Easter craft ideas to give away – loving DIY gift ideas for Easter

Whether for mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, a dear friend, sister and brother or cousin - Easter calls for gifts that come from the heart. And homemade things are exactly the right idea. A few tasty onesSweets beautifully packaged, a DIY Easter card or pretty homemade figures to put up doesn't matter. There are really countless DIY ideas that you can implement with the children and are perfect as loving gift ideas. We have put together some of these creative Easter craft ideas to give as gifts, so you are sure to find what you are looking for. Spend a fun afternoon crafting and then make a few smiling faces with the finished projects.

Easter craft ideas to give away – greeting cards made of colored paper

It doesn't always have to be something big if you want to make someone happy. A pretty buthomemade Easter cardis also a nice gesture and is guaranteed to make mom, grandma or aunt's heart beat faster. How about these creative Easter craft ideas to give away? You can make a flower pot with tulips out of colored paper and get a fold-out card that you can write on the inside of. What you need:

  • Colored paper in two shades of beige or brown
  • Colored paper for the flowers (yellow in the example, but other flower colors are of course also permitted)
  • white paper to make a stencil
  • toothpick
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Jute twine or pretty ribbon
  • Hole punch and optional motif punch for sticking on hearts or other motifs

Greeting card with tulips

There are plenty of greeting card models as Easter craft ideas to give away. For this idea, cut out a trapezoid of any size from the white paper. Then use it as a stencil to transfer it onto the lighter colored paper. Then place the template on the traced trapezoid (the shorter of the two parallel sides on the short one). Then cut out the trapezoids, but not apart. Instead, at the line where they touch, fold the paper. Now you need a wide strip of the darker paper, which should be slightly longer than the long side of the trapezoid. Cut out this strip and use it as a template for a second one. Now you can glue strips to the trapezoids, as shown in the sketch above, and punch holes in them on the left and right.

Next you canMake tulips. You need three petals per flower, which consist of one large and two slightly smaller teardrop shapes. Fold the two small ones in half lengthwise. Glue the toothpick in the middle of the large petal and the other petals to the left and right of it, whereby they should cover the toothpick. You need three such tulip flowers per card.

Open the card and stick the flowers on the inside of the back. Then you canLabel the card. You can also use a motif punch to punch out small motifs and then stick them onto the pot to decorate it additionally (hearts in the example). You can also add some kind of label or simply write on the front by hand. Thread yarn or a pretty ribbon through the holes and tie the Easter greeting card closed. It's best to make several of these Easter craft ideas to give as gifts!

Easter bunny with window made of paper plates filled with candies

A gift that visually matches Easter and at the same time gives a little insight into the inside - these cute Easter bunnies are not only easy to make, but will delight the children. The perfect gift idea for all loved ones because it is quick to make and can be filled according to the recipient's preferences. Does the cousin have a weakness for cosmetics? Put eye shadow, nail polish and other small cosmetic items in the bunny. Does dad have a real sweet tooth? Then there would beChocolates, candiesor fruit gum very suitable! This is how the Easter bunnies are made as Easter craft ideas to give away:

  • 4 Pappteller pro Hase
  • Madness
  • black pipe cleaners
  • pom poms
  • colored paper for the bow (corrugated in the example)
  • felt-tip pens
  • Buttons


Take thatthe first paper plateand cut out its bottom. Glue foil to the inside. Draw the rabbit's face on a second plate (the outside), cut the pipe cleaners to the desired length and glue them to the plate with the face as whiskers. Then cut them out of a third plateRabbit ear shapesand the back paws and paint them with pink felt-tip pen. You are also welcome to use other colors such as finger paints, watercolors or acrylic paints.

Glue the paws to the ring, the ring to the plate for the head, and the ears to the head. Then you can turn the rabbit over, fill the “belly” and then close it with a fourth paper plate by sticking it to the ring so that a cavity is created. Glue a pom-pom for the tail. And that's it! If you have the Easter bunnies togethercraft with the childrenand help each other, with these Easter craft ideas to give away you will receive several gifts in no time.

Alternatively, you can leave out the window and instead create two pockets on the back made of half plates for filling. Then you can equip this type of craft ideas for Easter as a gift with things you have chosen yourself and give them a very individual treat.

Pretty packaging for giving away sweets or other little things

There for this idea with a sewing machinebe sewnIf you have to, it is more suitable for adults. Older children are welcome to cut the fabric or even help with the sewing if you would like to teach them how to sew. It's a really simple sewing project that even beginners can do easily. This is how the carrot bags are made as Easter craft ideas to give away:

  • Fabrics – Green (15cm) and Orange (20cm) or any other colors
  • Sewing machine and threads in matching colors
  • Scissors
  • Jutegarn
  • The stick part
  • Templatefor the carrot

Print out the carrot template, cut out the shapes and trace them onto the orange fabric. In the picture above you can see how you can distribute or arrange the carrot pattern on the fabric to save material. You will need two squares and two triangles per gift bag. Place the short side of the orange triangle along the edge of a green square, right sides together, and sew both fabrics together. Repeat with the other triangle and square. Then place these two pieces right sides together and pin them together. Sew the two triangles together along the two long sides. You can then cut off the tip just above the seam.

Then use green thread to sew the sides of the squares together, leaving the top one open for filling. Fold the green part outwards until the edge is level with the seam. Pin and sew the fabrics together. Now you can turn the carrot inside out, fill it with any gifts and tie it with jute twine.These bagsare great Easter craft ideas to give away if you still have oneFind suitable packaging.

Decorative pot made of linen as an Easter craft idea to give as a gift

Planters made of linen or other fabrics are in themselves a really pretty decoration that fits different interior styles and provides coziness. So they are the perfect gift idea for friends and relatives whoJoy in plantshave. You can design the decorative pots made of fabric to suit the occasion. To do this, you can, for example, draw rabbit faces freehand on the pots using textile pens. But iron-on transfers are also ideal. Of course, in addition to Easter bunnies, any other motifs are possible.

If you can't find a fabric planter with bunny ears, get a matching fabric and sew some yourself. The task becomes even easier if you simply shape your earsmade of feltcut out and glue or sew to the pot. Then you can start designing. In the example, the pots were also decorated with other homemade details as Easter craft ideas for giving away. You can also see in the picture which elements you need to make these (the gray ones are for a bow, the others for flowers with leaves).

Make Easter gift ideas – picture frames with moss and Easter eggs

These are incredibly friendly and also super easy to imitateredesigned picture framewith Easter eggs. You can also make such Easter craft ideas to give as gifts together with children and feel free to experiment with the decorations. You need:

  • Picture frame
  • liquid glue and brush (or hot glue)
  • artificial moss
  • Easter eggs or other decorations

Coat the glass of the picture frame with glue and spread the moss over it. Then spread a few eggs here and there and stick them in place. Because the project is so quick and easy, you can make several of these picture frames for all your friends and family. The finished Easter craft ideas to give as gifts can be set up or hung up. If you will be a guest at Easter and want to make the host happy, you can use this frame as an EasterMake souvenirs.

Easter craft ideas to give as gifts for adults

DieBreakfast egg shellsor blown out eggs can be used as vases. This has been a really popular decoration idea for the Easter holidays for several years. That's why you can use them for various Easter craft ideas as gifts. This idea is ideal as a craft project for adults and is done as follows:

  • Yield
  • Eggshells
  • artificial moss
  • Hot glue
  • small flowers, real or artificial as desired
  • Quail eggs, preferably artificial ones, as they have a long shelf life

The eggshells, whether from boiled eggs or blown ones, should be rinsed with soapy water to avoid odors later. Glue moss here and there onto a piece of bark. Then apply a drop of hot glue to the desired areas and stick the eggshells upright. In between you cana pair of Wachtel eggsdistribute. The eggshells can then be decorated with a little water and small flowers. The result is beautiful table decorations as Easter ideas to give away, which the recipient is guaranteed to be very happy about!

Design a lantern for Easter

Or how about this idea? Lanterns can be used on the dining table, a side table, the mantel,the windowsilland many other areas in the house decorate and fit perfectly at Easter. Of course, you still need a certain amount of fine-tuning to really fit the occasion. Can't find the right gift for you? So it's a good thing that there are wonderful Easter craft ideas to give away, like these in the example above! You need:

  • half eggshells, colored as desired
  • a transparent wind light
  • Dried flowers, dry grass/hay, straw or other elements
  • little Wachteleier
  • Hot glue

Rinse the eggs well with soapy water. All you then have to do for these lanterns as Easter craft ideas to give away is to glue the eggshells around the lantern. Make sure that the opening points slightly upwards and that the eggshells also touch the surface so that they do not hang freely in the air. This way the decoration will be a little more stable. Once the eggshells are well dried, you can use themwith the dry plantsand quail eggs, place a tea light in the lantern and present the gift with pride.