Greeting cards are perfect when you send your loved onesgreetings for Easterwant. They are personal and unfortunately are neglected far too much these days. They are such a joy! Ideal if you are looking for ideas for Easter crafts with children. Because the cards are even more great if you make them yourself. With today's instructions and templates you can make wonderful Easter cards with children and thus increase the anticipation of the coming celebration. Using simple materials, you can create really pretty greeting cards that are so much better than store-bought ones.
Make Easter cards with children - Easter eggs and Easter bunnies as motifs
The Easter Bunny andthe Easter eggsare probably the most typical Easter motifs and also decorate our first cards. To make your work a little easier and for smaller children, you can use templates for Easter crafts that you can find in the links below. If you want, you can of course also draw the motifs freehand. The following craft projects are really easy to implement and therefore suitable even for the little ones. All you have to do is fold, cut and glue. This is how you can make pretty Easter cards with children:
Make your own Easter bunny cards
- Craft cardboard for the card (or other sturdy paper)
- patterned paper or tape
- white paper
- pom poms
- printed Easter card templates
- Glue
- Scissors
First of all, you canthe rabbitsfor making Easter cards with children. Cut out the printed bunnies to make stencils. If you are using patterned paper, you can trace the outline directly onto the paper. If you use adhesive tape (e.g. washi tape), first stick the tape on white paper and only then transfer the rabbit shapes. Then cut out the bunnies and glue small pom-poms for the tails. Then prepare the cards. To do this, measure the middle on both long sides, connect both points with a line and cut the two halves of the sheet apart. Fold the resulting rectangles in half and you have the basis for the Easter cards. Now stick the prepared Easter bunnies on the front and you're done!
Make simple Easter cards with children – the Easter eggs
- Craft cardboard for the card (or other sturdy paper)
- Colored paper for the eggs
- printed Easter card templates
- self-adhesive glitter paper (or other as desired)
- Scissors
- Glue
In principle, you can make the Easter egg variant with children in exactly the same way as the Easter cards above. The only difference is that this time you cut out different sized triangles from glitter or other paper and then glue them onto the eggs after you glue them to the card. Of course, you can also come up with other shapes.
Glue triangles onto the egg
Easter crafts for children – bunnies made of wool
Or how about youwith wool threadsmaking an Easter bunny with children? It will be really colorful and give everyone the perfect spring mood, but of course you can also choose an Easter egg instead of the bunny. It works that simply:
- Craft cardboard for the card (or other sturdy paper)
- white paper
- Wool in any color
- template
- Pencil
- Glue
- Scissors
Print and cut out the template. Take the white sheet of paper and measure the middle on the long sides, which you then mark with a pencil line. Transfer the bunny to the right. Cut wool threads that are longer than the bunny is wide and lay them together in the desired color gradient. Then apply glue to the bunny and spread the wool threads over it. Work quickly to prevent the glue from drying prematurely, or work in sections.
Then trace the bunny onto the other half of the paper and cut out the inside. Fold the page over so that the opening rests on the wool threads and they remain visible through the opening. Glue the two halves of paper together. Now you can stick the bunny on a card.
Making Easter cards with children – templates:
for the bunnies.
for the Easter eggs.
Craft with paper for Easter – greeting cards with silhouettes on popsicle sticks
You can also make these pretty Easter cards with children using the silhouettes provided to print out or ones you choose yourself. The motifs on the stick can also be taken out of the card after giving as a gift and used for decoration. For example, you see asFlower plugs in potsvery pretty. The craft idea for children for Easter is so simple:
- white paper on which you print the stencils
- Craft cardboard for the card, white or colored as desired
- colored paper
- Ice styles
- Band
- optional beads
- Scissors and cutter (carpet knife or sharp kitchen knife)
- Glue
First you can make the plugs for the Easter cards with children. Print and cutthe silhouettes. Transfer them to the desired paper and cut them out too. Then apply some glue to one of the ends of a stem and glue the stem to the center of a design. Turn the received connector over and decorate the front with a piece of ribbon. First, glue the two ends of the ribbon to the stem, creating a ring. Then glue the middle of the upper side of the band in place in the same way. This creates loops on both sides. You could also decorate the gluing area with a pearl or a rhinestone.
Your connectors are now ready and just need to be attached to the card. Make the card out of the cardboard: Cut the paper down the middle of the long sides and then fold the smaller rectangles in half lengthwise again. Then make two small interfaces on the front that run parallel to each other. Be careful not to cut the back too. You could place a cutting board or similar object between the front and back as protection. Insert the plugs through these slots. Complete!
Make Easter cards for children with motif scissors - happy rainbow Easter eggs
These rainbow eggs are a similar idea to the wool bunnies from the example aboveMade paper stripsbecome. You can cut normal stripes with normal scissors (or buy them ready-made), but with motif scissors like in the example the whole thing looks much nicer, don't you think? Would you like a model like this? This is how you can make Easter cards with children:
- colored paper
- normal and motif scissors
- Glue stick
- optional motif punch for small accents
- Stencil for an egg
Fold the colored paper once to create a fold-out card. Using a stencil or free hand, draw a large Easter egg on the front and cut out the inside. Now cut strips out of the colored paper using motif scissors. You can also punch some of the strips and the corners of the card with a motif punch to add some accents here and there with Easter motifs.
Unfold the card and write around the inside of the cardthe egg glueon. Now you can gradually stick the prepared strips over the opening from bottom to top, creating any color gradient you want. It's best to think about this in advance and put the strips together so that you can work with the glue more quickly later. You can simply cut off any strips that stick out on the sides after gluing and then you're done. You can also choose other motifs when making these Easter cards with children.
Easter motifs made from circles or with a fork
It's good if they...Children making Easter craftsUse it to practice using scissors, but if you want it to be quick and easy or if you are making Easter cards with small children, a punch is the perfect alternative. With a simple circle punch you can recreate the cute chicks and chickens from the examples above to decorate greeting cards with them. But you can also conjure up a funny chick with a fork. Because these crafts are so easy, you can also use them wonderfully when making an Easter cardin elementary school.
Make Easter cards with children using a circle punch
If you would like to make these Easter cards with children, punch a circle out of white or yellow paper and cut it anywhere up to the center. Then fold the right side over to the center line (a quarter of the circle, so to speak). This way you get back and tail and wings at the same timeof the chicken/chick. Glue the circle onto the card, cut out a beak and, if necessary, a cockscomb from paper and glue them in place in the same way. Then use a felt-tip pen to draw only the legs and eyes and, if you want, a meadow.
With circle and heart punch
Or how about this idea if you make motifs for Easter cards with children? You can also use a heart punch for the wings and tail. First punch out a circle and cut it in half. You will receive the bodies for two chickens or roosters. For the tail you need one and a half hearts: you can cut the first one a little in the middle so that the curves are narrower. Glue half the heart between these two bulges. Then cut out the cockscomb and beak, stick everything on the card and draw the eyes and legs.
Making Easter cards with children – chicks with a fork
Place yellow acrylic or other opaque paint on a plastic or paper plate and dipa plastic forkinto the color. The fork turns into a stamp with which you transfer the color in a circle onto the card. The prongs of the fork create a fluffy feather dress. Once the paint has dried, you can glue on (or paint on) googly eyes and draw the chick's legs. If you make Easter cards with children using a fork, you can also create other animals. For example, you can stamp a sheep with white paint on a dark background.
Colorful Easter egg with tissue paper
With tissue paperIt is wonderful to work with and many different crafts are possible with this delicate paper. This Easter egg is ideal even for small children, as one parent can prepare the card and the child then only has to stick it. Here's how you can make Easter cards like this with children:
Fold any color of craft card stock in half to create a fold-out card.With the help of a stencilor free hand, draw an Easter egg on the front (but from the back) and cut out the inside. Seal the card again and trace the outline of the egg to transfer it to the inside of the back as well. Then the egg can be decorated in any color using crumpled tissue paper. For example, apply glue to a small area, let the child stick, and then apply glue to the next section.
You can find a template for this egghere.