Make seed bags out of paper

When the pretty flowers in our garden wither and go to seed, we need a suitable container in which to collect them and store them until spring. It should be compact and dry, but at the same time not retain moisture in order to avoid mold formation. So what would be particularly suitable for this purpose? Small paper bags are the solution and you can make these from any paper. Whether made from colorful craft paper, beautifully designed bread wrapping paper or newspaper and magazine paper to recycle - they are all a good choice! Today we'll show you how to make seed bags using some craft instructions. This way you have all the seeds ready to hand when the time comes and if the bags are labeled, you always know exactly.which seedswhere are stored.

Especially if you have a lot of different onesPack seedsIf you want to do this, you need quick instructions to get plenty of packages in a short amount of time. And with our first idea, you get a simple version with which you can make seed bags.

  • brown craft paper, bread wrapping paper or newspaper
  • Pencil
  • Lineal
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • optional labels for sticking on and writing on

If you would like to make these seed bags, take a piece of paper and draw a square of the desired size (in the example 19 cm). Cut out the square and fold the left side to the right, leaving a gap of about 120mm to the right edge. Unfold the paper and then fold the bottom edge of the paper (perpendicular to the fold) inwards once (60 to 120 mm wide). Apply glue to the resulting tab and fold the paper back up. Fold the right edge that you left free to the left, apply glue to the inside and glue this tab in place too. Now you can label the package orwith a labelfor labeling and filling (e.g. using a funnel). To close it, you can fold the open edge over once or twice and attach a small clip or glue it shut directly.

Make your own trapezoidal bags without gluing

Using the origami folding techniqueYou can also make small bags. The following instructions are for a trapezoid-shaped bag that is really pretty to look at - no matter what type of paper you use. But we particularly like the patterned origami paper and it makes us look forward to the coming spring. The bags are also quick and easy to make, especially if you save yourself the trouble of drawing and cutting out the square by using ready-made origami paper. It's just folded. So if you want to make paper bags without gluing, these models are perfect!

  • Papier (z.B. Origami-Papier)
  • maybe scissors

If you want to cut out the square yourself, take an A4 or A5 format, take one corner and fold it diagonally until edge meets edge. Simply cut off the protruding strip. Now you can make the seed bag. Fold the square diagonally (if you cut out the square yourself, you already have this fold). Then fold one of the two sharper corners and then the other one inwards.

Now take the top layer of the right-angled corner, fold it over and tuck it between the two layers of the top tab. You can now fill the bag. To close, simply fold the other layer of the right-angled corner into the same opening. You can make these seed bags if you are looking for a model that can be easily opened and closed again and again.

Finally, label the small bag and you can then make the other seed bags. The craft is so easy that even children can help. Perfect if you're watching them anywayteach gardeningand want to integrate them into such tasks.

Make narrow seed bags with a seam

These cute little bags look very nice, especially because of the seam on the sides. You can get these with a sewing machine and you don't have to be a sewing professional to get them done. It is best to use stronger paper such as cardboard. You can use the finished bagswith pretty floral motifsDesign for a vintage look and stickers are used to seal it. This is how you can make the seed bags:

  • Papier festivals
  • Ruler, pencil and scissors or paper cutter
  • Sewing machine (alternatively, strong glue is also suitable)
  • Sealing sticker
  • optional felt-tip pens for painting

Cut any width out of the paperstrips out. Then fold the strip upwards, leaving a piece free at the top. You will later fold this tab at the top to close it. Then sew the two long sides together with a simple seam (or use glue). Then fold the top edge down and then design the bags as you wish, fill them and stick the flap in place with a sticker. In the example, the bags were labeled with a typewriter, but freehand or with stamps is also a good idea.

Make small bags in the shape of envelopes

Sympatheticsmall envelopesyou will receive with these instructions. To close, use washi tape for a few colorful pops of color or alternatively neutral tape. When making these seed bags, you can use parchment paper like in the example, but newspaper and other paper are also ideal. It will be sewn again, but if you don't have a sewing machine, you can use glue or tape instead (glue is less suitable for transparent paper).

  • Parchment paper
  • sewing machine
  • Washi tape or other adhesive tape
  • Scissors

Would you like to make these seed bags? Then you first have to cut out the shape shown from the paper. You can see the dimensions for this in the picture, but you can of course adapt them to your wishes. After you cut out the shape, make the envelope. To do this, fold the wide part in half so that only the narrower flap sticks up. Then sew the two sides on the right and left together with a simple seam. You can then easily cut off any excess paper on the sides. Alternatively, you could use glue, or stick one side halfway across the width of a piece of tape and fold the tape over to seal the envelope.

Now fold the tab forward to close the opening. Fill it, glue the envelopewith washi tapeor adhesive tape, label it and you can store your package or give it away.

Tipp:If you like the idea of ​​envelopes but are in a bit of a hurry or just don't feel like doing crafts, just use ready-made envelopes! They are available in abundance, in a variety of colors, patterns and sizes. So you are guaranteed to have no problems finding the right model. And if not, just take simple ones and design them with youself-painted pictures, stickers and other things.

Make a bag with a template – floral vintage motifs

Are all the previous ideas not simple enough for you? Then we'll definitely hit the jackpot with this model. You will also receive a template to print out along with the following instructions, but you will need a color printer for this. Alternatively, you can print and cut the template in black and white and then use it as a stencil to transfer it to the desired colored paper. After you make these seed packets, you can give them as gifts because of their pretty lookas a guest giftuse at a party or wedding.

  • Paper (in the example cardboard)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Lineal

Print out the templates. Using a ruler, fold the flaps on the left, right and top inwards. Simply place the ruler firmly at the fold and fold the paper over. Take the ruler away again and fold it even more firmly with your hand. Then fold the long part underneath the motif. Then just apply glue to the two side tabs and glue everything together. Once you have filled the packets, you can also tape the top opening shut.

Printable template.

Make seed bags and give them away

If you don't want to make the seed bags for yourself, but rather as a gift for a dear friend, colleague or family member, you should of course still do so“packaged” in an interesting waybecome. A door wreath like this is a really nice idea for this purpose, don't you think? Whether you use a braided wreath or wrap ribbon around a Styrofoam wreath and then attach the seed bags is up to you. Ultimately, all you have to do is make the seed bags and then add string or yarn to them and then tie them to the wreath.

Alternatively, a dab of hot glue is also suitable. The only important thing is that the bags can be removed later without the paper tearing. The seed bags should therefore definitely remain intact. So hot glue is solid paperlike cardboardMore recommended for making bags.

You can also make seed packets, then the packetson a popsicle stickGlue them together and turn them into little plugs. Then fill a pot with potting soil and insert the seed bags into it. Then add a pretty bow and the gift is ready.