Make mushrooms out of paper, plastic, etc.: These DIY autumn decorations delight adults and children!

September 23, 2023 marks the start of autumn - we're talking about pumpkin-based delicacies, fragrant autumn candles and beautiful, autumnal accents for the outdoor area. But how can you spend your free time during the season? On rainy days you can go alone or with yoursMake mushrooms for children!

Is there anything cozier than a sweater dress on a cold night? A house decorated with homemade fall decorations, definitely! Having a few freshly picked pumpkins on your doorstep may give you a brief hint of fall, but they won't last forever. These easy-to-make mushroom decorations are a small way to make the kids happy and decorate the house and garden.

Making mushrooms – autumn decoration ideas for children and adults

You should definitely try these DIY projects!

Make mushrooms out of paper

You can create realistic replicas of natural objects using everyday materials - paper bags are a fantastic craft resource! You wouldn't believe what incredibly expressive and elegant shapes you can create from a crumpled and flexible brown paper bag.

What you need:

  • Small paper bag
  • Scissors
  • A stick
  • Craft glue or a glue gun
  • Playdough or air-dry clay
  • Scraps of fabric, pebbles (or rice) and string

Optional materials:

  • Acrylic paint
  • A brush
  • Sticker dots
  • colored pencils

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Tear open the top of the paper bag and slowly roll the bag inward until you reach the bottom. You can cut off a quarter or even half of the paper bag before rolling it up to make smaller, more delicate mushrooms or to make this activity easier for young hands.
  2. Roll up the bag and shape it into a mushroom head. You can only get pillow-like mushroom heads if you crush the paper bag thoroughly. Shape the end of the rolled up bag into a mushroom head by kneading it.
  3. Some mushrooms have a flat crown, others form a deep dome. You can look at examples or just experiment with the shape until you like it. Optionally, you can also paint the mushroom cap. Acrylic paint or tempera paint can be used to give some of the mushroom caps in your pile a unique look. Paint the mushroom cap and let it dry. You can speed up the drying process with a hairdryer.
  4. Look for a stick that is suitable as a handle: Thick sticks or cuttings from small bushes are particularly suitable for mushroom trunks. Select a suitable specimen and, if necessary, smooth the end by cutting off the edges. Is it difficult to get canes in your area? One option is to twist three or four pipe cleaners together, fold them in half, and then wrap them in a paper bag.
  5. Place a base under your mushroom so it can stand upright. Choose a base that best suits your needs and aesthetic preferences. For example, make a foundation for your mushroom out of air-drying clay so that the mushroom can stand upright. You can also just stick some mushrooms into a large clump of play dough. A square of fabric scraps also works well to create a weighted bundle. Fill the fabric with a few grains of rice, small stones, or something similar, then wrap the ends of the fabric around the stick and secure with twine.
  6. Glue the mushroom cap to the end of the stick using craft glue or a hot glue gun.
  7. Add the finishing touches to your mushrooms to give them personality. For example, you can decorate some of the mushroom caps with small glue dots. You can also use any decorative arts and crafts materials you have on hand - paint pens,Pencils, waste paperetc.

Mushroom fairy house for your outdoor area

Even though summer is coming to an end, you're probably still looking for ways to keep your children occupied and to stimulate their imagination instead of watching TV or playing video games. What could be more creative in comparison? This DIY mushroom fairy house will be a lot of fun for your kids to imagine and build. The children can't go wrong when building and decorating their mushroom fairy house. Maybe your children haven't been able to meet up with their friends all summer. Invite some friends over for some imaginative crafting fun.

Set up a different station for each craft activity and watch children's imaginations blossom.

Materials needed for a mushroom fairy house:

  • White paper plates
  • Red marker – several different sized pens are helpful for this craft
  • Red plastic cup – black, green, orange or brown would also be good choices
  • Scissors
  • 1 acorn cap
  • Hot glue gun
  • Artificial green

Instructions for building a magical house from mushrooms:

  1. The instructions are quite simple and can be easily modified if yourChildren's decorationswant to use. The first step is to use the red marker to paint abstract shapes and circles on the upside down white bowl. Coloring and shaping within the lines is a good fine motor exercise for young children.
  2. The next step is to turn the cup over. Use the scissors to make a cut 4 cm high and 2.5 cm to the left of the opening. Create a door fold by bending the opening back on itself.
  3. Glue the acorn cap to the lock. With this knob you can open the fairy door.
  4. Cut off sections of the artificial foliage that are between 6 – 7 cm long. Planting on both sides of the entrance can be attached with hot glue.
  5. Use glue to glue the paper cup to the top of the inverted cup. The mushroom design fairy house is finally finished!