snowflake, which you fold into packages as follows: first in the middle and then unfold. Fold the two sides in toward the middle, apply glue, and then fold the bottom half that you just pre-folded back up.

If you have folded seven such packages, you need to glue them together on the outside. Press the layers together firmly so that everything sticks well. Once the glue has dried, you can carefully pull apart the remaining layers and continue processing the snowflakes as desired. For example, how about you attach a string to them and hang them on the ceiling or on a lamp at different heights? Alsoas a Christmas tree decorationcut a great figure!

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